Ecology in Action: (13.09.2022, I)


The structuring focus/principle for this Ecology in Action is an enquiry into the modality, attitude or intention of relation or connection practised within the Ecology and (1) To explore how these different modes are experienced within the same practice; (2) To become sensitised to  the various modes and how they are experienced.


* Format/Focus: A 40-minute semi-structured Ecology in Action.

* Practices are not disclosed at the outset of practising.


* An undisclosed number of practices which are not identified in advance (other than being ‘not new’ - ie. they already described through "scores" in SINGLE PRACTICES), are practised as three explorations (by 3 different persons).


* Within a period of 40 minutes each researcher agrees to transition through different modes or attitudes of connection from (A) Separation (autonomy) – that is, to practice in isolation from others’ practice, by not being affected or in touch with the other practices, but rather highly immersed/absorbed by their singular practice; (B) Parallel (Open, in Touch) – that is, to practice with awareness and openness to others’ practices but not directly interacting with them; (C) Interwoven (interaction) – that is, to be influenced by and interact with others' practices, open to affecting and being affected by the others’ practices and practising.


Organisation: No set time cues are set for transitioning from one mode/attitude of connection to another. An agreement is made to follow the sequence (C, A, B) and that this sequence is undertaken only once. Each researcher transitions from one mode/attitude of connection to the next (in sequence), spontaneously as ‘called’ by the unfolding Ecology in Action. 



* The Practice of Transcription had multiple sources, including the recorded conversation taking place after the Ecology in Action from the last meeting 08.07.2022, alongside listening to the unfolding of the live practices within the current Ecology.

* The Practice of Reading uses as its source text the transcription of the Ecology in Action from 08.07.2022 and from 12.09.2022.