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A sketched line on a page is folded, then unfolded to be drawn again, retraced, and the page is folded again. Now, the line is seen from the opposite side of the page as a hidden path parallel to the paper's crease. This process reshapes and serves as a transparent reminder of nothingness. Mirre absorbs her practice as an appearance of layers growing on each other but always preserving an emptiness. This is a starting point for a passage to all that already exists and what can become. Her inner reflections on her artistic practices flow back and forth to the outer landscape as a continuous reaction. She reflects on the two levels of her practice: rational awareness and an indistinct, fluid process, which symbolizes a paradox between safety and danger, similar to straightening rivers still facing a flood. Therefore, the unpredictable is a risk. It represents the vulnerability and non-functionality of an artist. In her text, an empty room symbolizes a space for an unguided void, an undirected, unpredictable, and uncontrolled work to unfold. The "unemployed negativity" concept removes the rationale that creates an openness, an empty floor, allowing for reciprocal rational and cognitive possibilities. It emphasizes the need for the unknown as an opportunity to linger in an experience. An act of removal assumes significance as a conduit to the void. Whether the transformative removal of a head or a physical gesture of separation, it signifies vulnerability and liberation. A transformative head removal is an opening act that holds a physical act of parting the body, acknowledging the vulnerability of being cut open, and interpreting the natural course of circulation. It embodies a duality- a gift of emancipation and a self-position of independence. It may form a surge, threatening to overcome your presence, head, and torso, or it might slowly drip until you're faced with the pieces on the ground.
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