Blue blood line 


Brown bag lunches 

OED Online: 


 1. Blood said to characterize old and aristocratic families (originally those of Spain). Hence: noble, aristocratic, or upper-class birth or lineage.


Basque region of Spain: "sangre azul"


"blue blood, n.". OED Online. December 2016. Oxford University Press. (accessed March 06, 2017).


for more videos see:


Milo van der Maaden 

I realized that I find the form of team-teaching a relevant, this will ensure that the teacher is more approachable and if there is a critical reflection of both teachers, there is less chance of an unconscious preferences or aversions in the classroom. It also allows for teaching by example, if the teachers change each other, open up discussion and don't necessarily have to agree, it creates more space for students to do the same. For this reason I decided to collaborate with an artist. Milo van der Maaden is currently based in London, but moving to Amsterdam in the summer. Milo has an art practice in the field of political art and performance art and is engaged in feminist and queer studies. I think our workmethod is very similar, though we have different fields of interest, we incorporate the theocratical and the artistic. We also have a similar artistic output; performance, video and installation, and for Milo also the medium of theater. Every Sunday we share our thought on the subject of education, so we get to know our personal, theocratical and artistic motivations. In the moth of June we will start by sharing each others readings and discussing them. In July we will look for additional readings in the context of education, and August we want to formulate a draf for an artistic research seminar for Bachelor and Master level art students. The idea is to develop a seminar deprived from the seminar I did with Christine at AVU Prague and to focus on combining the research and art practice though the process association. The seminar will be for Bachelor and Master students of art schools

I decided to join the Brown Bag Lunches at WDK

And m eoistle became the Diary entries 



Café Chercher is an inter-diciplinary and inter-institutional platform, but could it also be exchange between different phases/levels of education? 


We have had mainly master and PhD students presenting and performing, but I want to invite more bachelor students and invite more professors. To give empowerment to the bachalor students and to bring the professors to the same level of the students.

one proffessor 

two Bachalor students

Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. Their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus blood factor. This means the positive blood contains a protein that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. (...) Only 15% of the entire world's population are known to have the RH negative blood factor. it is also the universal donar for blood to other bloodtypes. 

An RH negative pregnant mother's body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. A positive mother's body does not fight the negative baby she is carrying however.(?)

blue blood type Just about all of the European Royal families have the RH Negative (Rhesus Monkey Factor Negative, RH-) blood with a high degree of “O” type blood. ( O Rh-negative). The distribution of O RH-negative blood is less than 5% in total world population. RH-blood can contain elevated Copper levels when compared to all other blood types(?). Silver has one of the most powerful antibacterial properties of any substance naturally occurring. 


Getting in the system!!


A plea for institutional doubt.

A plea for students contributions. 

- students Artistic Research don't have a studio 

- students of Artsitc Research miss practice tutorials 

- students miss sharing their work with others  




Ask for help and look for allays:

Marte van Rijswijk (meeting 23 March)

Result: will support Café Chercher by making the location VOX-POP UvA Creative Space available for a new season next year.  

Students Artistic Research (meeting 28 March)
Results: Need for space, sharing, and need for practice tutorial

Mia (meeting 28 March)

Result: support, on the UvA humanties emaillist and names people to contact fo help

Sher Doruff (meeting 30 March)

Result: DAS art meeting and RIetveld Research group support  


Miraim van RIjsingen (meeting 12 April) 



"Bloodline" is passed throught the man by name 

Perhaps the "real" bloodline creates a different family portrait  


get data and make a plan 


1 and 2 April: 




Talk to the big boss


Talk to Jeroen Boomgaard head of Artstic Research Master UvA and coordinator of ARIAS (new PhD Artistic Research in Amsterdam

(Meeting Monday the 3rd of April)


- one day a week for Café Chercher (sponsored) 

- practice tutorial for the students Artstic Research 



Jeroen will propose Café Chercher as part of ARIAS and in May he will have the budget calculations

Jeroen agreed to the proposal of a practie tutorial, I'll have to hand in a concept end May (Café Chercher is essential for the tutorial)

I will expand the network of Café Chercher and look for alternative sponsors 



Execute the plan and show results en May 

- ask what the studends need and what they miss

- develop a practice tutorial 

- keep a logbool of my activities

- work on network and promotion 

- find suplementary sponsoring 


I want to ask for the doubt of the month: what did you start doubting about? What new questions came u? (Richard Freyman video)