




- decide for an urban area, that is easily accessible, where you feel comfortable, where there is other people, which is not overly spectacular

- take a time keeper, an A 4 paper, a small pen

- take then only what you need to return to your belongings

(leave bags, mobile phones etc. in a safe place)

- be dressed adequately for spending 40 minutes outside


1) tuning

- you have arrived

- find a place to start you are relatively comfortable within the urban situation

- sit down or stand in relative stillness

- notice the movements your body is engaged in a position of relative stillness

- continue for 2 min, then change position and slightly the site

do it about 3 times


2) Nahbereich

- find a place to start

- find a position of relative stillness within the urban situation

condense and expand your attention to your "Nahbereich" that is the voluminous area your body occupies, where everything is within bodyreach for you


- what joins your Nahbereich, what disappears?


move however you wish (engage in travelling)

- from and with this attention

- in any dimension and in any direction


follow your curiosity

- negotiate between attending to your Nahbereich and to which activities, movements, sites, encounters... it makes you engage with


Where does it lead you? (activities, movements, sites, encounters...)


take around 30 minutes for this

3) notation

- take the A4 sheet of paper

- notate quickly and spontaneously through words or drawings or both

- in no sequential or graphic or geographic order, unless it happens

- the landscape you encountered (landscape as everything that took place)

- not more than 10 minutes

- use the notation to engage in a conversation

* The Practice of the Nahbereich was brought to the project by Sabine Zahn.



- decide for an urban area, where you feel comfortable

- take your mobile phone or a small camera

- tape the lens


- find a place to start


- find a position of relative stillness


- let your attention sink into your "Nahbereich that is the voluminous area your body occupies, where everything is within bodyreach for you


- attend to your Nahbereich, include moving in any dimension and direction


- what joins it, what slips out?


- notice when the Nahbereich is gaining density, when you can sense a co-constition with other entities


- remove the tape on the lens and let the camera be part of what continues to emerge


- (the camera is there with you and with what is happening,it does not see anything nor show anything

it is an attentive part of what you do and markes a moment of your attention)


- notice when something has finished, tape the lens and find a place to start again.


* The Practice of the Nahbereich (Proximate Sphere - Variation [Marking with Camera]) was brought to the project by Sabine Zahn.