Unmaking Abstractions

This text serves as the primary written component of the artistic reflection, created to function as a guide to the artistic result and to reflect on the PhD project.



Questions for YouTubers

These short questionnaires are filled out by the YouTubers who created the Holder tutorials, offering insights into their work as online instructors and the tutorials they make. 

Simulating Seasons in Virtual Reality

A book chapter in the open access publication Changing Seasonality: How Communities are Revising their Seasons.

"The social sciences, from anthropology to sociology, have long studied how seasons order people’s sense of time, social life, relationship to the environment, and politics. In the humanities, seasons play an important role in literature, art, archaeology and history. This book advances scholarship in these fields, and enriches it with extrascientific insights from practice, to open up exiting new directions in climate adaptation." (De Gruyter, 2024)

This text is one of several exchanges with the CALENDARS research group during the course of this PhD research. CALENDARS is based at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at UiB and explores the ways people perceive and effect seasonal patterns in different communities and fields of activity. The artwork Two Rocks Do Not Make a Duck was presented in several CALENDARS events and amongst other things used as a workshop module functioning as a departure point for discussions about seasonality. The book chapter "Simulating seasons in virtual reality" addresses the seasonal aspect of the artwork Two Rocks Do Not Make a Duck as well as the process, challenges and some of the technological affordances and limitations in developing a virtual landscape where seasonal changes occur.