Research Proposal- February 2013
Cranio Sacral Therapy and Singing
Student and main subject: Anna Walker, Singing
Research Coaches: Yvonne Smeets, Ami Shamir
Title of the Research: Cranio Sacral Therapy and Singing
Research question: „How can Cranio Sacral Therapy be relevant in helping me/ singers to overcome physical obstructions and free up my/their instrument?”
Artistic expression requires a functioning instrument. For a singer the body is the instrument with which he expresses himself/ herself. The music passes through his/her mind and body, carried by the breath that moves through his/ her vocal chords and vibrates in the resonance space in- and outside of the body. In order to produce a free sound and to make the voice function healthily, the body must be in balance to serve as an instrument.
Through trauma at birth or later in life some of the bodily structures can be blocked and using the instrument can be difficult. The body can compensate and usually still sing, but in a lot of singers one can observe so called “bad habits”- things a singer does while singing that are meant to compensate but that actually interfere with singing. The technical education we get from our singing teacher helps to deal with those habits and establish a good use of voice and body, but sometimes a singer can become frustrated if the body does not respond in the way he and the teachers want.
Then it could be helpful to look directly at the physical obstructions that could have been caused by trauma and try to release them.
I had some difficulties and also frustration during my singing studies. I felt some obstruction and found it difficult to do what my teachers asked me. (For example to release my jaw) I felt my technical progress somewhat difficult and slow. Already a few years ago I started working on my body because I felt that I wanted to become freer in my singing. (Alexander Technique, Osteopathie, Yoga)
Then in 2012 a brief encounter with Cranio Sacral Therapy during a session with Ami Shamir made me curious about its effects for singing. I immediately felt an important change in my jaw and neck, which improved my freedom to perform and wanted to understand why this approach helped me so much.
I believe that CS Therapy can be very beneficial for singers because of it’s impact on the head- neck- spine relationship that is particularly important for singers because of the influence of posture/ alignment on breath, sound, articulation etc.
I am curious to investigate on my own example, what process with my body I am in. I would like to understand how Cranio Sacral Therapy has helped me with my physical obstructions and how it hopefully continues to improve my singing.
I would like to make other singers aware of their possibility to become freer performers by treating their own physical obstacles. I would like to find out what their difficulties, frustrations and therapy experiences are and then research in what way Cranio Sacral Therapy could make a difference for them too.
Research process
1 Literature
· “Craniosacral Therapy” John E. Upledger & Jon D. Vredevoogd, (Eastland Press, 1983)
· „Your Inner Physician and You“ John E. Upledger
· „Working Wonders, Changing Lives with CranioSacral“ John E. Upledger
· “Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Volume one”
Michael J. Shea (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)
· “Wisdom in the Body”
The craniosacral approach to essential health
Michael Kern (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)
2 Interviews
· Ami Shamir,- I questioned him about the last 3 years of work with me, my obstacles, the causes, the therapy, the process I am in. I recorded the interview on video and made a transcript (December 2012)
· My singing teachers,- I will question them about their view on my singing both at the beginning of my studies and now, about my physical difficulties, about my progress, about the direction for my development over the next 2 years
· Singing colleagues, I will question them about their physical difficulties, how it affects their performance, their “bad habits”, their frustration, their therapy experiences (what did they try to improve, why and did it make a difference?) etc. I made the questionnaire, will discuss it with my coach and then send it to as many singers as possible)
· Hopefully I will find a singing teacher to interview that uses Cranio Sacral Therapy in his/ her teaching (Stephanie Hoffmann, Hamburg)
3 Observation
· I watch myself sing (Videos of my Bachelor Recital, Videos of Singing Lessons and Practice)
4 Analysis
· Use the information gained in my interviews and questionnaire to answer the following questions:
What were/ are my specific physical issues?
Where am I now and where do I want to go with my singing?
What effect has made Cranio Sacral Therapy on my body and how has this influenced my singing?
What aspect of my singing would I like to focus on in my singing lessons and therapy sessions?
What are the most common physical tensions that make performing as a singer difficult?
What strategies could help in overcoming these physical tensions?
What would be the ideal singing body?
· Use the information I get from literature to answer the following questions
What is Cranio Sacral Therapy?
In which cases is it used?
How does CST work?
What obstructions did I have on a physical level?
What were the reasons for these problems on a physical level?
What parts of my body were treated?
· Use the information I get from watching myself perform to answer the following questions:
Are there things („bad habits“) in my singing that disturb the artistic performance and delivery of music and text? What are they?
Which of these things and habits have something to do with physical obstacles that could be improved through Cranio Sacral Therapy?
What do I want to improve over the next two years?
Expected Results and Form
· I will be able to explain, show/ demonstrate graphically or on an anatomical model what my physical issues were (where the blockages were), why I had them (demonstrate what happens during vacuum extraction birth) and how they made singing difficult for me (what membranes, structures are particularly important for singing and how they are linked)
· I will sing live/ or show a video of me singing demonstrating the effect of the obstructions on my performance to show in which way the performance could be improved by having treated the obstructions
· I will describe what the most common difficulties are that singers have with their bodies and for what reasons these difficulties occurred.
· I will show my collection of the complaints the singers I questioned deal with and explain what CST could do for them
· I will be able to explain how Cranio Sacral Therapy works to release tensions and obstructions and why it was so effective in my case
“My belief is in the blood and flesh as being wiser that the intellect. The body- unconscious is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we know that we are alive, alive to the depths of our souls and in touch somewhere with the vivid reaches of the cosmos.” (D.H. Lawrence)
Cranio Sacral Therapy and Singing?
In Hamburg there is a singing teacher combining Singing with craniosacral work. According to her craniosacral work can be a great help with singing. Her website can be found under the following link:
I am planning to interview Frau Stefanie Hoffmann about her work and experience. Hopefully I'll be able to also talk to some of her students.
Literature List
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Volume one
Michael J. Shea (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)
Wisdom in the Body
The craniosacral approach to essential health
Michael Kern (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)
Craniosacral Therapy
John E. Upledger & Jon D. Vredevoogd
(Eastland Press, 1983)
Working Wonders
Case Studies from Practitioners of CST
The Upledger Institute (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)
Your Inner Physician and You
CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmational Release
John E. Upledger (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California)