
Some of the practices performed within this project generate Artefacts, that is, objects that can be distinguished and therefore isolated from the actions that have produced them. Since we believe that the Ecologies in Action and the Single Practices provide conditions of and for aesthetic thinking, then we wonder - how might contact with the Artefacts generated therein also enable aesthetic thinking?

To the right we present various Artefacts generated within our Ecologies in Action. The Artefacts are grouped by the date of the originating Ecology in Action - and are presented in a reverse chronology with the most recent Artefacts encountered first. We include a hyperlink to the corresponding recording of the Ecology in Action - to enable the reader to cross-reference between the Ecology and the resulting Artefacts (if desired).

The artefacts include (1) Drawings that were generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, or better, that are the visible traces of a drawing process/practice that remain beyond the durational liveness of the Ecology in Action itself [Click images to enlarge]; (2) A typed record of the language-based content that was unfolding within the durational liveness of the Ecology in Action (e.g. transcription of the voiced content arising from Practices of Reading, Practice of Voiced Observation, Practice of Conversation) or a written record of the language-based content that was being typed live during an Ecology, including the Practice of Live Transcription, Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing).




I. Intermingling. Coexisting. Over and over. Possibility materialising. Ex-pecting. Intermittent phrasing. Attentive difference mirroring. Touch, something happens. Cooperation. Concurrency. Delicate decisions, soft letting. In-fluence, fluid, sinking. Sensitivity opens of a field of experience, of difference. Without looking – letting. Expanding a different kind of deciding. Inhabiting the soft letting, these two zones unfolding. Sinking, dissolving – deactivating the willing. To activate a space and yet leave it open. Looking without seeing. An empty frame – this pulsing of listening and in-between-ness expanding. Coming into contact, interweaving of awareness, unfolding. Bleed of the present, waiting, retreating. Waiting as a middle space, liminal. Receptivity at the edges of what might be unfolding – there is the matter of relaxation. A soft quality – almost dusk-like, blankness opening. A question of receiving. Per-ceiving. A whole set of possibilities, and then, a step further, ob-serving. Again and again, in touch, realising. No start or finish, no cut, only transition. Within duration, modulating resonance, a pattern of simultaneity. There are lines that will remain – it is not obvious. Not to need to know to come into a mode of engagement. Receiving tentatively - the logic of the material needs to orient first. Variety of interaction, trusting. Ex-ploring. Ex-pecting. There is something happening all the time. Letting – to let, to bleed, to seep, fluid.


II. Letting. Bleed of the present, deactivating the willing. Letting - all the time. A long extension of time, a long duration, flat duration. Silent letting – concurrency in all modes of different relations, pulsing. ­From the beginning, no me controlling.  Something thrown. Between – what is happening in between is what is happening all the time. Or maybe better, no duration because no end and no beginning. These sensitivities to different rhythms. The agency, the agency of these impulses, coming into being in difference. If we observe it (the time, the duration) from where (when?) we are now. Now, letting. Sometimes leading, sometimes following. A line, a gap – how to expand, how to extend this experience into language. This language happening, expanding and felt in the body. Coming to be, a middle way – seeing and not seeing, it is not obvious. Now letting it (the time? the duration? this now? Realising, yet decisions are not made. Receptivity at the edges to what else might be unfolding. This is a radical way of cooperation. Convergence – felt possibilities intermingling. Letting it develop by itself – spontaneously. Waiting. Waiting. Something happens and it becomes a possibility. Infinite possibilities of infinite possible touches, infinite possible realisations. Waiting. To see (it)self develop. An empty frame – and to be basically open to that developing. It does not depart from a lack, from a void, from something missing, to-come. Develop(ing), appear(ing), realising a separation and then coming into contact. Appear(ing) for us letting. Observing duration. Each touch within duration, modulating resonance. Parallel spaces and parallel times – a pattern of simultaneity. Observing. Waiting as observing. A necessary continuity yet also not continuous. More than one thing unfolding, mobilising, sometimes leading, sometimes following. To realise, to sense, as ob-serving. These impulses for the next force coming. Decisions are not made. Letting it(self) appear in front of us – waiting.


III. Collaging a different form of sense making, to come and then go back. The cursor as it is unfolding each word, following, what is in the frame. It almost, it is almost not a whole fragment, much more intermingling. It is the dynamic of an ecology, there is a frame and there is what happens within that. There is an inherent dynamic, depending on each component. This arc, to not structure, but it is possibility. To see feeling, expanding, in the process, establishing, shared experiencing freely. Arising attention, how is the attention moving, it also evolves through practice. Free flow of fluidity only possible through a certain confidence, of practising, it needs to develop its own pace. Familiarisation that leads to defamiliarisation, for the unexpected, spontaneous. A call is recurring, what calls for other ways. Realising, to figure, to try out, deliberation happens in other moments. To drift, to become something else. Conditions that are conducive, revelations, collapsing, it shows. A certain kind of state having entered and engaged, certain conditions for diving in.


IV. Appearance, arising. To dive in and let things evolve. A minimal practice arising, upcoming, turning, bending, and deciding not. Materialising, deactivating the willing. Sinking. Dissolving. Deactivating, wavering, happening. Waiting, resonating. Pulsing. Abandoning phrasing. Wondering. There are other practices. There is another horizon, beyond decision. How to continue connection. Delicate membranes, dissipating. Delicate disappearing. Negotiation. Breathing in and out. Retaining, again. Unfolding reflection, to continue unfolding. Drifting. Soft letting, sinking. Tangible trembling – no me controlling. Bending, sinking, sensing differences. Folding. Bending. Holding. All the practices can be resituated. Pulsing, disruption, disruption. Curvature waiting, patient. Concurrency. A space opens, immanent. Saying nothing. Seeing and not seeing, something missing to come. Seeing to not bring into form. Expecting. Co-existing. Each new phase, this in-between. Inbetweeness – looking. Object of observation, no single horizon. No separation – this is a radical way of cooperation. It is thinkable. Ex-pecting. Co- With. Inviting. Co-operation. To continue living. There is a small grade between listening and hearing – how to realise, to practice, to develop co-operation. There is always the possibility to stop. There is always the possibility. What do I know about something, acting with. An object emerging out of the convergence of several contingent agencies. Co-operating – acting with, simply, so simple as acting. Not notice, not deciding. A different kind of deciding – next force, the empty frame expecting. Not knowing what the other sees. Being in relation with, active connection. The moment of a call expecting. Not alone but with something else. Variety of interaction – a tangible rhythm. Invitation – drawing into and drawing out of a liminal space. To not be able to focus at a short distance. Still waiting. Concurrency emergent. Clearly not representation, tangible criteria. How to activate a space and yet leave it open. Being in between. A question of receiving, revealing, turning. Bending. Bending inwards. This shadow opening. It becomes evident. Being active in between. What come through this zone waiting, between inside and outside, between oneself and its own actions and the actions of others., the own actions. Co-habitation. Pulled into something by something. New possibilities unfolding. Movement, no manipulation. Extending, realising. This sensitivity to these thresholds. Language quickens – a dialogue without fully abandoning the possibility of reorientation. Equivalent sensitivity – language beings, language begins. Stepping back – circling, in repetition. Unfolding, a language allowing for no words. Interweaving – the mutual touch of liminal spaces. Rhythms overlapping. Constantly deciding, disappearing. Confluence. Nearness. Continuity and discontinuity. Parallel spaces and parallel times. Touch – different impulses. Touch, varying. The mutual touch of liminal spaces – always (there – with-us). In touch with multiple surfaces, touch of shadow, awaiting. Variation, brief meeting. Light interplay. Is there an it? Change, conditions, a common focus turning, common difference. Not having this play, this wondering – language, less-ness. What is happening in between, happening all the time. Connectivity to what is happening, shifting all the time. Possibilities that require a different tone of voice, that allows for. The organisation or structuring, practising this pull. A clearing, a slippage – to be attentive, delicate connection. Retaining slowness.


Extension. Curvature. Holding. Different impulses. Disruption. Withdrawal. Concurrency. These sensitivities to different dynamics and rhythms. It is not obvious. Sensitivity to these thresholds sometimes appearing unexpectedly. Sinking. Ex-pecting void emergent. There is also something that is evolving. Not seeing but reacting to different impulses, pulsing. Observing. Anticipating. Trembling. Feeling the infinite possibilities, possibilities appearing. Infinite possibilities of infinite possible touches. Reorientation, next impulses. There is the matter of relaxation, shimmering. This pulsing of listening and in-between-ness. Crystallisation. It opens a field of experience, of difference. To activate a space and yet leave it open. Opening. Sinking. Possibilities resonating – mutual in relation, sometimes leading and sometimes following. Possibilities actualised by the influence of other agencies, immanent difference. In-fluence. It is not consistent, and yet this lack of consistency is not a failure or a deficit. Approach and then dispersal. Communicable, this wondering, coming nearer and moving away. The slowness manifests in different ways – pulsing, intermingling, wondering. It is demanding, to activate a space and yet leave it open. These two zones unfolding – opening and closing. Co-inhabitation. Without looking, letting. Letting as a different kind of deciding. There arises a kind of impulse out of experiencing. Again and again, this invitation to move forwards, constantly breathing, bending, realising. Pulled into the shadow saying nothing. This being at the edge. Practising concurrently, co-existing. Receptivity at the edges of what might be unfolding. Something happens and it becomes a possibility. A generative field of discrete tension. Expecting, ex-pecting. Dissolving. Wavering. Delaying. A space of delaying. Letting as a different kind of decision making, delaying the actualisation of the course of events. It opens up a field of experience. To be attentive to the mode of attention. Approach and then dispersal, drawing in and drawing out. Coming nearer and moving away. This line of concurrence, this pull, listening. Moving. All this interweaving. The impulse to continue, to continue, is felt in the body. It is not a question that it works. All this interweaving, rhythms overlapping. A minimal form of isolation, wavering. Unfolding. Not seeing – to realise the sensual concurrency, agencies receiving. A space becomes, becoming middle, becoming difference, becoming drawing. This opening, again and again. Something becoming, what comes, what comes through trembling. An empty frame. Something thrown. There is a matter of relaxation – waiting, receiving reality. To begin with reorientation – the same with the voice, there is also something that is evolving. Not seeing, holding. Settling. Sinking slowness. Opening possibilities, expanding. Every practice has its own conditions of relation – to enter again, in touch in duration, a modulating resonance. Tending to touch – approximating, anticipating a necessary continuity. Mobilising the space and the time inbetween, to realise. A curvature of in-touch-ness. A deviation, tangents trembling. Infinite possibilities, actualisations of infinite possible surfaces. Something happens and it becomes a possibility. Spaces coexisting. Different impulses, realising. No me controlling – always between, an empty frame trembling, waiting.


I. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation).

II. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing.

III. Practice of Live Transcription

IV. Practice of Live Transcription, Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing.

V. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation)








I. Expecting. Ex-pecting. Awaiting. Not yet. Sinking. Folding. Tending. Continuity. Conducive. Differentiation. Trembling thresholds. Open sensing. Delicate decisions. Wavering edge. Lines, soft, fluid. Con-currence. Curvature. Connection. Continuity, coexisting. Co-operation. Realising. Disappearing. Soft letting. Interweaving. Looking, waiting. It is not obvious. Decisions arising - materialising. Trembling. Bending. Sensing. Not to need to know, to come into a mode of engagement. Hovering light interplay, edges blurring. To activate a space and yet leave it open. Deactivating the willing. Sinking, dissolving. There is a call to enter into dialogue, a language also allowing for no words. Soft, fluid, pulsing. Ex-pecting. What comes through - looking without seeing. An empty frame - this pulsing of listening and inbetween-ness. This being at the edge, practising concurrently. Continuity and discontinuity. Receptivity at the edges to what might be unfolding. Co-existing. It requires a different tone of voice - expanding. Coming into contact. Ob-serving. A rupture, a tangible rhythm. Decisions are not made. Decision arising, materialising. Trembling, not so tangible. There is the matter of relaxation. Sensitivity to these thresholds that happen unexpectedly. Soft quality - almost dusk-like. This play of momentums in all directions. Making differences. Blankness opening, a question of receiving. A mark, a gap. All this interweaving. This drifting in and out. In repetition there is a quality I can sink into. Again, awareness; no negotiating. Again, unfolding. Unfolding appearances. Something happens and it becomes a possibility. There is a call there, an interest to join. The bleed of the present, waiting, waiting, developing.


II. Developing. Reteating. Waiting. And by this, not deciding. Expanding, a different kind of deciding. It opens a field of experience, of difference. A generative field of discrete tension. It is an active connection, in relation, expectation. Ex-pecting. Waiting. is waiting a middle space. Different rhythms. Different impulses. Dissolving, developing. A kind of liminal space. Not waiting to see and yet still waiting. This is a radical way of cooperation, an empty frame, to be basically open to that. An interval, a frame for different, even opposite agencies, or at least agencies with different vectors, to come to actualise themselves or to be actualised. It does not depart from a lack, from a void, from something missing, to-come. Not frictional. Realising a separation - then coming into contact. Different channels, compatibility, incompatibility. Seeing and not seeing. Holding a space open, this space becomes expectant, full and saturated with possibilities actualised by the influence of other agencies. Immanent difference. In-fluence. Fluid.


III. Changing dynamic of different impulses. Opening. Listening, turning, following. To continue, this language happening. Not having the continuity broken - the difference, not frictional in the separation. This is a radical way of cooperation. Listening. Inhabiting the soft letting, a middle way. Waiting as a space of not yet and no longer. Between developing and retreating. These two zones unfolding, opening and closing, cohabitation. Possibilities resonating, mutual in relation, sometimes leading and sometimes following. Seeing and not seeing. Pulled into something by something. Listening, again unfolding. In repetition there is a quality I can sink into. Looking, looking after - a space of delay, a space of realising. Without looking. Letting as a different kind of decision making, a space of delaying. Separation, a step further, a sense of discontinuity, to allow things to open. Ex-pecting. A space delaying the actualisation of the course of events. Ex-pectant. For the receiver, you never know. Expanding - a different kind of deciding. It opens a field of experience. And I wondered how, how a different kind of reality, how do I or maybe how do I observe, to be attentive to the mode of attention. It depends on where my focus is. Expanding - it opens a field of experience, of difference. Towards the de-, de- or the re-, the -treating or the -veloping. The agency - receiving, wavering, listening - the agency of the observer. Opening, sinking. There is this matter of relaxation. Realising the separation, and then coming into contact. There expands a kind of impulse that arises out of experiencing. Perceiving a whole set of possibilities, and then a step further, ob-serving. Again and again, connection to a wider environment, this invitation to move forwards. Protecting, in touch. Keep it soft. Suddenly a change - expansion, resonating. New possibilities become tangible. A difference is revealed - constantly breathing, bending, realising. Language quickens - a play of momentums in all directions.


IV. Bending inwards, volume folding with shadow, saying nothing. Pulled into silence, unfolding appearances. Cohabitation. A call. Realising. Extending. Mirroring. This sensitivity to different dynamics. This decision which is born in some way. Difference dynamics, impulses, thresholds that happen unexpectedly. Soft thresholds. Fully abandoning possibilities of reorientation - stepping back. Moving. Deciding. Wondering. Waiting. Remaining. A repetition I can sink into. A sign, deciding not seeing. The impulse to continue, to continue, is felt in the body. It is not a question that it works. All this interweaving, rhythms overlapping, constantly deciding. What appears, a spatial orientation, sometimes nearer, sometimes farther, rhythms overlapping sometimes unexpectedly somehow. Concurrency. Confluence. Circling. Continuity from a direct experience, a physical continuity. Parallelity of spaces and parallel times. Time emerging. Not being in control. Multiple surfaces, fluid surfaces. Listening. Waiting. Waiting - what is emerging. Light. Interplay. Light interplay. It is not separate - there is also something that is evolving by itself. Evolving by itself. This being apart and coming back together. It opens a field of experience, of difference. Evolving by itself, evolving, expecting, waiting. It is not consistent, yet this lack of consistency is not a failure or a deficit. It is a connection that receives and gives - it is demanding. It is not obvious but indirect. To simply observe as it is - a kind of reality. To activate a space and yet leave it open. Approach and then dispersal, to activate and yet leave things open. A minimal space - drawing in and drawing out. Deactivating the willing - sinking, dissolving. The first isolation, a minimal form of isolation in the medium of language. The line wavering - there is something happening all the time. Communicable yet not already in a discursive sense. Not having the continuity broken. Not having the continuity broken. To enter into dialogue. This wondering. Does a flow of sense, a flow of sense through aesthetic action enable possibilities that require a different tone of voice. Coming nearer and moving away, possibilities of this mode, unfolding. The organisational structuring, this line of concurrence, this pull. Listening. To be attentive to the mode of connection, demanding decisions. A specificity that becomes more tangible, more resonant. Silence letting - it requires training, it is practised in a different way. Slow surfaces. It requires practice - unfolding boundaries, unfolding and drifting. How to deal with this interaction in an aesthetic way. The slowness manifests in different ways. Disruption. Curvature. Tending. Pulsing. Intermingling. Expecting. Interruption. Disruption. Rupture. Effects of an opening, interruption can sometimes knock a habit. Something about circling and looping, repeating. Do you hear it, I hear it. How is the difference? There is still sound. There are lines that will remain. It is not obvious. Looking without seeing. Returning to over and over, and other's words. Co-operation. Co-existing. The same with the voice - not seeing. This opening, again and again. Receptivity. Something that will become. Generation - opening, again and again. Trembling, also between reality, being in connection with, connection. It has to do with being in connection. Trusting as a variety of interaction. Shimmering. Pulsing. Constantly to be set up, to be established, to enter and this entering comes again and again. Light. Void. Inviting. Being at the edge. Listening, listening.


V. Intermingling. A call to move into, towards. Every practice has its own conditions of relation, to enter again, to interweave, back and forth. No start and finish, no cut, only transition, overlapping in particular ways. At some point overlapping, exploratory, each in touch within duration, modulating resonance. Parallel - a pattern of simultaneity, modulating. Visible moments - tangential. Emergent sense in the overlapping, concurrency changes, is changing. Or even better, just tending to touch. Moving, within and from an outside, zooming in, observing, mobile, at times drawn here or there. Tending to touch - as a limit. Approximating, Anticipating. A necessary continuity, yet also not continuous. More than one thing unfolding. Anticipating the touch - a possible touch. Mobilising the space and the time in betwen - the not-yet-touch - to realise, to sense.


VI. Pressing - a curvature of in-touch-ness. Force of contact - manifestation of felt pressure. To realise, to sense the possibility of touch - feeling the infinite possibilities, the possibilities appearing. The infinite possibilities of infinite possible touches. Suddenly, a deviation, tangents trembling. Infinite possible realisations. Points of contact moving. Actualisations of infinite possible surfaces. Stretch of spatiality beyond the frame. Something happens and it becomes a possibility. To interact, the line bends. Waiting - the paper too has bends and curvature. Textures. Temperatures. Curvature. Temperature. Bending. Resistances. The shadow saying nothing - sometimes leading, sometimes following. A different mode of relation. Receiving tentatively, a logic of the material that needs to orient first. Tentatively this interaction of agencies in mutual touch. Sounding out. The agency of the thing - these impulses for the next force coming, sensing. A variety of interaction, realising-in-advance - vorahnen - yet decisions are not made. Holding the space open, receptivity at the edges to what else might be unfolding. An empty frame - not frictional. This is a radical way of co-operation. Rhythms overlapping, realising. Being (present, presence) in advance - in its not yet but in another way already. Not being in control. Convergence. Ob-serving. Ex-pecting. Realising a separation, and then coming into contact. Touch of shadow - fluid surfaces. Appearance. Convergence. Felt possibilities, turning, intermingling. Feeling a way. Feeling another way, not yet. Emerging, allowing. Hands - exploring. Ex-ploring. Fluid. Plausible options and possibilities. Different angles reveal different ways. Tentatively, ex-pectantly awaiting. Ex-ploring - crying out. Soft letting. To let - to bleed, to seep, allowing fluid. Fluency. Con-fluency. Curvature. Crying - silently - loud. Resistance. Again, re-sistance. Circling. Bending. Folding. Not being in control.



I. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation)

I. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation), Practice of Voicing Observation + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing.

II. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) (2 voices) + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing.

IV Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Live Transcription

V Practice of Live Transcription + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing.

VI Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing + Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation)










I. Touch. Line. With. Middle. Time. Field. Edges. Again. Not yet. Convergence. Observing. Different impulses. Ex-pecting. Emerging. Waiting. Tending. Realising a separation, and then coming into contact. Not being in control. There is a difference, making differences. Concurrency. In touch with multiple surfaces. Decision emerging. Fluid. Soft letting. Soft, letting. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible. Disorientation. Fluid surfaces. Touch of shadow. Rhythms emerging. A fascination of surprise. Expecting, ex-pect. Waiting. Waiting to see. Awaiting. A waiting. Expecting yet awaiting the unexpected. What is emerging - beyond the materiality of the objects, interplay of agencies, of light, of frame. Seeing even something that isn't there or only fleeting. Brief meeting, transitory constellations of touch, of happening, of fascination. Light interplay. Hovering. A cut of shadow, edges blurring, indirect. It is not separate. There is something also that it evolving by itself, through the material, of next impulses, it opens a field of experience, of difference.


II. Evolving by itself. Evolving. Expecting. Waiting. Is there an it or better does an it appear in aesthetic thinking? It is active connection. It is a connection that receives and gives. It is demanding. It is not obvious but indirect. To simply observe as it is - a kind of reality. It depends on where my focus is. It was clear and now it is drifting Or maybe even better does aesthetic thinking offer the possibility - or even enables - the appearance, the arising of an it. Conducice - to activate a space and yet leave it open. The minimal practice, the minimal model of an object. rhythms that arise as well, different rhythms, different impulses. Drawing in and drawing out. Turning. Bending. Not being in control. The first cell of objectification. These thresholds that keep happening. Decisions arising or materialising. Deactivating the willing. Sinking. Dissolving. The first isolatio, the minimal form of isolation in the medium of language. The line wavering. There is something happening all the time. Not having the continuity broken. Suddenly a change, expansion resonating. There is a call there. Language quickens - this play depends on where my focus is. To enter into dialogue, without fully abandoning this phrasing, this phrasing, this wondering, a language allowing for no words.


III. Does it make-sense by a similar level or pace appearing in parallel ways. By aesthetic thinking - what is happening in betweenm there is something happening all the time. Does the flow of sense, does a flow of sense conditioned by aesthetic action enable an it. Not frictional this attention, a radical way of performing, not exposed, but open to that. Possibilities that require a different tone of voice, that allows for. Generalizing, does aesthetic thinking allow for objectification - for isolation, for separation, for singularisation? The organisation or structuring, compatibilities and incompatibilities. This is not a problem, it was not, practising concurrently, this line of concurrence, this pull. Listening, at times hearing, a line that is difficult to discern, this slippage. To be attentive to the mode of connection, focus of differentiation.


IV. Demanding decisions. Cryatallisations, mirroring, Delicate connection. Delicate connection. Gap. Pace dissipating. Remembrance pulsing. Silence letting. Concurrency in all modes different relations, pulsing. Confluence. Concurrency in relation. Continuity. Retaining. It requires training. Slowness. Surfaces. It requires practices, unfolding boundaries. Unfolding. Drifting. How to deal with this interaction in an aesthetic way. Extension. Sinking, soft, fluid. These movement of deciding open a field, trembling. Trembling, bending. Sensing, not to need to know, to come into a mode of engagement. Folding, bending. Disruption. Curvature. Tending. Pulsing. Settling. Interwoven, pulsing, always this curve of how to come into. Waiting. Waiting. Intermingling. Identification of the others, in decision making. Holding, expectant. Intermingling, ex-pecting. A whole set of possibililities within that - also interruption, disruption, rupture, effects of an opening. Sometimes an interruption can knock a habit, intermittant distraction. Do you hear it, coming; I hear it, this connection to a wider environment. Withdrawal from a wider environment but still a sense of in-touch-ness. The question of if this facilitates, does it really foster it, is this the case? Thinking and facilitating a mode of thinking, how is the difference?


V. There is still sound. What comes through. It is not obvious. Looking at something thoroughly. Looking without seeing. Changing. An empty frame. The pulsing of expectancy. Letting. Sinking. Expanding. This is a radical way of cooperation. A different pace created by looking, thoroughly. Opening. Coexisting. Suddenly, there is this curve of how to dive in. A difference, energetic forces. Coming into contact, in relation with. Pulsing, observing. The same with the voice - there is also something that is evolving. Not seeing, reacting to different impulses, pulsing. To realise the sensual concurrency, agency. To what is receiving, a space, a space becomes, becoming middle. Difference, drawing. This opening, again and again. Seeing and not seeing. Again and again, this connection to a wider environment. These zones intermingling. From the beginning, no me controlling, dominant. Receptivity. There is, there is a difference. Something that will become, what comes, what comes through. Trembling. An empty frame, a frame created by looking through. There is the matter of relaxation. Something thrown. Also between. A line, a line wavering. There is, there is always the possibility to stop. Reality - to begin with reorientation, practising provides conditions. Interweaving may be better, a different mode. Observing. Waiting. Receiving. Circling. How to expand - wondering how to extend this experience into language, this language happening, expanding, and felt in the body. Cause to the next impulses, trembling, not so tangible. Observing. Deactivating the willing, evolving by itself. Expanding a different kind of deciding, it opens a field of experience, of difference, a frame of observation. The agency, the agency of these impulses - sensing, coming into, being in difference. Being in connection with, being in a field of experience. Connection. Trusting as a variety of interaction. No me controlling. Receiving. Changing and yet retaining slowness. A step further - ob-serving the object of expectation. Shimmering. Pulsing. Allow soft letting. Fluid. This sense of coming-to-be, a middle way or pace, this silence of soft letting. In touch. Keeping it soft, requires a different tone of voice; from time to time listening, sinking, settling. Seeing and not seeing. Following the trusting. This shadow saying nothing. Again and again. To be aware of what the situation calls. This being at the edge, this call - a difference in criteria. The expecting void - emergent. Sometimes leading - it is not obvious. It was clear and now it is drifting, opening and closing. Realising. On the edge of the extremities of the body, as if something begins, these sensitivities to different dynamics, rhythms. These thresholds which keep happening. Rhythm of light - all this interweaving. Letting, listening, inbetween-ness. This language happening and all this felt in the body. All this interweaving. Rhythms overlapping. Constantly deciding. Disappearing. Sensitivity to these thresholds appearing, sometimes unexpectedly. To begin, to begin with empty. To continue, this language happening. It is not a question that it works. Not having the continuity broken - unfolding, sharing, waiting. A quality of a certain commitment, which does not depart from a lack, from a void, from something missing to-come. Disappearing. Co-existing. Happening and the silence of soft letting. Looking after this inbetween. Looking thoroughly without looking at. Continuity and discontinuity. Conducive conditions, inviting. Parallel spaces and parallel times. Practising concurrently, a line wavering. Crystallisation, materialisation, trembling, saying nothing. This being at the edge.


I Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Voicing Observation

II Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing

III Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing + Practice of Live Transcription

IV Practice of Live Transcription + Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction)

V Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction and Distillation) + Practice of Voicing Observation





I. It is demanding. Being at the edge of decisions. Crystallisations of meaning. No cut is made. No decision. Mirroring. Moving in relation. Delicate dance of connection. Both continuity and discontinuity. This gap of seeing and seeing it. There is a different pace, somehow dissipating in a way. Fine, thin, delicate membranes – this pulsing of individual rhythms. The silence of soft letting. Concurrency. Confluence. Curious. Continuity and discontinuity. Co-inhabitation. Changing and yet retaining slowness. In touch, in touch with multiple surfaces. No, not negotiating – sensitivity to a different dynamic. No speed or slow as such. Constantly breathing in and out. Then realising. Constantly deciding. No, not negotiating, this sensitivity to a different dynamic. The decision emerging, the decision born in some way. Again and again, letting as a different kind of decision making, letting as unfolding. Sensible boundaries, sensorially open. Dissolving. Opening. Drifting. Not only as possibilities of movement, but also possibilities even of reflection. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible. Extension of the non-verbal, expanding. Turning. Sinking. Deactivating the willing. Soft letting. Fluid. This sense of coming to be. Adding variation – letting it be another way. Following the trusting. Trusting. Deactivating. Focusing. Trembling. Bending. Appearing. Not so tangible – there is the matter of relaxation. A different pace that you can sink into. No me controlling. Opening. Responding. Crystallisation of possible bodies. Modes of foregrounding, this being at the edge. Suddenly something arises. Deactivating the willing. Sinking. Dissolving. Indirect. Not being in control. There is a difference making differences. A difference in criteria. When to stay with and when to turn. Folding. Bending. Letting it evolve in its own nature. Energetic forces – disruption, intervention. Concurrency. Curvature as inclination. Tending, inwards. A tendency towards folding or bending. Pulsing. Shimmering. Interests settling. Letting the meaning appear. This aliveness of bodily movement – the same with the voice and the breath. This sense of no hurry. No speed or slow as such. Inhabiting hesitation – fine thin delicate membrane. Waiting, waiting to see. No actually, not seeing, and yet still waiting. Reacting thus in different ways.


II. Waiting. This pulsing of individual possibilities, of co-habitation. Letting. Listening. Not seeing and yet still waiting. Not as being patient but rather expecting. These two zones, these two zones intermingling. Concurrency. No me controlling. A ground for proceeding. Receptivity at the edges, to what else might be unfolding. There is a difference – a mark sets a direction. Holding a space open – a space becomes expectant, full and saturated with possibilities. A mark sets a direction. Ex-pecting. What comes through – it is not obvious, but indirect. Looking at something thoroughly. Immanent. Difference. Dropping. This opening of something unexpected. Decision arising or materialising. Trembling – not so tangible. There is the matter of relaxation. Arriving. Saying nothing. Seeing and not seeing. Deactivating the willing – sinking, dissolving. No author, observing indirect. Expecting, thus, as an activity which does not depart from a lack, from a void, from something missing to come. Instead ex-pecting as looking.


III.  Listening, hearing, there is still sound, resisting the impulse. From the beginning, from the very beginning of the act of expecting. Coexisting - if we are open to that. Looking without seeing – yet? We are not dominant in a way, a shared pace, there is no space-taking, appearing in a parallel way. Looking after this inbetween, there  is something happening all the time. Looking thoroughly without looking at something there but at something to come, something that will become the object of observation by feeling into an empty scope. Not frictional, in the separation, this is a radical way of cooperation. An empty frame, to be basically open to that. An empty frame – the frame created by looking thoroughly, by ex-pecting. Different channels – it requires a different tone of voice. An object, ob-ject. Compatibility, no incompatibility. Structuring conducive conditions, no, inviting. Something thrown – into the empty space generated, opened up, by ex-pecting. For the receiving, you never know. Als0 between, a sense of practising concurrently. A line wavering, live, listening.


IV. There is this small grade between listening and observing. A conversation from a different time, live, difficult to discern. And I wondered how, how to realise and when to observe. How do I observe, to simply observe as it is – a kind of reality, or objectivity, observing what really there is. Interesting slippage - to be attentive to the mode of attention. There is always the possibility to stop. And I also realised it depends on where my focus is – is it more on the physicality aspects. Realising where I focus – and on different aspects. How do I sense? How do I, or what do I know about something? Different aspects, all in relation. Or maybe better, an object emerging out of the convergence of several contingent agencies. A different mode of relation, it requires training. And observing also means not knowing and more the focus is more on receiving, receiving what there is. Observing, knowing, receiving. Through my senses, through the senses, how to deal with this interaction of agencies in (mutual) touch. And by this, not deciding. There expands a kind of impulse that arises out of experiencing the observation. Expanding – a different kind of deciding, it opens a field of experience, of difference. There are also forces involved that cause the next impulses. The agency of the thing – the thing-to-become-this-object. So I wonder where these impulses for the next force are coming from. Is it because of observing, realising, sensing. There is also something that is evolving by itself – through the material, through the logic of material. A logic of material, needs to orient first, how to enter. Different impulses, to realise the sensual. The agency of the observer, the agency of the void, the empty frame of observation generated by the act of ex-pecting. And rhythms that arise as well, different rhythms – and the body is following them. There is this curve of how to dive in, realising a separation, coming into contact. In relation with, being in relation with. Coming into contact, being in relation. It is not separate, it is in connection with, in relation. It is more connection, it is more than relation. A step further. It is active connection, an active connection this variety of interaction. It is a connection that receives and gives. receiving, a whole set of possibilities. And then, a step further – ob-serving the object of ex-pectation A disruption can also have an effect, a sense of discontinuity, to allow an opening. A tangible rhythm. A rupture – decisions are not made.


V Becoming middle. Interruption, a middle way. Pace – to disrupt. Bending with – to disrupt a habit. Opening. Protecting. In touch – intermittent. Keeping it soft. Keeping it safe what appears. Observing, listening, letting - from time to time. Bodies – drawing into and drawing out of. Letting, coming. What becomes the object of observation. Drawing into and drawing out a liminal space. Settling – following the trusting, bodies voicing. Again and again, connection to a wider environment, this invitation to move forwards. Dissolving, developing. Waiting, not waiting to see and yet still waiting. What substitutes the expecting void. Concurrency, and then realising. Some range of withdrawal, and engagement, concurrent. Sometimes leading, sometimes following. Undoing and letting go, not always happening. Receiving, a question of receiving - to be in tune. The awareness of this. Emergent. I am going to be aware of what the situation calls. Emergent facilitation. Constantly breathing. Bending, realising. Fully committed, constantly realising. Tangible, to look how it appears. This being at the edge, this call. A difference in criteria. Making differences. It is the case, conducive, of a blankness, an opening. How to activate a space and yet leave it open. A question of receiving. Turning, bending. As in folded with, folding, again. Together. Again – concepts appearing. Bending inwards – the volume folding, this shadow, saying nothing.


VI. Empty, shift, shift of focus. Indirect – a gap. Not being in control. A mark. With-holding. Not having the continuity broken. Appearing. Reaching – this opening. Pulsing – sensorially open. No me controlling. Open to something unexpected, to what else might be unfolding. Concurrency – with the voice and the breath, intermingling. Both – disappearing. What comes through – it is not obvious but indirect. It was clear and now it is drifting. This zone waiting. This bleed of the present – waiting, waiting. Unfolding, opening and closing, unfolding. Cohabitation. Intermingling. Transferring the focus of impulse, resonating. Mutual in relation, something leading, something following. Pulled into something by something. Silence. Suddenly a change – expansion, sharing, resonating. New possibilities become tangible, a difference is revealed. Unfolding appearances, something happens and it becomes a possibility. Movement change, revolving. Cohabitation, dissolving. Widening, coming back. There is a call there, an interest to join. Extending the whole body in order to expand. Realising, constantly deciding. Extending not only the extremities of the body. To interact, a line bends, waiting. The paper too has bends and curvature. Mirroring – this sensitivity to different dynamics. This decision that is born in some way. Transfer the focus, the impulse. These thresholds that keep happening. A sensitivity to these thresholds that happen unexpectedly. Soft quality, almost dusk-like, drifting. Language quickens, this play of momentums in all directions. To enter into dialogue without fully abandoning possibility of reorientation, stepping back. There is a call there, of blur and expansion. Moving, expanding. Letting as a different kind of decision making. Comfort as a way of proceeding. Circling. Constantly deciding, wondering, waiting, remaining. Waiting. Remaining. In repetition there is a different pace. Having no temporal coordinates – a different rhythm in a way. In repetition there is a quality I can sink into. Again. Awareness – no negotiating. Again. Unfolding. This is drifting in and out, not always continuous but still a quality of a certain commitment. The impulse to continue. To continue, not yet. All this interweaving, letting, listening. It is demanding. To begin with reorientation, to begin with none. Practising provides conditions. This phrasing, this phrasing, this wondering – a language allowing for no words. To continue an experience into language, this language happening, and this felt in the body. Connecting, observing these edges. It is not a question that is works. All this interweaving, showing, non-grasping. Sharing conditions, not always continuous. A quality of a certain commitment. Rhythms overlapping, constantly deciding. Disappearing. Sensitivity to these thresholds appearing, sometimes unexpectedly. Somehow this receptivity to the edge of what might be happening and the silence of soft letting. Fascination. Concurrency. Confluence. No cut. Circling. Continuity and discontinuity. Delicate dance of connection - this parallelity of space, parallel spaces and parallel times.


I. Practice of Reading (1 voice)

II. Practice of Reading + Practice of Explorative Essay Writing

III. Practice of Explorative Essay Writing + and Practice of Live Transcription

IV. Practice of Explorative Essay Writing, Practice of Live Transcription, + Practice of Conversation (solo) or Voicing Observation

V. Practice of Explorative Essay Writing, Practice of Live Transcription, Practice of Reading

VI. Practice of Reading (2 voices)



Soft sense. Direction. Silence. Changes. Opening. Continue. Interest. Interests settling. Bending. Committed. Dialogue. Appearing. Emerging. Listening, first. Letting in - I could say. Coming back - a tangible rhythm. Phrasing, leaning, turning. Decision emerging, thresholds appearing. Beginning. Decisions are not made. Related. Passage. Overlapping. Different - the aspect, wondering. The focus - sinking into. Continue. Not yet. Not yet - not yet. Inhaling. Exhaling. Recognising it has to develop. Sinking, breathing in and out. These shifts in register turning, intermingling, constantly deciding. But it would be more useful to say something like becoming porous or becoming accessible. Crystallisations of meaning, concurrencies intervening. Conditions changing, yet maintaining slowness. Airing, pulsing. In touch. Adding variation, letting it be another way. Shifts in register, to expand that attention. Following the trusting. Slowness, deactivating. Without time: no matter, a decision is revealed. Not yet, not yet. Now focusing, trembling. Soft letting, leaning. Imagining. Letting them and simultaneously letting me in - not 'in me' but 'into the situation'. Trembling. There is a middle way. There is another way. Not so tangible: there is the matter of relaxation. I realise that language in conversation, this phrasing of experience. A different pace. Not to be already. That you can sink into or blur. The situation that thinks aesthetically. To begin in other ways. Bending with, moving with. To the possibilities unfolding, of silence, something unfolding. Silence and learning from it. Responding, responding to the pull of that. Of reading. To say instead 'connecting', would not be enough. This decision emerging, of confluence. This quality that you can sink into. No me controlling. Coming back. Opening, responding. A repetition that is never the same. Not audible somehow, it is dissipating. Confluence, fluid. There is a call there. A fluid sense. Confluence. Emerging. Arising. Observing. Dissolving. Letting of sense. Activating, thresholds appearing. Getting in touch. Becoming visible or tangible or felt. Becoming porous. It is not only about getting in touch but activating a kind of permeable touch. Crystallisation of possible bodies - soft, intermingling, letting. In a sense, holding back the sense of recognising. This causality. Shifts, entering into a fluid sense, beginning, waiting to begin. Observing - to remain there. Disappearing, dissolving. Drawing into and drawing out. Letting, becoming, new possibilities appear. Impulse. Possible bodies - bodies with different qualities of skin. A change in angle. Stepping, stepping back. To continue, to follow an impulse. Trusting, trusting the following. Drawing into and drawing out of a remembered experience. Not inventing. Deactivating the willing. Sinking. Spontaneous participation. Not inventing new bodies. Opening and closing, unfolding. There is a call there, intermingling. Edges sharpen. A line shimmers and falls back. Letting the world slip in, slip back. A liminal elsewhere, a liminal space between seeing and touching. A difference is revealed, a difference. An open invitation. A decision is revealed. Mobilizing the constitutive connectivity of the existing bodies. Trusting, a turning point. Following the trusting. Following, a fluid sense, remaining. A change in mode might feel necessary. Bodies, voicing. First appearance, organisation. Space disappearing. Stop and observe, to enter into dialogue. Expansion. Inevitably letting pass. Resonating. Changing, and yet retaining slowness. Again and again, each time feeling the aliveness of the body. This invitation to move forwards, sinking into. Dissolving, developing, observing. Following.


Opening. Appearing. This porosity - to remain sensorially open, to the opening of something unexpected. In all senses, sensible. It was clear and now it is drifting. Waiting. Waiting to see, actually, not seeing, and yet still waiting. Seeing and not seeing. Something appearing, perspective proceeding, possibilities shifting. What other words, what other ways of describing this event of decision? This decision emerging, a commitment that it can be. Deciding feels so definite. Definite. De-cide and de-finite. Some cut or discontinuity. Concurrency. Observing. Observing the details shifts expanding. From one field, finer, wider, and then realising. It was clear and now it is drifting.


Not so much as if there is a hierarchy: not to control. These intentions are not there, agencies in touch. Mutual in relation, sometimes leading, sometimes following, responding. It requires this suspension of intentionality and of habit. Dehabitualisation, undoing and letting go. Recognising a repeating, imposed impulse. Leading and following not always happening. Sending and receiving, a different activity. Receiving, receptive, welcoming, opening, something of attunement. To be in tune, not always a fitting metaphor. The awareness of this, and possibilities of cohabitation. Habitual without habit, the mode of relation is much more emergent, it happens. Less willed, this could be an experiment, not deciding in advance. I am going to be aware of what the situation calls.


Opening of something unexpected, in relation, opening of something unexpected. Nervous. Constantly breathing. An unstructured relation. Constantly moving, breathing. Calling for spontaneity. Sinking. Sinking. Pulled out of absorption. Due to the process itself, by virtue of the process itself. Concurrency. Settling, to know concurrency. Bending, realising, letting, then deciding to be a part. Letting it evolve in its own nature and to observe what arises. Fully committed. Indeterminate. Agreement, but no decision made in advance. Tangible, impelling. Crystallisation, elswhere. Enter, realise, interwoven, arriving. To look how it appears. Foreground of focus, modes of foregrounding, a focus, foregrounded. This being at the edge, suddenly something arising. This call, saying nothing. Seeing and not seeing. Deactivating the willing, sinking, dissolving, no author. Observe, indirect, not being in control. There is a difference, making differences. A difference in criteria. This is an immanent sense of organisation. Making differences in order to open interstices. Or maybe the other way around.


Interstices that appear creating differences. Differences embracing interstices - liminalities. These different directions. A blankness brings a sense of continuity. Now only a gap in the line. An opening, expectant. Filled or followed. Continuity re-established. Crossing of the line. Turning. How to activate a space yet leave it open, this liminal space of possibility. Structure can return quickly. Unexpected tangents. Turns. A curve of the line. Turning - creating a change of curvature. To turn to bend or swerve in direction. Bending. When to stay with and when to turn. Bending - in more than one dimension. Pliancy - this pli of folding, this folding of the line, folding of focus. Folding. Compliant - as in folded with. Folding - in one dimension. Blur of dimensions, this folding of inside and outside, of figure and ground. Drilling concepts - without intending. Again an inversion. Folding or swerving. Versioning. Reversing. Conversing - this versing together. This folding together, this being in conversation. Again an inversion: concepts around the emptiness appearing somewhere in the space. Tending inwards. A tendency towards folding or bending, inclination. Curvature as inclination. The volume? This bending of the line. The sphere? They demarcate and occupy. Holding. Waiting. This emptiness appearing somewhere in the space, to the sides. Discontinuity, a line broken. Yet reconnection, again, reconnection. This shadow and the line touch, opening. Waiting - for these empty spaces to close? To be closed? To grow? Opening, then not so much closing, but reconnection, repositioning. To grow and emptying more. Reorganisation. Turning. Seeing afresh. Emptying further conceptual ground. Seeing it from a different angle. Shift. Shift of focus. Turning of attention. Empty focus of reconnection. As if turning oneself on one's head. To see what appears. Dropping. An upwards surge of lines that were once falling. A gap appears. An opening, expectant. What crosses this small field of observation, waiting. Holding the space open, space becoming full and expectant. Saturated with possibilties. A mark sets a direction. Not seeing and yet still waiting. Not having the continuity broken. These sensible boundaries, this flow of sense. Sensible boundaries, or rather changes in curvature. To be apart whilst also remaining in touch. Energetic forces: disruption, intervention. Yet still slowness in the speed. Reaching, crossing. Navigating this opening, this threshold. Coming back. These two zones, these two zones intermingling. Wondering. Concurrency of resonance. This opening of something unexpected, these shifts in register. Pulsing, shimmering. Interests settling. A decision arising or materialising. No 'me' controlling, as a ground for proceeding. Periphery of attention, soft and open. Even if at the centre, this sense of focused core. Receptivity at the edges, to what else might be unfolding. This potentiality of appearance, this 'almost' also has an edge. Letting the meaning appear, the aliveness of bodily movement, it is the same with the voice and the breath. This sense of the 'no I'. This sense of no hurry, no speed or slow as such. These zones intermingling in the inbetweenness of thinking. Observations less tethered to the one or the other. Intrinsically concurrent, intermingling - both in a sense. Inhabiting hesitation: fine thin delicate membrane. Waiting. Waiting to see, actually, not seeing and yet still waiting. Listening. Remaining. Relation as a spacing. Letting things, disappearing. Vibrating: a time frame opening, something appearing. What comes through: it is not obvious, but indirect. Reacting thus in different ways - this pulsing of individual rhythms. This zone having no temporal coordinate. The sense of there being no I. Not audible, yet where am I listening? Following a rhythm. There is a different pace to the appearance of words, to the inhaling and exhaling. No temporal coordinates, only liveness, an aliveness, this concurrence of the present. This bleed of the present, opening and closing. Turning. Sinking. Deactivating the willing. Soft letting. A coming-into. This happening, and this felt in the body, unfolding. Indeterminate. Suddenly a change, expansion. There is a call here. Something shifts and new possibilities become tangible or felt. Continuity, constantly. Cohabitation. Changes of scale. Curvatures. Concurrency. Crystallisations of meaning. No cut is made, no de-cision. Fluid the sense of coming-to-be. This quality of inbetween-ness - not forcing. Transfering the focus of impulse, resonating. Re- again. Becoming indistinguishable. These shifts, these edges. Parallel spaces and parallel times.



Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.


I. It is demanding. Being at the edge of decisions. This interwoven process. Felt as a call or as a pull, this feeling of being pulled into something by something. These shifts, these edges. Direction. repetitional lines in repetition, there is a quality that I can sink into, a quality of in-between-ness. Silence, learning from it. These shifts in register. To wait, to wait until, until a dialogue comes to be. No speed or slow as such. Unfolding. Immanence turning. Sinking. Sharing. The non-verbal expanding. No me controlling. A repetition that is never the same. Resonating, changing and yet retaining slowness. A different pace, sinking into. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible or tangible or felt or audible. A difference is revealed. Shifting. Filtering. Bending. Remaining. Becoming. Abandoning. Letting. Following. Unfolding appearance. Suddenly something happens and it becomes a possibility. Whatever comes to be. A turning point, or a change of angle. A decision arising. A change in the angle of touch. Haptic interrelation between surfaces – something turns or drops or sinks. Passages. Variation. Thresholds. Movement. Change. Revolving. Expansion. Turning. Inhaling. Widening. Proceeding. Intermingling. Changes in curvature. Disorientation. Coming back.


Extending touch, extended touch. Something becomes visible. Trusting, following the trusting. A different kind of attention. Extending the whole body in order to expand, not only possibilities of movement but also possibilities even of reflection. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible. Not only extending the body but extending the externality of the body. An extension of the non-verbal, expanding. Expansion, the work of expansion feels so unpredictable.


Sounding rather than touching. Letting a different kind of decision making enter this other time. Indentation. Register of contact. Of pressure, of force. Coming from beyond the frame, the frame remains. A line bends. This process makes evident the exclusivity of the frame, its agency of excluding as well as including. Trembling sense of force, of exertion. Releasing. Letting. Material exerts its own force. The paper too has bends and curvature, lines separating this from that, one part from another. Becoming horizon. Highlighting the corners, the space of shadow appearing. This blurring of the edge. Mirroring. Moving in relation. Delicate dance of connection. Both continuity and discontinuity between the frames. This parallelity of space, parallel spaces and parallel times. Cohabitation. Dissolving. Meeting. Breathing. Meeting. Continuity and discontinuity. Translation, meeting. Mirroring affect. Finding of a level, like water settling, oily. Surfaces settling, rising.  Lightening.


Transfer the focus, the impulse – there is a call there, an interest to join. Disappearing. To enter into dialogue without fully abandoning. To wait, to wait until. Until a dialogue comes to be. Changing and yet retaining slowness. In a sense, holding back the sense of recognising. This no time as a space of absorption. Waiting. And in waiting, waiting to see. And the uncertainty of the possibility of seeing something. This gap of seeing and seeing it. There is a different pace, somehow dissipating in a way. Passage. Transition. Opening. Drifting. Absorption. Porosity. Fine, thin, delicate membrane. A sense of re-entry, this pulsing of individual rhythms. It is not clear, becoming indistinguishable. Language quickens – a change yet maintaining slowness. This play of momentums in all directions. Observing the shifts. Expanding, from one field wider. It was clear and now it is drifting. How to remain, disappearing. To enter into a dialogue without fully abandoning. Fluid, and maybe in these moments, stepping back. Expanding. Observing. Abandoning. In multiple touch, in multiple forms of touch, in touch with multiple surfaces. And this soft attention to this furthest periphery.


Reorientation. Being fully committed and yet not distracted. Blur of expansion. This threshold of almost, this not-yet of almost. These thresholds which keep recurring. Observe the edges, blurring. There is a call there. A dynamic, focusing. Unpredictable. There might be incompatibilities. Letting it be influenced as a way of restructuring. Realising. Curvature of sense. Sensitivity to these thresholds appearing, sometimes unexpectedly. Somehow this receptivity to the edge of what might be happening. Almost at the same time and yet not. Realisation of possibilities, constantly deciding, these shifts, these edges. The silence of soft letting, between times. Shifts of register and perspective. Fascination, pressing. This sense of comfort as a way of proceeding. Concurrency. This feeling of being pulled into something by something. Hesitation. Also, confluence, curious. Concurrent. Turning direction. Moving decision, pulsing. Then realising, constantly deciding, or letting – deactivating the willing. These fields that interact. Observing. Wondering. Waiting. Remaining.


Trying to reflect. To give back and find out. There is a different pace, this zone having no temporal coordinates, only timelessness. In repetition, there is a quality I can sink into, breathing in and out. Again and again, letting as a different kind of decision making. Potentially unfolding. Sensible boundaries. Sensorially open, becoming indistinguishable, the senses, sensible. Changing. Vibrating. A time frame opening. Perspective proceeding, possibilities shifting. Being in a rhythm in a way. Awareness full. No, not negotiating. This sensitivity to a different dynamic. Curious, this decision emerging, this decision born in some way. The decision that leads into something, a coming into, becoming form. Decision feels so definite – de-cide and de-finite. There is something in a decision of a cut. No, not negotiating. Circling, inside the closed frame. This almost, these thresholds that keep happening. Sensitivity to these thresholds that happen unexpectedly. Soft quality, almost dusk-like. Thinking what is thinkable, only if there is another way of thinking, and of thinking it. Accessing this nuance and being attentive to what is happening. These zones intermingling. This is where the problem begins maybe. Does systemic thinking make it an it? Is there is a way of thinking aesthetic thinking which does not turn it into an it? Would it be possible to be thought? Stressing the continuous of think-ing. Thinking continuously, a continuous aesthetic thinking. Does thinking turn this into a showing, showing in touch, showing on the basis of nongrasping words, although going with sensing, noticing. And showing.


Do I make this decision or is it made? What am I doing facilitates, how is it facilitated, is this the same thing? A condition for those who attend, to provide conditions. Drifting in and out, not always continuous, a quality of a certain commitment. To stay with creates a quality of attention, a positive tension. Was it happening at one point, what was happening? What is the spectrum, not whatever. There is a risk of dropping out – of carelessness, of over-seriousness, these two risks.

Consequences. Interest. To stay in touch, we begin. Evolve - this is the time to step out. Direction, opening. Shifts, unfolding. What are the consequences? Holding. A repetition. Intervening. Response. Exhausted. Committed possibility - this requires very demanding engagement. Expansion, inhaling. The question is not so tangible. Repetition. A space. It is also a question of relaxation. Possible bodies – soft. How much waiting, they relate, expand from time, meeting here, realising. Vertically, stepping back. A focus, the impulse to continue. To look, to value, to continue. A meaning, not-yet. Inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling, exhaling. There is a decision. All this interweaving. A sense of changes, letting, listening, wondering. There is a call. Conditions changing. The practices set the conditions. A liminal space, shifts in register. Invitation to shift in register. Practices, slowness, sensorially open. Receptive. Disappearing. Language, how does it set a certain sense of parameters, of coming into sense. Shifts of observing, expansion, trembling. To begin with reorientation, it is demanding. To begin with none. Practising provides conditions. This phrasing, this wondering, this allowing of experience. Neither carelessness not over-seriousness. In touch, to carry into language. How, how it is set up. Language in conversation, evolving. Not already language. To carry through, to learn a direction, new possibilities. Language allowing for no words. To continue experience into language. No speed or slow as such. This happening and this felt in the body. Constantly breathing in and out – language has to learn a different pace, no me controlling. Coming back, breathing in and out helps language, opening, responding, a different pace, still open. Interest settling. This sense of there being no I. Disappearing, shifting, filtering. It is interesting, in this micro decision, something unfolding, arising. In this micro sense, already transitions, thresholds, moving. Decisions are not made. Decisions emerging, a turning point. This is not always the case. Emerging – a change of angle, repetition, rhythm, overlapping. A space between, continuity constantly. Sensitivity to the texture of silence, an agent of silence. In this moment, entering into conversation. Waiting. This learning related to the body, yes. Achieving a silent quality, from a physical self, which is hard for language. It is hard for language, letting it be, this stepping back. The impulse to continue, this stepping back. Expanding. Developing. No, appearing. To allow, to return to that present and closing.  A line, I could not see, airing, pulsing. We each have a different experience. Pressing in touch. Changes of angle, of perspective. Following the trusting, drop of expectation. Surprised. We – in terms of connection. Deactivating the willing. Connecting, observing these edges. I am trying to be very clear about this, it is not a question that it works. This is not enough; it is not about. It is not so clear. This causality, conditions, through time, we could also pluralise that.






Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.


I. It is demanding. No-one sees. Practising, but I do make a decision. Practising - is this the same thing. Provide conditions. In and out. A kind of commitment. Commitment, collapsing, happening, at one point, wondering. But not whatever, there is a range. Not carelessness nor over seriousness, there is a middle way. Keeps it in touch. The consequences, also keeping my interest. Not so tangible, there is the matter of relaxation. I realise, the reference, how. Present. The practices we begin with set the conditions. Language. How it sets up a certain parameter. Language, in conversation, this phrasing of experience. Presuppose, evolve, what might not be already. Learn, to begin in other ways. It takes a mode. The direction, this sensitisation to the possibilities of the texture of silence. Silence, learning from it. Language, allowing for no words.


II. So opening of something unexpected. These shifts in register, of perspective. Nervous – sense of dissolving. No speed or slow as such. Constantly breathing in and out. This happening and this felt in the body. Constantly breathing in and out. Edge of seeing. Well of reading. Enabling appearance. Unfolding, ground. Sinking into. Continue. A different pace. Pulled out of absorption, then interests settling. This quality that you can sink into. No me controlling. Coming back. Opening. Responding. A repetition that is never the same. Still open. This movement, this disorientation. A different pace, sinking into. Concurrency intervening. Interests settling – this sense of there being no I. Not audible – somehow dissipating. Disappearing. Shifting. Filtering. Deciding. Bending with, moving with. Remaining. Abandoning. Dissolving. Letting. Not a decision made. In this micro decision – there is a call there. One direction unfolding, something arising and responding. This response is not made. Confluence. Impulse. A fluid sense, a dialogue without abandoning. A dialogue comes to be. Curious decision, decision emerging, decision born in some way. A decision arising or materialising. Fully committed. Neither clearly one nor the other, but indeterminate, this soft edge of possibility. Passage of sense, passages, transitions. Thresholds appearing. Decisions are not made. Decision emerging, a turning point, a change of angle. Suddenly a change. Expansion. There is a call there. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible or tangible or felt. Resting, inhaling. No me controlling. A ground for proceeding – repetition, rhythm, overlapping. A space between. Continuity, constantly. Crystallisation of possible bodies. Soft letting leaning, turning elsewhere.


III. There was a moment, also for you. This demanding aspect, not a question that it works. It is not so clear, this causality. We could pluralise that, to notice without preparation. In this moment, tiredness becomes self-demanding. Entering into conversation, to try it out. Beginning that I am not sure, waiting, begin. To realise when is the moment of encounter, the continuation, sounding. Observing the shadows, related to the body, yes. To expand that attention, from a physical self. Without communicating to the others, without time, no matter. The times are different, there might be incompatibilities. Adding variation, letting it be, another way. Horizontally or vertically, a different impulse. Impulse, but then transferred, expressed in these moments, this stepping back. I find the aspect of realisation, transferring the focus, the impulse, to continue.

IV. Possible crystallisations of meaning. An extension of the non-verbal, expanding. No hurry. Not yet. Not yet. Inhaling, exhaling. Drawing into and drawing out. A remembered experience – there it has to develop. A decision in multiple touch, in touch with multiple surfaces. A sense of recognising. This play of momentums. Realising resonance. Sinking. Sensible boundaries, or rather changes in curvature. Constantly breathing in and out. Concurrency intervening, just appearing. Coming back to time, realising. Letting. Listening. Wondering, intermingling. This bleed of the present, opening and closing, constantly deciding. There is a call there. Drawing in and drawing out. Conditions changing, sensorially open. Edges sharpen, an indeterminate beyond. A line, a line shimmers and falls back. Airing. Trembling. Blurring. Pulsing. Wavering. Pressing. Pulsing. In touch, of surface, of line, of hand, of edge. Soft letting, leaning. Turning elsewhere. A liminal space between seeing and touching. These shifts in register, turning. Changes of angle, of perspective. A reorientation of the page. In the blankness, an opening. Invitation, for some intervention. Crystallisations of meaning, concurrency intervening. Concurrency as a way of proceeding. Trusting, trusting, following the trusting. Drop of expectation, to be surprised again. Changing, yet maintaining slowness. Sensorially open, this shifts of register and perspective. Deactivating the willing, a change in mode might feel necessary. Barely perceptible reorganisation of possibilities. A decision is revealed – yet not cut is made, to de-cision. Fluid, disappearing. The space between sense and the coming to be of sense. Landscapes, edges, curvatures of sense. To stop and observe these edges, shifting. Shifts, observing, not focusing on anything else. Expansion. Blur of form expanding. Trembling. Disorientation, reorientation, reimagining. Reconnection of the lines, breaking. Expanding. A closer connection. Reconnection. The touch of unexpected line or edge. Testing. Nearness. Wavering line, occluding. Revealing, unveiling. Touching, meeting. Departing. Edging. Edging towards. Edging away from. Moving into. Into stillness, a slowness. Disappearance. How to wait for the other? Not about. Disappearing. Seeing. Transfer the focus, the impulse. A small blank space. Extension of the non-verbal, expanding. It has to develop. Letting. Observing. A quality of in-between-ness. Letting as a different kind of decision unfolding, oscillating, not forcing. This sense of movement, this happening.







Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action.


Difference. Concurrence. Lower. Not yet. Realising. Resonance. Resonance. Sinking. Blackness. Texture. Wandering between. Towards, realising. Situated. No hurry. Appearance. Co-habitation. Sensible boundaries. Changes in curvature. A different pace. Somehow situated. Occluded, somehow, unseen. Passages, transitions. Possible bodies, inscription. Edge of seeing. Well of reading. Enabling appearance. Surfacing, seeing. This silence, unseen. Mediating the passage of sense. Coming back. Continue. No speed as such. Not fast or slow. Moving. Pausing. Following. Inhaling. Sensing. A different pace. Resting. Not yet. Inhaling. Exhaling. Passages. Transitions. Parallel times. Coming back. No me controlling. This play of momentums. Realising. Holding back a sense of recognising. Navigation of the edge. These surfaces in contact. Becoming indeterminate. Sensible boundaries. Some opening of something unexpected. Wondering, intermingling. No speed or slow as such. Conditions changing, sensorially open. Temporal. Constantly breathing in and out. Opening. Sinking. Sinking into. Just following. A liminal space between seeing and touching. Shifts in register. Now it is drifting, this bleed or seep, these two zones intermingling. Concurrency intervening, just appearing. Not obvious, but indirect. Not forcing. Drawing into and drawing out. This happening and this felt in the body. Sinking, sensible, a viable, sharable sense. Listening, letting. Willing. Maintaining slowness. this sense of comfort as a ground. This play of momentums. Comfort as a ground for proceeding. Concurrence as a way of proceeding. Repetition. Rhythm. Being in connection with. Overlapping. A space between. Waiting. Waiting to see. Not seeing, and yet still waiting. Continuation, constantly. Crystallisations of meaning, possible bodies. Coming back to time, realising. No sense of time, just following. This timelessness, listening. Shadows. Potentialities. A space between opening, agency of spacing, signalling the waiting, remaining present.


Soft letting, leaning. Turning elsewhere. This pulsing of individual rhythms. Pressing. Complex components. Wondering. Waiting. This time that has been listening to, noticing. Being in the present. Organic matter habitualised as I. Deciding. Letting. it was clear and now it is drifting. No me controlling this play of momentums. Opening and closing of temporal indeterminacies. Absorption. Appearing. Not having the continuity broken. Constantly deciding. Concurrency of resonance. Togetherness in connection.


Disorientation. Open field mobilisation. Edges blurring. Movement emerging in the pixels. This residue of contact. These two zones, these two zones intermingling. Wondering. Wondering what comes through. Sensorially open. Nothing is. Nothing is simply there. Everything acts. Obviously. To be apart whilst also remaining in touch. These edges widening. A different kind of decision making in this other time. Sudden opening of something unexpected. Protecting a space, remaining open to one’s own practice and yet at the same time remaining sensorially open to the rest of the world.

This residue of contact. Sensible boundaries or rather changes in curvature. Sensorially open. Remaining sensorially open. Sinking. Opening. Unfolding. Porous. Expanding from one field, wider, and then realising. Constantly deciding or constantly making a decision or letting. Deactivating the willing. Coming back to writing. Penetrable. These fields that interact, that evolve. This pulsing of individual rhythms. This sense of re-entry. it is not clear, becoming indistinguishable. Both – in a sense. In all senses. Sensible. Language quickens. Changing yet maintaining slowness. Comfort as a ground for proceeding. This play of momentums. In all directions. Observing. Observing the detailed shifts expanding. From one field wider and then realising. It was clear and now it is drifting. Absorption. The porosity.


Another entering. Not having the continuity broken. Beginning with. Sensible boundaries, flow of sense. Protecting. Sinking. Coming back. Sensorially open. For just inhabiting hesitation. Can come back – these zones. Fine, thin, delicate membrane. Intermingling between times. Appearances. With noticing. Revolving. Waiting. Saying nothing. Waiting. The other in waiting and waiting to see; actually, not seeing and yet still waiting. Listening. Remaining. Relation as a spacing. And the expansion, very soon letting things, disappearing. Vibrating – a time frame opening. As part, seeing and not seeing. Moving with and letting. Being something, appearing. Perspective proceeding, possibilities shifting. Sense, some sense, now only now. What comes through – it is not obvious but indirect, disappearing. Neither being in connection, being in control. Being in rhythm in a way. Reacting, thus in different ways. Being in one’s own practice. Emergence, this play of momentums. This sense of, this sense of moving, this happening, the sense of how that felt in the body. Bending with, moving with, de-forming – in-forming. Fascination. Pressing. This sense of comfort as a way of proceeding. Unfolding continuum. Being in connection with, adapting, constantly breathing in and out. Which is not this invitation to move forwards, sinking into. Again and again, each time feeling the aliveness of the body. Where do I feel the words? What do I hear? Constantly deciding, this concurrence of the present. A repetition that is never the same. Re-sponding. This sense of movement, this happening. Pulled out of absorption by some influence or force. Re-sonating. Changing and yet retaining slowness. Interest settling. A sense of spatial distancing, sinking. and the outside of that, settling, almost a sense, becoming indistinguishable. Letting a different kind of decision making in this other time. Potentially unfolding, oscillating, not forcing. But also letting pass. Intermingling. Constantly deciding – these shifts, these edges. A silence of soft letting between times. Wandering. Intermingling, in a sense, holding back a sense of recognising. To move on with this quality that you can sink into, this specific quality. Pixelation in the screen, and this movement, this disorientation. Effecting, realising, sinking, still open. From that ground, from that stiller place, an inner sense. This zone and this having no temporal coordinates, only timelessness. This no time as a space of absorption. This sense of there being no I. To be, this parallelity of spaces, parallel spaces and parallel times. Not audible – where am I listening? Do I sense even though it is not obvious. Filtering, thus inevitably, letting pass. Cohabitation. Immanent turning. Drawing into and drawing out. Dissolving. Somehow dissipating. Which binds or combines or lets, this creating and developing something new together, in the togetherness. Following a rhythm. There is a different pace between the appearance of words and the inhaling and exhaling. This zone having no temporal coordinates, only timelessness. Drawing. Repetitional lines. In repetition, there is a quality that I can sink into, a quality of inbetweenness. Intrinsically a form of sharing, a form of sharing, an open field.


The transformative agency of letting pass through. Observing. Observing the liveness. Observing the shift, the aliveness of bodily movement. Bodily movement that is just happening, just appearing. This concurrence of the present.


Small letters appearing, letting the meaning appear. My eyes are moving, following, moving with the letters, appearing. Following the rhythm of the pause.


Influenced by the sounding, observing. Related, realising when I am able to expand my attention. Not focusing on anything else, another way of structuring. Maybe without time, no matter. Observing. There might be incompatibilities, I am going to practice this. Letting it be influenced, as a way of structuring, realising. Following an impulse. Shifts, shifting. Shifting, shifting. Just following. Drawing, and dissolving. And maybe in these moments, stepping back. Tiny surfaces of stuff, landscapes. Edges. To stop and observe the edges. Seeing. Realise. Seeing, transfer the focus, the impulse. A small blank space. An extension of the skin. An extension of the non-verbal, expanding. Expansion. The work of expansion feels so unpredictable. There is a call there, interest to join. Unseeing silence. The same dynamic, so unpredictable at the same time. The huge space between the thing and the thing coming to be. A step back. Listening in the gaps between the words. Listening in the gaps between the word, the conditions. A fluid sense, remaining. The huge space between sense and the coming to be of sense, and the possible crystallisations of meaning. I cannot guarantee, something is always different. It can only lead, the space, the floor. Not talking about experience but talking in experience. Not about. How to do so? How to remain there, and talk? Disappearing. And to talk to others, with others, to enter into a dialogue without fully abandoning the experience to which this dialogue refers. How to do so? Fluid, it needs a long preparation. How to wait until the other says something? To wait until. Until the others really spot, until a dialogue comes to be. Dialogue, the different scales. Without abandoning the sphere of experience to which this dialogue aims to develop. A past experience, a remembered experience. There it has to develop, a decision then. How to dialogue in this way? How? In multiple touch, in multiple forms of touch, in touch with multiple surfaces, voices. How to be in touch, yes. Bodies voicing. First through appearance. As the basis, there is connection, what does it need. Are the decisions made or are they decisions that emerge in a field of distributed agencies in which I was acting? To merge, the scale, this micro decision made. Not a decision I made, as if the decision would be a small part of me. But rather other way around – me being a small part of the decision. Me being a component of the decision. What do you mean. I don’t mean a version, I don’t mean I am made by the decision although this is always the case. The image is more, it is related. I mean the decisions can be the field in which I act. me being a small part of a sphere of decisions, of emergent decisions, of not-made decisions but of decisions coming to be, out of the confluence of agencies. Experiencing decisions without having made them.


Or being at the edge of decisions and somehow influencing them. Or being influenced by other’s decisions, this interwoven process of decision making. Not quite knowing at what point a decision is made or has been made and by whom. Yes, I wonder where, I wonder where those decisions are made, and when and by whom. And sometimes this is felt as a call or as a pull, this feeling of being pulled into something by something. A sense of one direction unfolding and then suddenly something arising and responding to the pull of that. And how is it to respond to the pull, influenced by this negotiation of agencies, these interacting agencies negotiating. No, not, negotiating, this sensitivity to the many different dynamics of pushes and pulls in the space. Decision as a movement to the urge to respond. How is this, how is this response? How is it to respond? That would be a deciding response, but again this response is not made, the same way that the decisions are not made. The response is not a response of a agent but again, the result of a confluence of enabling conditions. So I become curious about what other words than made; what other ways of describing this event of decision. This decision emerging, or decision born in some way. A decision arising or materialising. Embodied decisions. For me they also a logic, but not a logic that I plan or that I decide. Also this stepping back and letting the decision be made or in its happening realising the decision. The decision to stay longer or to leave. The decision that leads into something that can be expressed or coming-into, becoming a form, becoming. I wonder if it is always necessary that there is a decision or an agreement or a commitment. Commitment that it can be. De-ciding. It can appear. Deciding feels so definite. Definite. De-cide and de-finite. There is something in the decision of a cut, the choosing of one and not the other, and this is not how it feels so much as steering and being steered. So in decision, it feels as if there is some cut or rather a dis-continuity. The stopping of one action and the beginning of something else. Commitment, not finalisation but rather inserting a dis-continuity. A cut. And actually maybe there are times when the decisions felt like that, but often times it feels more fluid in the sense of no cut is made, no de-cision. But something more like the deviation or reorientation or redirection of movement or tangent. The cut as shift – a de-viation. I am also wondering if decision is made, or is it just the moment where I become aware of, that I can decide. An alteration of the sense of sense. There is sometimes a very radical way of change or change of something that was just happening and it continues in a different way because of that momentum of turning, of a turning point. A variation. Can a turning point be called a decision? A turning point or a change of angle or change of perspective or a change of view. Not even to fully turn around or change tack entirely but at times the most minute, barely perceptible reorganisation of possibilities. And here this sense of decision is not so much made, as it is found in a way. That it was revealed. Another approach. A decision becomes revealed. No it is not that it becomes revealed, but the possibility becomes revealed. Something shifts and new possibilities become visible or tangible or felt. New possibilities appear whereas before they were not so present. But maybe they were there nonetheless. A change in the angle of touch. A variation in the haptic interrelation between surfaces. Something turns, or drops, or sinks, or leans and something becomes visible or possible or felt as a different way. Difference. A difference is revealed, a difference that is different or other than the path that I was already on. I don’t know if it was there before, I could not see it. Suddenly something happens and it becomes a possibility. Something comes along. And to be able to see what comes along I have this, this feeling that there is a different source of knowledge, a knowledge that is within, a knowledge of experience. So these shifts are then different and then it also has to do with trust, trust into the unknown. Trusting, trusting, following, trusting the following. And also being able to drop the thought or drop the expectation, to be surprised again and again. Or a different kind of attention, this attention has a quality of absorption, of deep absorption, in some action, in something unfolding. Some observation, so deep absorption, deep interest, and yet not so deep as to become self-absorbed or separated from the rest of what is happening. So some kind of absorption that is also alert, no alert has the wrong quality somehow, alertness feels somehow too quick or sharp or vigilant. The quality of this receptivity to what is happening around feels so much softer than alert. This term, this sense of letting. This too I am not so sure. This quality of immersion or absorption, this softened attention at the edges. Somehow this softened edge of the attention, this periphery of attention, soft and open. Even if at the centre there is this deep sense of focused core, somehow this receptivity at the edges to what else might be unfolding. It is almost the same and yet not. Because of the almost, there is this potentiality of appearance. And this almost, also has an edge, this threshold of almost. This not-yet of almost, these thresholds that keep recurring, this sensitivity to these thresholds, appearing sometimes unexpectedly. And even these thresholds having this soft quality, this almost dusk-like quality. Neither clearly one nor the other, but indeterminate. This soft edge of possibility. And so, yes, so demanding to have this attention somehow at the centre of a practising, a centred practising, and this soft attention that furthest periphery of that. This challenge of being fully committed and yet also open, so not distracted. Not distracted by the other’s practising but a willingness to be moved by it, in some kind of way, and that being reciprocal.


Expanding, also expanding and holding. This sense of interest stilling or settling the attention. Of co-habitation. I also have the feeling of observing the echo, the echo of a practice. The space of absorption. The aliveness of bodily movements, of movements that are just happening. And I wonder also, the continuation of, of the practice is, as if there is no difference. Because the about-ness is in a way, very similar in each practice. So there is this quality that I can sink into, a quality that appears in the in-betweenness. Yes. There is a different pace. Dissolving, somehow dissipating in a way. Sensible boundaries or rather changes in curvature. Changes of scale. Just following. No sense of time. The passage of sense. Passages, transitions, translations, transformations. Letting the meaning appear. Following the rhythm of the pause. Each line includes the aliveness of bodily movement, appearing. It is the same with the voice and the breath. This sense of the no-I. And in these moments the sense of time, this sense of no-time. This sense of no hurry, no speed or slow as such. Waiting. In waiting, waiting to see, and the uncertainty of the possibility of seeing something. This edge. This sense of time. This gap of seeing and seeing it. Opening and closing of temporal indeterminacies. Accessing this nuance and being attentive to what is happening. These zones intermingling in the betweenness of thinking. Observations less tethered to one or the other. Intrinsically intervening, tactility needing a field of non-differentiation. Soft letting. Happening. Widening. Wondering. Not having the continuity broken. Changing yet maintaining slowness. This comfort as a ground for proceeding, this play of momentums. At times a change in mode might feel necessary, I think of the movement of the body, the movement of the arm or leg enables comfort to return once more. To feel a part of. Being in connection with. Constantly breathing in and out, overlapping. Back, background. Revolving, turning. Resonance – towards in -touchness. This drifting. Beginning, movement. Staying with. Proceeding, continues. Listening. These edges. This bleed of the present, opening and closing. Constantly deciding. And then, disorientation. Letting, turning, naming. Momentums remaining open. Silence which is all relative in a way. Letting the world slip into my senses. Thresholds. Coming back. Attention. Observing. Temporal indeterminacies, this constantly deciding. Sinking. Reach towards, sensorially open. Concurrency of resonance, not being in control. Together in connection. Nervous, sense of dissolving. No past now, only now. A different kind of decision making in this other time. These shifts in register, of perspective. Not being in control. Deactivating the willing. Spontaneous participation in the unfolding of the activity. These zones intermingling. Disappearance. Being a part. Sensible boundaries or rather changes in curvature. Between, some tactile qualities driven by appearance, sinking, resting.









Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.

My eyes are wandering between the screen, the field of the screen. Realising text, letters. Not yet reading. Breath. Inhaling, exhaling. Different scales of blackness, edges. Being aware of my situated body in a studio in front of a screen, in front of different materials. Reading different materials. Inhaling. A moving finger, writing finger. Thinking of what to voice, what to name. Tongue - sensing my tongue in my mouth. Following the movement of the written words in the lower right square or rectangle field. Small letters compared to the bigger letters in the upper left field. Pausing. Pausing signs. Deleting. Next line. Inhaling. Sensing. A seat, sensing my feet. Movement. Of writing. Two tapes on the upper edge of the screen. One pointing towards my body, the other one pointing away. Realising the sound of the birds outside of the space where I am. Reading. Reading the words, letting the meaning appear. The meaning is somehow situated in my thought. Or in my thinking. My eyes are moving, following, moving off the appearing letters and also the appearing of fingers, as shadows. Entering the lower right screen. Following the rhythm of the pause sign. there is a different pace between the appearance of words in the upper left rectangle compared to the lower right rectangle. Inhaling, exhaling. My hands are resting on my knees.


Each line includes the aliveness of bodily movement, appearing. There is a difference also. Using the muscles in a different way, resting into it.  The same is with the voice and the breath. My eyes are wandering to the movement of the wind. This parallelity of spaces, parallel spaces, parallel times. Where am I in this listening to past and to present? Temporalities, far more indistinguishable. This zone and this having no temporal coordinates, a timelessness. This no time of the space of absorption. A time that has been, listening again, at the same time. This concurrence of times, this bleed of times. This no time of the space of absorption, no speed, no slow. No hurriedness, no time, not time, no sense of the temporal. That it was, it was what it needed be somehow. Dissolving, breaking, somehow dissipating in a way. Realising one’s apartness, these different times. This sense of the no-I. And in the moments, this sense of time, this sense of time. This hurry that was mentioned. Somehow there is this quality I can sink into. A quality that appears in the between-ness.


Intrinsically a form of sharing. A thinking-sharing. An open field. Immanent. Turning. This still movement and becoming interested in that. This sense of interest having an effect of stilling or settling the attention. Of not having the continuity broken. Observations. Observing. Cohabitation. Disappearance. Appearances and disappearances. This following through of something which is not the following through of thought. Observing the liveness, observing the shift. The detailed and expanding from one field, wider, and then realising. The aliveness of bodily movement, movements that are just happening, just appearing. There is somehow, there is somehow this parallelity of spaces, parallel spaces and parallel times. This concurrence of the present. Sensible boundaries, or rather changes in curvature. Revolving. Turning. Felt texture of the shifting angle. Of contact made. Orientation to surface, pressing. Navigation of the edge. These surfaces, these surfaces in contact. And the shadows between. Resistance. Response. Becoming indeterminate. Edges blurring. Movement emerging in the pixels. Transference of one surface to another. This residue of contact. Appearances. Holding back a sense of recognising, of seeing. Realising even a sense of seeing something that isn’t there. This grasping of the eyes to see. Drawing things towards. Possession. Fixing. Sensing. Somehow tuning into a rhythm which is not forcing. Sensible boundaries or rather changes in curvature. Just happening, just appearing. My eyes are wandering. This bleed or seep in of the present, these two zones, these two zones intermingling. No speed or slow as such, just this unfolding. Somehow there is this quality you can sink into, into this specific kind of quality, it appears in the between-ness of thinking. My observations are less tethered to one or the other. Intrinsically. Intervening, entering, listening. Tactility leading. Open field, mobilisation. Disorientation. Absorption. Oscillating, unfolding. Non-differentiation. What is not expected. Momentums, absorption. The image gave me back, to animate the space of absorption. Protecting the space. Remaining open to one’s own practice and yet at the same time remaining sensorially open to the rest of the world. Sudden opening of something unexpected. Letting the world slip into my senses, being attentive to what is happening. Coming back to the writing. No me controlling this play of momentums. The silence of language is part of the continuity, the texture of silence, not as a break and not as a pause. And this can also happen in between. Observing, observing the shifts, the detailed shifts expanding from one field, wider. And then realising. It was clear and now it is drifting. Opening and closing of temporal indeterminacies, to access this nuance. Absorption. Experience. Distillation. Sensualisation. coexistence, staying with. Sharable, sufficient. Appearing. Not having the continuity broken. Constantly deciding. Hearing. Sensible boundaries, flow of sense. The silence of language. Back to the movement, overlapping. Wondering, wondering what comes through. In resonance. Feeling the conditions changing in some ways, through the cohabitation of the resonances. Sinking into the ground, or sinking into the back space of the body. There is a presence of sense. Sensorially open, to be apart whilst also remaining in touch. Temporal absence, constantly breathing in and out, expanding and shrinking. Revealing, overlapping. Concurrency of resonances. Togetherness in connection with. These edges, widening, intervening, happening, just appearing. Apartness. It is not obvious but indirect, yet in relation. A sense of dissolving, a quality of absorption, a different kind of decision making in this other time. Sharing. Thinking. Enacting. Opening. Appear. Intervening. Happen. Soft letting. Between times. Turning. Observations. Moving. Unmoving. Attention, how. Mobilisation. Interplay. Silence. Lean, follow. Sinking into, just following. A liminal space between seeing and touching, these shifts in register or of perspective. In a sense, or inner sense, a sense of sense. Not being in control. Repetitional lines. Constantly deciding, or constantly making a decision or letting, deactivating the willing. Yet the sense of my own time – I am moved, I am moved. This sense of attention and another sense of not being in control. Oscillate. Knowing. There was nothing apparently. Just this sense of, no, no, not just, this sense of having an interest settling. And now there is action again. Was there not action before? In a way or in a sense, or in one sense. This sense. In what sense, or in a sense of what? A sense of moving, this happening. A sense of how that felt in the body, even in a sense of the breath. Sinking. Sensible. Changing, yet maintaining slowness. This sense of comfort as a ground for proceeding. This play of momentums. I close my eyes as I try to animate a sense of withdrawal, to animate the sense of absorption. To remain in one’s practice and yet at the same time sensorially open. Inhabiting hesitation. Letting the world sink into my senses, being attentive to what is happening. Pressing. Maybe there is something there in terms of invitation, this sense of re-entry. And on what ground re-entry is enabled. At times the change in mode might feel somehow necessary. I think of the movement of the body, the movement of the arm or the leg enables comfort to return once more. Yes, this sense of comfort as a ground for proceeding. This concurrence of the present, and in repetition it is never the same. Again and again, and each time somehow including the aliveness of the body. This pulsing of individual rhythms. There is this rhythm which binds or combines or lets, that is creating or developing something new. 


In one sense, in one of the senses. In a viable sharable sense, that allows us to move with. To feel part of it. And in the sense of, not inner sense. As a questioning, in the sense of meaning, or of sense? Language quickens into a kind of thinking. Back to the movement, as a way of coming back. Realising I had no voice. Not hearable, not audible, but for myself it was. What comes through and from where? It is not obvious, but indirect, this extension of space. And yet, somehow this becomes fields that interact, that evolve. Drawing into and drawing out, there is this pulsing of rhythms. Being in connection with, constantly breathing in and out, overlapping. Temporality, being in rhythm, observing the shifts.


Revolving. Turning. Leaning. Naming. There are these lines, but they are never the same. Soft. Letting. What do I take with me? It includes the liveness of the bodily movements. Turning, elsewhere. Coming from the materiality, you push or pull. Wondering. Complex components, wondering, observing and noticing. Sounding. Threshold, shadow, reference, shadow. Shadows, wandering out of the room where I am sitting. An invitation to move towards. This parallelity, an invitation to move towards in-touch-ness, in parallel times. Moving towards in-touch-ness – strong language. Strong times, this time that has been listened to. Confronting language – voicing, noticing. And to begin with only listening. Organic matter that speaks now, the bleed of the present. organic matter habitualised as an I. influencing, deciding, questioning, letting, willing. Where am I listening to the past and to the present? Not being in control. Nervous. It not be clear, becoming indistinguishable. Interplay, in the zone. Against the radical silence of the background, this happening against the radical silence, enabling and inhibiting. This voicing risks becoming hermetic, self-sufficient. This timelessness, no speed or slow as such. Appearing, perspective, proceeding, possibilities, shifts, shifting. Proceeding possibilities. Appearing, disappearing. Just following. No sense of time, not time, no sense of the temporal, neither fast or slow. This moment of that breaking or dissolving the quality somehow. Coming back to time, and realising one’s apartness. Changes of scale, which horizons. Tiny surfaces. Stuff. Time, and also this stuff, landscapes, this no-I. the edge of seeing it, the edge, the edge of seeing without seeing it. The edge, this sense of time, lagging, of seeing and seeing it. The liminal space between seeing and seeing it. A small blank space. Between the ‘g’ and the ‘I’ - seeing …. it. Seeing time as something that extension of the scale, as something that is an extension of the skin. A huge space between seeing … it. Expansion. The door to the expansion was occluded because of the will of reading, seeing it in the thousands and thousands of words that continue after it. Not seeing the immense space between seeing and seeing it. Occluded, somehow there is this quality, that appears. Silence, a silence where I am not sure what is happening. Unseen silence, a silence of this unseen. The huge space between the thing and the thing coming to be. A felt sense of something happening. A huge space between the thing and the thing disappearing. A huge time frame of this process of appearing and disappearing. Listening in the gaps between the words. Listening, shadows, horizons, potentialities. What unfolds there. Fluid sense, sense coming to be. Huge spaces between sense and coming to be of sense, and the possible crystallisations of meaning. Mediated, the passage of sense, of at least of seeing. Passages, transitions. Transformations, translations, translations, transcriptions. Repetitions, slipping. Possible bodies. Inscription. Possible movements. A huge space between a possible movement and an actual movement. The space between these words and what is happening, actually. Opening a space, or space opening, agency of spacing. Silence as spacing, holding open. Quiet as differentiable from silence, or wordless. Waiting. Yet words remain, in waiting. Signalling the waiting, signs of and for waiting. Remaining present, expecting, presenting one’s remaining. Waiting to see. Uncertainty of the possibility of seeing something. Not seeing and yet still waiting.


Trying to remember what has happened, remembering, experience. What did I experience? And questioning, there is only one minute left. Should I start something new. Questioning whether to start something new, or is the continuation, anyways, constantly, it is constantly going on. A different kind of decision making. But there is something coming to an end, in marking this other time.






07.07.2022: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.



It is intrinsically a form of sharing, as a basis for thinking sharing. Entering. It keeps being a mirror. There is a difference of angle. These kind of differences … and not another kind of difference. Entering, an open field, we can introduce structure. Exploring this continuum. Is this undisclosable or undisclosed? Decisions are made. Liberated from attentiveness to things that are outside. Did it oscillate - one to the other or oscillating back and forth. Beginning with what is not expected. An opening where other possibilities emerge. The image gave me back.



Protecting the space, enacting in a protected space. Protected or simple framed. Undifferentiable times and moments, between times. Moments where we were using the same time, same terms. Does the frame necessarily provide protection or simply a certain kind of clarity? Sudden opening of something unexpected, and not clinging to that. I move now, it is not an accomplishment. Coming back to the writing, when I try to recall it, it is not clear cut.


A certain kind of calm. What happens if this is not possible to continue? We have not talked about that. I am still present, there is a difference. Conditions for just being, necessary to be safe, although the feeling of safety might be in the very background. And this can also happen in between, you can come back. To be present, although this being present might also be in the very background. I am being. I am between times. It was clear and now it is drifting. Beginning from apartness, from absorption, beginning with noticing.


Already a distillation of a distillation of a distillation. Because it is in the foreground of my awareness, what is happening right here and now. All these pasts yet what is happening now. Staying with, no, not to wait for the impulse but still waiting. A phenomenon appearing right here now. Awaiting. Awaiting. Now pulled towards the past … and what you are saying. Hearing this second time. But also the emergent flow of sense from which they emerge, and that continues, that continues flowing in the specific way they enable. Overlapping, indistinguishable, allowing for this blur, this new connection. My observations are less tethered to the one or the other. A resonance, the cohabitation of the resonances of all the phenomena, and their presence as sense. Resonances, cohabitation, surprising, to have no idea. Or as its temporary absence. Revealing, I guess so. As a temporary possibility of the concurrency of resonances. How to move that? What it is to me is actually what I am seeing. These edges. What is seeable? There are a lot of edges, intervening. A seeing which allows or which accepts. How is it feeling? Apartness, back only with the one time, listening. Opening and closing of temporal indeterminacies, coexistent. Coexistence of now and then, in the listening. To access this nuance. Activating fragments that have a relation to what is being observed. And the I in that.



Letting. Acting. It is a following of, from this subjective position not inflected with the I. Silent as, not as. Immanent. Vibration. A form of immanent voicing. There, now, be a form. Now, unfold. What you are saying. Felt shadow. At the edge. Revolving, turning, leading, naming. Appearances. Constituted by the practice that you did before. Tactility. Soft. Letting. The order matters. The one moving, to be moved. What do I take with me, the I, the position, natural laws, turning, elsewhere. A sense, silence. Silence. A break. Silence, it is more relative in a way, more about sensing. A part. Continuity. This sense. Qualities. To leave the I aside and enter. Mobilisation. Sensualisation. Enter. Mobilisation, a new thought. As part of, call of. Of another, as if there was, I was. Wondering, as if, I was what is. Or, observing in the beginning and more listening. Wondering, as if, I was almost establishing a relation in observing. The happening I was listening to. To slow down the experience. I was thinking. Threshold. Shadow. Reference. Shadow. Not to hurried by the speed of what is unfolding. Being. Something. How, how to begin. Intention. Sense of moving. Attention, decoupled, an invitation to move towards. Moving towards in-touch-ness. Practices, very soon, clarity of intention. Screen – a device, this apartness. Attention, a device, this apartness. Other practices. A sort of space or through sound. Not to amplify the I. Language, strong language. Working with language, confronting language in some ways. Even the language, voicing, noticing.

It is the I that feels hurried, hurry comes from the I. Yes. Yes, we are matter too. Question. Open other practices. Organic matter that speaks now. Parts, reach towards. Organic matter habitualised as an I. Influencing. Constantly deciding, constantly making a decision. Questioning. Feeling. Letting, deactivating the willing. I am moved. I am moved. This sense of attention. Being in control, control, knowing practice. Another register – not being in control. Being in control, not being in control. A sense of knowing. Part of the flow. Nervous. Some sense. One force dissipates and the other comes to the fore. Interplay. Against the radical silence of the background, no past now, only now. The boundaries are not always clear. It was - it would be interesting if you could describe this. Enabling and inhibiting. To stay open, this rising of becoming hermetic, self-sufficient.



Trying to recall. Appearing. Perspective. Proceeding. Possibility. Shifts. Shifting. Appearing. Disappearing. Just following. Moments of interference. It is a liminal space between seeing and touching, it is neither/nor. These shifts in register, of perspective. Looking forwards and looking back. Navigating this space, the unfolding of many temporalities. This letting needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. To return to the possibility of apartness. Then the fluid, spontaneous participation in the unfolding of the activity. This is also not being in control. To lean away, letting the eyes become somehow softer. To lean on. To lean away on. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. Evolving. Disappearance. Happening. Emergence. This sense of almost disorientation. This movement between absorption and being apart. Being absorbed and then this opening up in to paying attention, and then back again into this sense of apartness. Listening. Letting the world sink into my senses. This constant observing at the threshold between one and another. Moments of threshold between the thing and the light. Shadows which include the being-in-relation, being in relation. Some tactile qualities driven by fascination. The source begins with the sensuous, this becoming-fascinated, becoming absorbed. This gradual pull or call of attention from another’s practice. These shifts of register and of perspective. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. Non-differentiation, an unfolding continuum, almost a disappearance. Appearances and disappearances. To lean on, to lean away on, this following through of something, which is not the following of a thought. Voicing this trying to follow. No me controlling this play of momentums. From something I know, or from letting something happen that I don’t yet know. Being sensorially open. To be apart whilst also remain in touch. Sinking into the ground, or sinking into the back space of the body. Where do I hear the words? What do I hear? Constantly deciding. Also giving up control. These different registers of not knowing. Where there is no I. letting the world slip into my senses, being attention to what is happening.



I am not sure if my desire for conversation emerges out of a sense of awkwardness. In the silence, the feeling of the conditions changing in some way. Yes, these moments of absorption feeling ruptured, no, not ruptured, but feeling pulled out of absorption by some influence or force. And the sense of self-consciousness, this factor of self-consciousness having this factor of rupture. And how to work with that, almost in that, the naming of it makes it dissipate somehow. Even a sense of spatial distancing, this sense of spatial distancing from the feeling of absorption. Feeling pulled out of this space of absorption, as if it is a space somehow. As if it has some contour or sense of enclosure, and then feeling on the outside of that, and wondering how, yes, how to re-enter that space. Almost like being on the outside of a room where something else is happening. A sense of disconnection. Pressing. Or maybe there is something there in terms of invitation. This sense of re-enter, on what grounds is re-entry enabled? Keeping a distance, changing the mode of contact. At times this change of mode might feel somehow necessary. I think of the movement of the body. Maintaining slowness. Perhaps a disease, or unease, and maybe the movement of the arm or the leg, enables comfort to return once more. Yes, this sense of comfort as a ground for proceeding. Accurate attention, awareness. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. This play of momentums. I close my eyes as a I try to animate a sense of withdrawal or of apartness, to animate the sense of absorption. How to remain in one’s own practice and yet at the same time remaining sensorially open to the rest of the world, and to the others. Inhabiting hesitation. Sinking. Listening. Inhabiting the shadows, the figures to be. Inhabiting. Sinking. Potentialities. Focusing. Sensing. Yet not controlling, not forcing. Somehow tuning into a rhythm which is not forcing. This letting needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. Sensible boundaries, or rather changes of curvature. Constantly deciding, constantly making a decision. Yet not feeling that I was in control. These shifts of register, appearances and disappearances. Not having the continuity broken. Waiting for them to occur, for it to move on, continue in a way. The silence of language is part of the continuity. The texture of silence – not as a break and not as a pause or stop. A way we can follow, we can accompany. A way in a sense, sufficient as our own. Sufficient to move on with.



There was something about it feeling disturbed or disrupted, this feeling of being pulled out and then something in observing the pixelation in the screen. And this movement, this still movement, and becoming interested in that. And just this sense of, no, not just, this sense of interest, having an effect of settling, or stilling attention. Bringing that attention towards a stiller place, and then the sense of possibility opening again, from that ground, from that stiller place. Even a sense of how that felt in the body, even in the sense of the breath. In a sense, inner sense. Following sense, moving with, appearing sense. This inner sense, and in a sense – inner sense. In a sense, inner sense and in a sense. This in a way or in a sense. Or in one sense. In one sense or in one meaning. One of the senses. In one of the senses, or in one sense. In a sense, in a viable, sharable sense, in an open sense that allows us to move with, to feel part of it. And in the sense, in the sense of. Not in a sense or inner sense, in the sense of, in what sense? In the sense of, in the sense of as a questioning. As a doubting – in what sense? In what sense, or in the sense of what? Or, in the sense of meaning, or in the sense of sense. Language can quickly escalate into a kind of thinking, and away from the sense of sensing. Taking my attention back to the movement of the pixels as a way of drawing back or of settling, coming back.


I just realised I had no voice. But I had a voice but, and it was not hearable, not audible. But for myself it was. So I am wondering, what comes through and from where? Does it come, but do I sense even though it is not obvious, but indirect or apart, and yet in relation. The extension of space, from an inner space to a zone which is sensible, in a direct way, a more physical way. And then there is more an idea of space, or maybe it is more a projection then. And yet also looking at the screen, somehow this becomes an idea of connecting spaces, connecting fields, fields that interact, fields that evolve, that extend and sometimes shrink. Drawing into and drawing out, there is this pulsing of individual rhythms and yet at the same time there is this rhythm which binds or combines or lets, is creating and developing something new together, in the togetherness, in connection with, being-in-connection-with. Constant breathing in and out, and expanding and shrinking. And then, overlapping, becoming, and a specific other temporality, a temporality of attention. Being in rhythm. Observing, observing the aliveness, observing the shift, the detailed shifts in expanding from one field, wider, and then realising, I had this moment where I was drawing repetitional lines, and in repetition, it is never the same line. They are made again and again and again, and each line somehow also includes the aliveness of bodily movement, that are just happening, just appearing. So coming from an idea, the repetition of materiality, moving the pencil from one direction to another, there is a difference also in including this movement of the body whether you push or pull. Using the muscles in a different way means that there are quite complex components that express themselves into it at the same time, the same is with the voice and the breath, the sounding. While I say this, my eyes are wandering out of the room where I am sitting and I see the movement of the wind in the trees, and then looking at the screen, there is somehow there is somehow this parallelity of spaces. Parallel spaces and parallel times, this experience of listening to one time, a time that is past, that has been. Listening to that again, and this sense of having been there, but listening again now with some time away. And at the same time, this concurrence of the present. And to begin with only listening back to this other time, and then this bleed or seep in of the present, of voices and sounds of the present. And then suddenly, this sense of where am I? Or when I am? Where am I? When am I? Where am I, yes, where am I in this, listening to the past and listening to the present? And somehow these two zones, these two temporal frames intermingling. And at times, it being clear – the time of the present and the time of the past, and at others, far more indistinguishable. And yet the sense of my own time in that, feeling neither wholly present or wholly past. Somehow in this zone, I think of this sense of being in the zone, and this having no sense of spatial or temporal coordinates. This timelessness. Even with temporal coordinates - this past, this present - still this sense of timelessness. And this sense of no-time in this space of absorption. No speed, or nor slow as such, just this unfolding. Yes, neither feeling fast nor slow, no hurriedness, no lagging, no time, no sense of time, no sense of … not time. No sense of the temporal characteristics of an action somehow – neither it was fast or slow. It just was, it just was, and it was what it needed to be somehow. And then at times this sense of that breaking or dissolving or the quality of absorption somehow dissipating in a way and coming back to time. Or even realising one’s apartness, or a different kind of decision-making in this other time. There are these two times within the one exploration. And also this sense of the I-ness in these times. This no-I in one, and more-I in the other somehow. And in the moments perhaps where there was more self-consciousness of time lagging or feeling present in a linear way, and somehow this sense of the I strengthens or creates even this sense of time as something that is linear or feels slow or hurried, this sense of hurry that was mentioned. Somehow there is this quality I can sink into, into this specific kind of quality that appears in the between-ness of thinking, expressing, articulation.


Text generated through the following practices activated within a single Ecology of Action: 

I Practice of Transcription (multiple sources)

II Practice of Transcription (multiple sources), Practice of Observation (Voicing) (Focus/referent) - The experience of practising within the Ecology in Action (directly) and aesthetic thinking (indirectly), Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing (Focus/referent) - The experience of aesthetic thinking (directly) and practising within the Ecology in Action (indirectly).

III Practice of Transcription (multiple sources) and Practice of Reading: Distillation (with Transcript from previous Ecology in Action 18.03.2022 as source text).

IV Practice of Reading: Distillation (with Transcript from previous Ecology in Action 18.03.2022 as source text).

V + VI Practice of Conversation [Focus/referent: The experience of practising within the Part 1 of the Ecology in Action (directly) and aesthetic thinking (indirectly)] and Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing (Focus/referent) - The experience of aesthetic thinking (directly) and practising within the Ecology in Action (indirectly).



18.05.2022: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.


Sounding. Following. Following. Guiding. Letting. Lead back.


Following. Static. Stilling. Holding. Not grasping. Away.








Diving. Inherent balances. Being observed. Just following.


This trying. Care. Or maybe best first being careful. Proceeding carefully.


To lean away. Tentatively.


This following, this following driven by fascination. I am talking about the silence.


Proceeding with, acting with.


A form of observation which is fascinating, becoming aware more and more.


Letting the eyes become somehow softer. Moments of interference and stillness. This disruption of an edge.


Not only acting alone but acting with. Not interacting but acting with.


To lean on, to lean away on. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way.


A seeing that requires some qualities, some tactile qualities. It is a liminal space between seeing and touching, it is neither/nor.


Letting the eyes close. Sounding.


The densest integration of acting and proceeding.


The following through of something which is not the following of a thought. This following something through, voicing this trying to follow.


The densest realisation of the sense world.


Following something as it is being observed. Not having the continuity broken.


The silence of language is part of the continuity.


The most silent realisation.


The texture of silence, not as a break and not as a pause or stop.


The most immanent realisation.


Vibration felt. The quiet spacing after touch. Memory of contact, of friction. And then returning again in a different key.


My eyes are touching. A form of touch, and relating to what I know and not know. Not to stray into this elsewhere, not to project beyond the edge.


Not just following a thought, but following something through. Following something as it is being observed.


The agitation, or the liveliness of the materiality, or the mediality, and the human hand. And the blur where the one become difficult to differentiate from the other.


This is difficult to be abandoned. I was there … because I am forced now to be somewhere else. My eyes were touching, a form of touch and relating to what I know and not know.


There is a potentiality, as if knowledge itself can unfold before I name it.


Trajectories towards and away. Tangent from, a connection to. Taking a tangent. Departing from the line. Flickering. Oscillating. Vibrating. A vibration felt, sounding in the space. Collapse of one into the other. This pixelation around the edges – not to stray into this imaginary elsewhere. Light. Shadow. And this blur where the one becomes difficult to differentiate from the other. A liveliness that is not quite sentient. An agitated life at the edge.


To lean back on something, to lean away. The sense of needing a support somehow. Rotation. Revolving. Turning. Surface. Shadow. Edge. A breaking through of figuration, of recognition, a sense of grasping and of needing to pull back, not to name.


Appearing. Disappearing. A certain possibility of being the same. Navigating this space, the unfolding of many temporalities. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way. Contact. Connection. Tactility. Drawing of attention, but without the sense of leaning in. tactility of a surface – textures and holes. Soft gradations of movement. And then recognising this sense of searching and letting that go.


Lines. Falling. Light. This play between the agitation or the liveliness of the materiality or the mediality and the human hand, and this blur where the one becomes difficult to differentiate from the other. These shifts in register, of perspective, looking towards and looking back.


Non-differentiation, an evolving continuum.


There is this almost disappearance – the sense of absorption in the one in part comes from the sense of feeling that one will not be interrupted.


Between appearances and disappearances.


The dynamic of the navigation or the negotiation that was happening between these forces.


Moving, navigating. 


Navigating the space of the unfolding, of many temporalities, and somehow tuning into a rhythm which is not forcing, this letting needs to find a certain rhythm in a way.


To be moved by a dimension, merged with the environment.


Aside of natural laws.


Turning. Revolving. Away from the centre to the sides. Yet not to project beyond the edge, not to stray into this imaginary elsewhere.


A continuous radical emergence.


A sense of not having the continuity broken in a way, and within that, the silence of language as part of the continuity. Somehow feeling the texture of silence, not as a break or as a pause, but as part of the continuity.


Continuous generation within generator, or better, with a highly distributed source.


Almost a disappearance, this sense of absorption.


Driven by fascination. Some tactile qualities.


The source begins with the sensuous.


This becoming fascinated or becoming absorbed.


Within even, even within, within all I can see, all I can hear, all I can sense, there is this within. Becoming more and more aware, the more I can release into that.


With the mobilisation of the sensuous. The sensualisation of movement.


Gives a specific support, it is the feeling of how to enter. The quality of that is opening. A kind of diving.


And this silence. The silence as part of the continuity.


I have this sense of almost disorientation, I think coming from this movement between absorption in this apartness, this being apart and being absorbed in a practice, and then, this gradual pull or call of attention of another’s practice, and then this opening up into this paying attention. and then this sense of attention shifting between the call of one practice and then the call of another, and then back again into this sense of apartness. Like … there are places in it which felt as if they were so fluid that I did not feel that I was in control at all. Which, not that I didn’t feel as if I was in control, there was no me controlling. I was moved in this play of momentums and influence and attention.

I was wondering where to start from, what is the first extension or the first step into something coming maybe, from something I know or letting something happen that I don’t know yet. That I haven’t found out, so I felt myself more observing in the beginning and more listening. Letting the world since into my senses and I am not sure if I, if I could let new, something new happen. I also felt this constant shift from one attention to the other, being attentive to what was happening in front, in here in the space and also what I was listening to, the voices, the meanings, the content. And then I was thinking what is giving content, what is the content, is it arising, how is it constituted, how is meaning constituted? And there was this constant observing of the threshold between one and another, one practice and another. Also, moments of threshold between the thing and the light and the causing of a shadow. The shadow became very central in a way as a reference maybe between one media and another. Shadows which include the being-in-relation, being in relation.

There was something about how to begin, and how to begin and whether that was with some intention. So maybe I had some sense of moving from apartness, a self-contained sense of practising, and this idea or this intention of moving towards more and more influence and connection and in-touch-ness with others practices. And then recognising very soon in the practice, how that kind of clarity of intention become involved and complicated by the agency and the effects and the influence of others practising. And how some practices were possible to occlude or keep at a distance by turning down the eyes or by looking away from the screen, as a device for maintaining this sense of apartness. Or focusing close to the text as a way of attending to the words and becoming absorbed, this apartness in the first instance had a quality of absorption, that on the one hand it felt quite particular, but it involved ignoring or holding at a distance or keeping at bay, the influence of the other practices. So there was almost a sense of withdrawal, a sensory withdrawal into a practice. This kind of disappearing into the sort of space or the universe even that a practice opens up. To the exclusion of all other stimulus that are not belonging explicitly to that practice. And then the sense of the influence of other practices particularly through sound, and not only through sound, but through language, and how strong language is in a way. Which is interesting, in the sense of working with language and in those instances confronting, confronting the impingement of language in some ways. And in other ways, the invitation, the invitation that was there to … so the impingement is there in the sense of interrupting the space of withdrawal or of isolated absorption but the invitation has a strong call, a strong call to participate, to connect. Even the language of one practice calling my attention to look towards the other practice. And that desire to sit back and observe without voicing. And noticing also how much I close my eyes as a way of trying to activate that sense of withdrawal or apartness, attempting to animate the sense of absorption. Yes, and maybe also how distractable I might be in the sense that this is what is required. Yes, this question of how to remain in one’s own practice, if that is an aspiration, and the same time as being sensorially open to the rest of the world, and the others’ practices. How to do so without it being a form of retreat or withdrawal. Yes, maybe this sense of how to be apart whilst also remain in touch?

For me this was a question with my body, what parts of my body are more the ones that are the bridge towards the world, or using media. But there are other areas which are constitutive for using them at the same time. For example, sinking into the ground, or sinking into. And the back space of my body at the same time, even, if my attention is more in my front. How is that influencing my movement? And then at the same time listening. But where do I hear the words? What do I hear? And thoughts also at the same time. And then also constantly deciding, constantly making a decision, letting, also giving up control sometimes, maybe more often than I can control, I don’t know. I am questioning myself right now, am I able to then observe the not controlling. Or has it to do with what I know and I can only observe what I know?

I mentioned this sense of control before and this feeling of, how did I say it, well, two inflections – not feeling as if I was in control and not feeling as if I was in control. And I wonder, I am wondering how else to say this, there is a kind of not in control where the quality of attention feels dissipated and in a sense, in that not feeling in control I am unable to return to the possibility of apartness, I am moved so much by the influence or the pull of different practices. So there is this sense of not being in control almost feeling totally at the influence of external agencies or forces. But then there is this sense of kind of, the fluid spontaneous participation in the unfolding of activity, which does not have this sense of the chaos of not being in control, or this inattentive, distractable sense of attention. And I want to find a way of describing this, because this is also not being in control. So there are these two registers of not being in control – one is a kind of an affirmative giving up of control, or giving over of control or letting go of control, or to be the practice. Letting go of my control, of my control, knowing what I am going to do. And becoming, doing what is needed, doing what the practice requires, doing the practice, being the practice. Which feels very different to the other register of not being in control, whereas in that experience this I-ness somehow reasserts itself. Maybe this also connects to these different registers of not knowing – there is sense of not knowing where there is no I, or the I is diminished, and becomes part of the flow of a process, and then the I become amplified again – a nervous, or anxious I, that does not know what is happening, and attempts to reassert some sense of agency within the interplay of action.


Text generated through the following practices activated within a single Ecology of Action: 

* Practice of Reading: Distillation (with Transcript from previous Ecology in Action 18.03.2022 as source text).

* Practice of Observation (Voicing) (Focus/referent) - The experience of practising within the Ecology in Action (directly) and aesthetic thinking (indirectly).

* Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing (Focus/referent) - The experience of aesthetic thinking (directly) and practising within the Ecology in Action (indirectly).

* Practice of conversation. Focus/referent: The experience of practising within the Part 1 of the Ecology in Action (directly) and aesthetic thinking (indirectly)

17.05.2022: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing


An unknown common.


Keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience.


Wondering how this spaciousness comes. This sense of intending. How to enter. A certain level of sensitivity or sensibility. A certain stilling of the eyes.


Drawing of attention but without the sense of leaning in.


A sense of noticing but also leaning back - feeling of a way.


Tactility of a surface. The textures and holes. And shimmering pixels.


Vibrations at the edges. Sounding of touch.


Static noise.


Soft gradations of movement.


And recognising this sense of searching, searching for a sense of figure, and then letting that go.


Recognising this sense of searching for something, for something recognisable, trying to recognise, trying to name. And then letting that go, even leaning back to let that go, even closing the eyes. Noticing how the eyes somehow want to grasp even before voicing.


To bring into contact. To connect, to connect through proximity but not necessarily through approximation.


A sense of intrigue, off the edge of frame.


Suspending the sense of intrigue beyond the edge of frame to attend to what is only in frame. No source of light only the gleam in the frame. No agent beyond the frame only the hands moving and the connection with the stones.


The continuity of the space, the space where it actually happens. Careful contact, without reasons, without motivations, without targets.


To make a connection. Act of connection. Circle of relations. This opening out, a sense of laying bare. Bringing into touch. Holding and yet not containing. Feeling yet not grasping.


This liveliness at the edge of the frame. Uncertain of whether this is a sense of body or of interference at the level of the plane of the image. A sense of pixelation.


This movement of the figure and the ground. And leaning in, trying to get closer, trying to grasp and needing to pull back. Even a sense of agitation. This agitation that has a quality of life. A liveliness that is not quite sentient. An agitated life at the edge. This play between the agitation or the liveliness of the materiality, or the mediality, and the human hand. And this blur, where the one becomes difficult to differentiate from the other. The shadow. The shadow gives a sense of presence somehow. And again wondering how this spaciousness comes. The dynamic of the navigation or the negotiation that was happening between these forces.


A decision to keep existing one mode of encounter through preference of another mode of encounter.


A touching body, highly present, highly sensory engagement. But at the same time keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience.


A certain mobilisation of this medium. Movement.


Not forcing. Present but not in a reaching way. Taken from the centre to the edges., this movement from the centre to the periphery. Away from the centre to the sides. And this pixelation around the edges.


How to stay within the frame, not to project beyond the edge, not to stray into this imaginary elsewhere. To stay attending. Attending, tending. Staying focused but not grasping, letting the attention move to the side.


Holding some space open. A gap revealed in the aftermath of activity into which something else might arise.


Soft line between light and object. Yet already this naming of things that in the image are not there – just light, just pixels, no light, no object. Letting go of names. Recognising this desire to recognise, to name.


Closing the eyes. Letting the eyes be somehow softer. The play of pattern and colour, of pixels. Moments of interference and stillness, agitation. The sense of an edge, this navigation of an edge. This disruption of an edge. A removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore, or the periphery into a more focused attention. Carried or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of. Like a breeze.


This sense of intending. The dual sense of directing one’s attention to, these lines of demarcation. Lines made and lines emerging. Soft boundaries between one state and another. An indeterminate edge. Unstable. The edge shifts and shimmers.


Background coming to the fore. Becoming solid. Mirroring of a curve. The shape of one reflected in the other, the difference is transformative. A transformative but not transcendent difference. Difference as disclosure. Appearing. Disappearing. A certain possibility of being the same.


In touch. In tact. This touch of surface, a trace of contact made. The quiet spacing after touch. The memory of contact. Of friction. Of felt surfaces meeting. And returning again, in a different key.


A breaking through of figuration, of recognition. A sense of sense of grasping and needing to pull back, not to name. Letting the eyes close. Sounding. The touch of connection. Of contact made.


Sounding in the space. Sounding in the ears. A vibration felt. Shift of texture. From the representational to the image. Collapse of one into the other. Separation as disconnection. Without explanation, without justification, without the deciding, the decided self.


The sense of needing a support somehow, of being able to lead back on something. To lean away. And whether that is even a sense of time, the time somehow becomes a support to lean on, to lean away on. Something around temporalities and unfolding of temporality and navigating this space of the unfolding of many temporalities and somehow tuning into a rhythm that is not forcing something. This letting of it needs to find a certain rhythm in a way.


We were starting in such a deep silence. And that this is difficult to be abandoned and to somehow come back, this really being, being somewhere which is generated by the doing, by the practice itself. And I am noticing this now, much more than when I was there because I am forced now to be somewhere else.


I am oscillating between memory, remember like a trace or like a trajectory that now continues and yet I am following back that trajectory backwards, not forwards. But yet forward, at the same time it is forward. And then following it back, sensing, still sensing the different levels and my eyes were touching. So the scene was a form of touch and relating to what do I know or not know. There is, I realise that before I name there is a potentiality, there is a … as if it is guiding, or as if the knowledge itself can unfold before I name.


I can fully relate with this idea of seeing as touching. This is probably at least part of this experience or at least to be more precise, it is a liminal space between seeing and touching – it is neither/nor. Or maybe it is a seeing that requires some qualities, some tactile qualities. Or in my case, it was totally driven by the fascination of the image. As if everything, or better it, would be image in this form of practice. And it is a kind of diving from the inherent balances, in terms of poles of attraction or of rejection in the realm of image.


This becoming fascinated or absorbed by something, there is this almost a disappearance into the practice. And I am noticing how different voice, how difference language practice is between the practice of voicing and reading and now in conversation, and the sense of absorption in the one in part comes from this sense of not feeling as if one will be interrupted, or taken in a different direction through another’s verbal interjection or questioning. So this capacity, for following through of something, which is not the following of a thought or of a, of a, yes, the thought into voice. But following something through into language, so in the voicing this trying to follow. So this, yes, not just following a thought, trying to bring a thought, but following something as it is being observed. And part of this was the sense of not having the continuity broken in a way. And within that, the silence of language is part of the continuity. Somehow seeing, somehow feeling the texture of silence as not a break or not a pause or a stop, but the silence as part of the continuity of that practice.


I can relate to this following, and to this following driven by fascination and I can also relate to this silence in the sense of also the silence of the image, which might be very loud, but not in the case of this practice. And I am not talking about a visible quality of the image, I am not talking about a visible property of the image. What I am talking about probably, I am talking about the silence of the image, I am talking about the silence of the agency of the image which is what is driven by me. And this form of being driven is there where, is also there with this silence, or to which this silence refers.


Yes and for me the silence is also within even, even within, within all I can see, all I can hear, all I can sense – there is this within. And the more I let, maybe it is kind of becoming aware more and more, the more I let that be as wide as possible, it is wide itself, but the more I can release into that, the more I come to a form of observation which is fascinating and as if all that appears is coming from, yes, I am wondering if I frame it or the more I let that be there in my consciousness. But it is not a letting, it is more a happening or more something that I agree more and more. And then, yes. Trying to find words for this. And what I also wanted to share, is this aspect of voice itself, the human voice, not only in content but also in the way the voice is there as a melody or as a quality of resonance. And there I mean more the quality of the voice itself, it gives a specific support as well, a support, and maybe I can sense this, maybe it is feeling the quality of how to enter. It can be the voice, it can be the image, it can be the quality of that is opening specific possibility, on aesthetic, on aesthetic thinking or aesthetic revealing.


Text generated through the following practices activated within a single Ecology of Action: 

1. Oscillating between Practice of Reading: Distillation (MINOR) and Practice of Voicing Observation (MAJOR) (with Transcript from previous Ecology in Action 14.07.2021 as source text), in parallel to Practice of Explorative Drawing, Practice of Material Encounter, Practice of Very Slow Video Observation.

2. Practice of conversation. Focus/referent: The experience of practising within the Part 1 of the Ecology in Action (directly) and aesthetic thinking (indirectly)





















18.03.2022: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.




Common. Moving. Work. Disappearance. Eyes. Sensation. Engagement. Fluid. Continuity. Quality. Sliding. Carried. Enter. Walking. Breeze. Relax. Gentleness. Think. Choosing – continuously moving. Accepting what there is to move on. This with-ness mode is also possible with language, with a certain mobilisation of this medium, language. Something to do with the capacity to be moving the body, and this movement between movement and stillness. Again, wondering how this spaciousness comes, this feeling of spaciousness comes through relating to a perception of how things are together. It was really a physical sensation, turning into an image, ingrained in my skin. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of being and not go into another rigidity, another functionality, another operability. This correspondence between language and the eye. And what does it mean to think with the stone? There are alternatives to that – what is an aesthetic use of language? An impulse to move – the smell activated a really different kind of stillness, a much less self-conscious stillness. What if when we move to the medium of language, what if we begin to act within the medium of language, continuing doing the same? Let words appear without the intention of grasping something, but rather creating, or reinforcing or realising an object of perception in language. The question of touching, of the with, to bring forth through or rather with language. Present but not in a reaching way. The skin’s experience of the body felt important, or dominant, it did not feel important it felt dominant. Not forcing language to be a grasping tool, but a touching tool. What is this becoming aware of, coming in touch with, what is this moment of happening where, where do I shift and where is the shift happening?


Periphery. Momentum. Background. Continue. Shifting. Touching. Overwhelm. Allow. Collapse. Impulse. Fluidity. Material. Reaching. All these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet, and that need a different navigation in order to be communicated. Begin to write, producing articulated signs touching the stone. It also felt like a feeling of moving into things – it is a different kind of choosing. Not now and not before, I was never looking at an object, because you can listen to someone who is silent, to bring that attitude of listening to the stone as well. Listening to the muteness and it was not silent. There was this feeling of moving into things one after another. A different kind of choosing, endlessly moving, accepting what is there to move on.


I notice these moments of disorientation. I appreciate these in-between zones of being oriented and being disoriented. There are movements happening as a kind of stretching out. Language unfolding from that experience, in the same key or texture as the experience. This language-with, thinking-with, unfolding. This kind of shimmering on my retina – I noticed those floating shapes that you get on the surface of the eye and I became interested in this as the proximate sphere or as the edge of the body in a way. This kind of lively lightness, a quality of lightness – again the flight of thought. A sense of when you notice it going into thought. Does it really have to go into thought? Reciprocity. Recognising. Mutuality. Muteness. End. Third space. Before. Present. Deeply. Parts. Capacity. Indirectness. Resonating. Coincidence. There is this sense, almost an out-of-timeness in a way. There is something of a quality of support in the action that enables me to focus a sense of thinking. It felt as a cognitive operation but not as a linguistic operation. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. To bring up from under and to carry over. This is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. How to enter, the question really, how to enter? Entering into what? Am I really thinking with the stone or am I thinking about the stone? What it means to think with the stone? This dual relationship between activating a certain level of sensitivity or sensibility and at the same time knocking back the wider sense of awareness, a kind of yes/no quality to the practice. I am struck by the kind of interweaving or emergence between the different parts. A coming together but not through association. This with-ness mode might be easier in the medium of a touching body. Highly present, highly sensory engagement, but at the same time keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience in a way. This liminal sense – almost an out-of-timeness. The preconditions for experiencing, was establishing a sense of comfort. But what seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation, and it seemed that it was in the movement between orientation and disorientation that the movement of curiosity began to arise in a way. What is this mouth and this tongue forming? The stone is so concrete, so materialised and so dense. A merging of felt or even physical, rhythmical qualities that intrigue one another, so that things start to swing with one another, begin to swing.


Dive. Descend. Coincidence. Capacity. Shimmering. Realise. Pleasure. Letting. Looking. Mediating. Expand. Intention. Reading. It was not introspective, so it stayed local to the body, very proximate to the body. But there was no tendency to introspect – it stayed near but not going into. Not now, and not before, I was never looking at an object. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere. Allowing the distraction part of the environment to be held back – really a contradictory sense of feeling deeply connected to the environment. This mutual emergence, each creating the conditions for the other.


Listening to the muteness and it was not silence. This is a way of saying – not being distracted by everything that is happening, but rather being contained or even protected from distractions. The chronological aspect of cause and effect felt complicated, more like a web of relations. Ground. Spaciousness. Pleasure. Activity. Conditioning. Again. Deepens. Appear. Allow. Again. Yourself, resonating. How to enter, the question really how to enter – entering into what? Slip into – it happens again, and again, and again, and it deepens. It helps to, it happens, and the circling around. The territory of the paper, the continuity of the space, the space where it actually happens. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore. Or the periphery somehow into a more focused attention. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, a common which is happening. How big it can expand? It is an unknown common. Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. Like a breeze. Again wondering, how this spaciousness comes. This feeling of spaciousness comes through relating to a perception of how things are together. This kind of shimmering on my retina. I had the feeling that is common but it is an unknown common, unknown. This sense of intending, the dual sense of directing one’s attention to, so intent, to direction one’s attention, literally, to stretch out towards.


The interplay of orientation and disorientation, the dynamic or the navigation or the negotiation which was happening between these forces. This kind of lively lightness, a quality of lightness. Supported by something, like a kind of thinking that is supported by something or is carried by something or taken along in a way. What supports or carries the thinking-doing? Again, the flight of thought, the sense of when you notice it going into thought. Does it really have to go into thought? Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. Like a breeze. Why can I not just stay with it? Space. Circling. Question. Head-first. Clear. Merging. Practising. Letting the relation happen, or letting the connection happen.  This relation between the moment to receive something and the moment where I actively move into – what do I allow to be, what do I allow to happen, what does it mean to hold back? Recognising what that habit does in terms of being open to the range of possibilities, that experience brings. It happens again and again and again – it helps to, it happens. I am making a decision, I am making a decision to keep existing one mode of encounter, through preference of another mode of encounter. A kind of interweaving of emergence between the different parts. A coming together but not through association. This mutual emergence each creating the conditions for the other.


Are we modifying the frame implicitly – this correspondence between language and the eye. There is a coming alive in the moment which creates conditions for thinking somehow – releasing and at the same time arising. A release into and something that is uprising. Bottom. Being. Foundation. Allowed. Surface. Moving. Focus. Zones. Accepting. The gentleness, the gentleness allowed you to be, or allowed the constitution of the gentleness, the constitution of the gentleness allowed the being there.


How are my senses mobilised in order to constitute this sphere? To not intend, to unbind. To untie, unfasten, to uncongeal, to unfreeze, to loosen, relax. Collapse. This sense of holding back, holding back in order to let something emerge, holding back something. Holding back.


What is the vibrating body and where is the sound? There is a movement into continuity, there are different kinds of engagement of the eyes and how the eyes work in relation to the common or the mutual, and how that co-constitutes the mutual and the common acts. Protected. Continue. Distractions. Choosing. Hand. Sphere. Intense connection. A different kind of thoughtful thinking – action process starts and it couples back. Then coming back to a stiller sense. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings that background into the fore, or the periphery somehow into a more focused attention. An excitement – very subtle but very present in a way. The indirectness of this thinking. The excitement - it starts to happen when there are possibilities that are actualised. A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience. A few moments in the experience where the edge was much more soft. This is something which grounds in the same way. Becoming aware of, coming into connection with, getting in touch with. What is this moment of happening, where do I shift, where is the shift happening? This is a condition of a certain kind of thinking? To receive something, to move into. It is really a relation




Variety. Touch. Alternative. Articulation. Separation. Possibility. Dynamic. Rearranging. Accepting. Proceed. Saying. Needs. Curiosity. Self-modulating, zones. Emergences. Care. Care as an intrinsic part of partaking. Without. Without deciding. Mutual care. Appearing. Mutably dynamic. Intact. Without identity. Continuously, fundamentally transformative. Beyond the borders. Expression. Action. Influence. Careful attention. Without deciding, without cutting up. Clearly, steadily. An emergence of the mutual conditioning of the participants. A field of resonances. Imminent, spontaneous, emergent, distributed. Vibrant matters – something not reducible. A careful variation of different frequencies – attentive, resonant. Contact. Vibrating connection. Tentative. Attentive. In touch, in tact. Sense of. Taking apart. As the proceeding of thinking. Intimate relations. Always apart. In touch. Mutual touch. Pull apart, through surrendering, partaking. Acceptance. Con-tact. Deciding, a decided self. A touch without direct consequences. A self-less self. A transformative but not transcendent difference. Parts appearing to themselves – articulation of the whole. An expression of the dynamic relation of the parts without expressing their singularities but something else, different, transformative. Not transcendent. Without cutting up. Through particularity. Of the articulation, of the contingency. Something else. Being the same, being the same – appearing, disclosing themselves, appearing to themselves. Participating in the fluidity underlying any discontinuity, any difference. Contact, of touch. Close to communication, to make common. Connection. Connected. Separation. Separation as a condition for joining, for rejoining, for being in touch. Simultaneously separate contact. Reorganisation of the common. Separation as preparation, creating the conditions for reconnection, reorganisation of the common. Tactful. Taking apart. With touch, in touch, in tact. Taking part. State of being in tact not intact. Taking a part. Unsettling. Partaking. Again, again, part taking. Taking a part. Towards taking apart, destabilisation of the illusory whole, the whole that actually separates and divides. Separation as disconnection, as a cutting off from the continuum. No touch. Deciding. Participation, not departing thus from establishing contact. With tact, sensitive to feeling, discernment in action or in conduct. Tactful. With tact. No begin, thus again, now referring to time. Between past and present. A state of being in tact, not intact. Constant and complex rearrangement. Con-tact. Carefully. Constitutes. Not irreducible. A care without intention. Not additional. Arising from sensing. Endowed with the agency of co-constituting presences for themselves. Without reasons, without motivations, without targets. Without explanations, without justifications. Without the deciding, the decided self. Expression. As an emergence of the mutual. Sense of self, of a porously, subtly delimited self. Something not reducible. Reconnection. A variety of action. Reorganisation. Careful contact. Sensible action. Noticing. Separation. Attending and self-modulating. Reorganisation of the common. Oscillating. Making ready. Influencing the joining of the joint parts and furthermore their vibrant matters. Simultaneously joining and separating, joining through separating. As an attentive participation. With tact. Bringing forth. With touch. Through taking apart. Purposiveness. Different but not additional, a transformative but not transcendent difference. Participation – something else. Difference as transformative, disclosure. Through, in both senses. Appearing. Dis-appearing. Agency of co-constituting. A certain possibility of being the same. Extend. Breaking continuity. Maybe maintaining certain identity, certain possibility of being the same, of continuing being the same. Questioning the identity of the operability of the selves and their presence. Or maybe better, more fundamentally, participating in the fluidity underlying any continuity, any difference. Make connection, act of connection, circle of relations. Con-tact – the state or condition of touching. Simultaneously. Closer to communication, to make common. Con-tact. With touch. Separation as preparation. Reorganisation. Articulation. Continuity. With touch, in touch. Co-constituting. A state of being intact. Enabling parts and the whole to appear to themselves anew. Stabilising. Without expressing their singularities but something else. Separation. An emergence of mutual conditioning. For restoring a sense of dynamic wholeness, a wholeness that is in tact, not intact. A juxtaposition that also constitutes contact. Alternatively, a touch without direct consequences. Therefore, depending on the direction. To establish relationship, to bring together. Variation. A possibility. To with tact, tactful. The same body, the body as part, the body as subtly, porously, demarcated zone. Full of, having, characteristic of touch. With touch, in touch, with tact. Modulations of its environment. A state of being in tact not intact. Becoming place in a different way. The presences of the other. Conscious, intentionally. Separation as preparation, creating the conditions for reconnection, reorganisation of the common. Without end. Reconnecting with the continuum, taking apart and rejoining as a way of reorganisation. Reorganising through joining and taking part. Another presence, sensing itself. The I is touched by the mutual recognition of a neighbouring mediation as a testimony to the other, of the non-self, of the counter-part. Extended sense of self. Towards taking apart, separation of an illusory whole, the whole that actually separates and divides. The sense of the self as separate, as self-contained. Of being. Separation as disconnection, as a cutting off from the continuum. The cut of naming into parts. A variety of action, careful. A this and this, a that and that. An articulated continuum. To pull apart. What happens, what appears, what emerges in and through the dynamic articulation of the extended parts. Apartness. The articulation of the minimal perpetual reorganisation. Endless continuum of joining and taking apart. A network, a field, intimately influencing the joining of the joint parts, and furthermore their vibrant matters. In-part, from into and partire, to divide, to inpart. To partake, to have a part in. participation. To pull apart. Separation as preparation. Pro-posing, placing, place. Perception. Place, not in the sense where thinking happens but rather as the proceeding of thinking, in common. Oscillation, deciding. Moving. Self-less self. Making ready for apartness. Whole. The parts nor the whole. 5651




It stays with me in one way or another. It allows me to slip into places where I can dwell and stay. I can slip between, it is not a direct chain. Passing by, the physical sensation. To look, some direction, not lines drawn on a map. Some tiny movements that allowed me to be there. At the level of gentleness, allowing. A gentleness of being there, and of joints articulating. Articulation – a joint articulated in different directions. A feeling of moving into things, a different choosing. 


14.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.


14.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing.


Proximate. Mobilized. Naming. Fluctuate. Common. Eyes. Incorporate. Inhabit. Structure. Movement. Moving. Sliding. Choosing. Breeze. Enabled. Awareness. Reverberating. Shimmering. Withdrawal. Arise. Tendency. Periphery. Happening. Silent. Territory. Collapse. Expand. Attune. A kind of systematic attuning with one another. All these options of coming into. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, a common which is happening, but only exists if it happens, when it happens. Again, the flight of thought, a sense of noticing when it goes into thought – why does it have to go into thought, why can it not just stay with it? Beginning from the basis of establishing this condition of highly present but not distracted. I had the feeling like it is common, but it is an unknown common. And the thinking coming by, conditioned by, and as a consequence of the action. This can be the result of self-centred, target-oriented, will-based action or/and can be the result of a distributed field of agencies. There is a variety of modes of interaction in the medium of language when we think like this. Interweaving of emergence between the different parts – a coming together, but not through association. The mutual emergence creating the conditions for the other. It stayed near but not going into. To lower the eyes to the ground.


Dive. Descend. Curious. Continue. Transform. Resonating. Fluctuate. Shimmering. Merging. Sound. Swing. Exploring. Diving. Starting. Localizing. Delineating. Tuning. Moving. Circling. Scent. Encounter. Transforming. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of doing and not to go into another rigidity, another functionality, another operability. How to enter, the question really, how to enter? How to enter into what? The question of touching, of the with. I wasn’t appearing. In an aesthetic experience there is a kind of paradox, which is not, but it seems to be a paradox – there is a heightened activation of subjectivity but subjectivity as egocentric experience disappears. The preconditions for exploring was establishing a sense of comfort. What seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. Actualizing – the excitement starts to happen when there are possibilities that are actualized. It is a different kind of choosing. There was this feeling of coming into things one after another, a different kind of choosing, continually moving. Accepting what there is to move on. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. Letting in or welcoming. A thinking that is to do with allowing thinking to be thought. The softness of the ground, this unevenness, the aliveness of the floor. All the processes of thinking, arise spontaneously out of something else, even out of nowhere. The chronological aspect of cause and affect felt complicated, more like a web of relations. Mutuality complicates the idea of following. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. Up from under and carried over. This mutual emergence, each creating the conditions for the other. The notion of the common is there, meaning the common, freely interchanged. The ‘call of’ drawing me – as I moved closer it moved away; as I reached towards it, it moves away. Something to do with trying to touch the limit of the shadow.


Receiving. Consequence. Complicates. Light. Deepens. Not pursuing. Constitute. Floated. Relax. Unbind. Frame. And the quality of thinking that was coming from the action, never went off. Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore. And it happens again and again and again, and it deepens, it helps to, it happens. And the circling around. There is this liminal sense – almost an out-of-time-ness in a way. Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. The gentleness, the gentleness allowed you to be, or allowed the constitution of gentleness, the constitution of gentleness allowed the being there, or the articulation of different directions that could continue afterwards, through the gentleness. There was this feeling of moving into things one after another.


Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience, and then some of the practices had an agitating feeling in a sense, stirring in a sense really, even a bit excitable. And then coming back to a stiller sense. Sometimes they seemed to touch each other, or to have some points of coincidence. Swing. Ground. Separate. Shaped. Belonging. Pleasure. Sensation. necessary. Paradox. Dimensions. Change. Bottom. Alter. Constitute. Transform. Focus. Non-intention. This I is not an egocentric I. It opens up, it becomes a medium for me to define this sphere, and for me, what is relevant in the act of perceiving, what is in my experience, is this sphere which needs me as a point in the world, to be defined. But this me as a point in the world is not my focus of attention. It is through me but I do not appear.


I could realize that the sounding of my breath would extend the proximate sphere or the moment. It kind of related to another dimension. The movement of attending to the movement of something else, somehow enabled the movement of the thinking and the speaking, and in the stillness there is a shift in tone. This relation between the moment where I receive something and the moment where I actively move into. What I allow to be? What do I allow to happen? What does it mean to hold back? What I was curious was whether the proximate sphere has to be activated in experience much more as a zone, with spatial thickness, to include more of the interior experiences of the body. But this zone might also fluctuate beyond the limits of the body’s proximate sphere.


It is getting stuck somewhere in my body. Something about coming back to this sense of sensori-motor focus, being held within a certain fluid atmosphere, allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. Really a contradictory sense of feeling deeply connected to the environment – this liminal sense, almost an out-of-time-ness. The attempt to form words, since I know that this is coming, this is part of what we do, was already engrained in the exercise. So I can then hold on to it.


Up from under and carried over. There is something of a quality of support in the action which enables this sense of thinking – a duality between a sense of intense sensori-motor awareness and a high level of connection with the environment, and on the other hand avoiding the wider sphere of this environment. Skin. Sphere. Thing. Thinking. Structure. Untie. Sliding. Falling. Taken along. Grasping. Focus. Naming. Letting. Alternatives. Present. What is an aesthetic use of language? The indirectness of this kind of thinking. A thinking which is to do with allowing the thinking to be thought, or the process of thinking to arise spontaneously out of something else, even out of nowhere. What if when we move into the medium of language, what if we begin to actually think in the medium of language continuing doing the same. The realization of a tendency to reflect on practice arises – on light and on attention to the light. To bring the eyes down.


Questioning. Participating. Starting. Becoming. Contact. Dis-posing. Separation. Rearrangement. Articulated. Continuous present. Taking. Becoming. Self-modulating. Raw care. Accepting. Intention. Constitutes contact. Without. Shared. Dynamics. A network of vibrating parts, of oscillating participants. An intrinsic part. Co-participating vibration in a field of immanent resonances, as a continuous, adaptive, careful variation of sequences of forms and resonating vibrations. Variety of action. The state or condition of touching. Delimited self. Back. Perception of touch generating the experience of a moment of touch. Sedimented. Depending on the direction. Ex-tend. An articulated continuum. Noticing, sensing, primarily. Intimately attending and self-modulating. The articulation of minimal oscillating displacements. Participating in the fluidity underlying any discontinuity, any difference. Furthermore, the vibrant matters. Care as a manifestation, as an expression of the articulated continuum, of the continuously extended sense of self, a subtly porously delimited self. As an attentive participation in the resonant continuum. Subtle. Tentative. Attentive. Pro-posing. Oscillation. Rather as the proceeding of thinking. Proceed as pro-ceded. Yielding – bringing forth through surrendering, a fruitful acceptance, acceding proposition. To establish relationship, to bring together. Selfless self realizing purposiveness without purpose. Towards the making of connection without reaching towards, without reaching towards target or goal. Closer to communication – to make common.


Appearing. Of the articulation of the contingency of the actions of parts now disclosing themselves. Partake. Maintaining a certain identity, certain possibility of the being, of being the same. Of continuing being the same. A fine, subtle, almost unnoticeable oscillation, also between allowing and accepting. To make connection: connection – the state or fact of being (already) connected. A binding or joining together. Act of connecting: circle of relations, of intimate relations. Con-tact. With-touch. Without reaching towards target or goal. Resonances. Common. Variation. Into, in, and partire ‘to divide’. Part. Part-take. To have a part in. Joining. To pull apart – from se- ‘apart’ and parare ‘make ready, prepare’. Separation as preparation. As an attentive participation in the continuum, of co-vibrating joined parts. Participation. Separation. Co-constituting. Co-vibrating. Separation into parts as a condition for reconnection, for reparation, for restoring a sense of dynamic wholeness, a wholeness that in in-tact not intact. A variety of action that is intrinsically careful, non-focused on difference, but on the emergence enabled by the dynamics of a modulated, articulated continuum. No begin, thus begin, now referring to time. No cut, no separation – between past and present, between that moment and this one, between before that and now this. But again, a modulation of a constant, articulated present.


Arising, occurring from sensing. Mutedly, silently, without representation. Without deciding, without cutting up. Neighbouring mediation as a testimony of the other, or the non-self, of the counterpart. Ex-pression of the dynamic articulation of the parts, without ex-pressing their singularities but something else. Continuing. Co-vibrating joined parts. Modulation. Moving forwards and back, proceed as pro-ceded, moving forward without ever abandoning the resonant sphere of the articulated continuum, remaining always a part. Co-vibrating participation. Moving forwards through surrendering. Fruitful acceptance, acceding proposition. Allowing. Different but not additional, a transformative but not transcendent difference. Pro-posing. Sensing. Of the articulation of the contingency of the parts now disclosing themselves. Simultaneously joining and separating, joining through separation. Maintaining certain identity. Certain possibility of being the same. Separation as preparation, creating the conditions for recreation, reorganization of the common. Participating in the fluidity. In touch. Circle of relations, of intimate relations. To establish relationship, to bring together. Almost unnoticeable. To join or to unite, at the same time as to share or to divide out. A careful attention, an almost permanently latent action. Noticing, sensing, primarily. Self-modulating. Separation. Immanent resonances. Articulating it, modulating it. No touch, thus, as starting point, but participation. With-tact. The same body. With-touch. A body in action, a body in transit, reorganizing itself. Disposing itself in different ways. In-touch. Constant and complex rearrangement of different zones. Else, raw care. A transformative but not transcendent difference. A mutual care, a care remaining from the joinings. No cut, no separation. Arising - occurring from sensing. A body as part. A body as a subtly, porously demarcated zone, a body in action, a body in transit. Reorganizing itself, disposing itself in different ways. An attending rather than intending action. A careful attention. Articulating it, modulating it: an articulation of minimal, oscillating displacements. An articulated continuum, of vibrant matters. A modulation of a constant, articulated present. Of co-vibrating, joined parts. No cut. Between accepting and altering. Subtly, porously. Moving forward without ever abandoning the resonant sphere. Giving up, without ever retreating. Where to go if there is no other place, no other process, now. A constant and complex rearrangement of different zones of this continuous present, a way of rearranging, of taking place, of becoming place in a different way. Contact: in touch, with touch, with tact. With touch, in touch, in tact, intact. An unbroken whole. Without de-ciding, without cutting up. Taking apart, again and again. Redistribution of the common through partaking, through taking a-part. Parts appearing to themselves, to those endowed with the agency of the co-constituting presences - for themselves, of enabling parts and whole to appear to themselves, anew. A touch without direct consequences. Fields, surfaces, systems, can be in relation with each other, as parallel existences. The contingency of the parts now disclosing themselves. Beyond the borders, a body as subtly, porously demarcated. Further into new areas beyond borders. The same body, the body as part, the body as subtly, porously demarcated. Breaking continuity. Questioning the identity between the operativity of the selves and their presence, or maybe better, more fundamentally, participating in the fluidity underlying any discontinuity, any difference.


Text generated through the following practices activated within a single Ecology of Action: 

1. Oscillating between Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Reading (Distillation) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation from Marking] as source text, in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

2. Oscillating between Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Reading (Distillation) using Exploratory Essay 2 as source text, in parallel to Practice of Very Close Video Observation and Practice of the Nahbereich (Proximity Sphere) (variation with camera).


13.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within Part 1 of the frame of an Ecology in Action.


13.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within Part 2 of the frame of an Ecology in Action.


Grounds. Grounding. Moving into. Actualizing. Thoughts. Allow. Hold back. Being. Softness. Digest. Release. Fluid. Softness. Couples. Immediateness. Choosing. Conditioned. Structure. Gentleness. Nahbereich. Aliveness. There is a coming alive in the moment that creates the conditions for thinking somehow. There is a somehow a fluidity. Different kinds of physical processes. I can allow myself to be there. A different kind of thoughtful thinking action, processes start and couple back. Then movement is happening, a kind of stretching out. Also in terms of what makes me move, it stimulates my curiosity. It is also a feeling of moving into things, it is a different kind of choosing. What seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. Not so much to do with the interplay of orientation and disorientation but between the influence or pull of the environment and internal needs. These things on the surface of my eye calling me to move. The impulse to move, the impulse of curiosity, does not necessarily come from the matter of the body somehow. The impulse to move does not really come from movement. It is also a feeling of moving into things. A space of relaxation, this pulse of close and of mid range. To lower the eyes to the ground. It was this feeling of moving into things one after the other. A kind of yes/no quality in the practice. Highly present, highly sensory engagement but at the same time keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience in a way. Something to do with the capacity of moving the body, or this capacity between movement and stillness. And the word is diving; the start of the start is the diving.


Happening. Forces. Emerge. Calling. Matters. Shapes. Support. Drawing. Continuity. Movement. Language. Movement. Contained. Conditioning one another. Consequence. But what does it allow. Movement, many movements, but foremost movement, like a shifting transforming, transforming on many levels. The micro-movements of the head following these figures. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. It happens again and again and again and it deepens, it helps, it happens. On light and on attention to the light. And continue, more than resonating there, resonate from there. The emergence of felt, rhythmical qualities that intrigue one another, so things start to swing with one another, begin to swing. This is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. This notion of the common is there, meaning the common freely interchanged. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, it is a common which is happening. That only exists when it happens, if it happens. The chronological aspect of cause and effect felt complicated, more like a web of relations. This sense of holding back, holding back in order to let something emerge, holding back something, withdrawal, holding back, withdrawal. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore, or the periphery somehow into more focused attention.


Stillness. Sliding. Withdrawal. Mutual. Carried. Holding. Sliding. Resonating. Moves away. Common. Calling.  A coming together but not through association, this mutual emergence creating the conditions for the other. So starting with this very micro-movement, when something moved and to follow that. And the movement of the frame allows or even lubricates a more fluid sense of connections. There is a movement in continuity. This kind of shimmering on my retina. What supports or carries the thinking-doing – carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. Active – from actus. A doing, from the root *ag – to drive, draw out, force or move. Dive – to descend or plunge. At first, sometimes they seemed to touch each other or have some points of coincidence. This mutual emergence – each creating the conditions for the other. And continue, more than resonating there, resonate from there. An overwhelm of different calls or possibilities. Shifting, transforming – a kind of interweaving of emergence between the different parts. A coming together but not through association. The preconditions for exploring was establishing a sense of comfort. Something about coming back to this space of sensori-motor focus, that was within the Nahbereich actually, within that specific containment. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere, allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. Staying only to the thought that arose specific to that moment, and not pursuing it somehow – letting it come, letting it be. There is this liminal sense – almost an out-of-timeness in a way. Not being distracted by everything that is happening, but rather being contained or even protected from distractions. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. I noticed moments of disorientation. I appreciate this in between zones of being orientated and being disorientated. Up from under and carried over, there is something of a quality of support in the action that enabled a sense of thinking. This pulse of close and mid range – a different threshold. To lower the focus of the eyes to the ground. Beginning from the basis of establishing this condition of highly present, but not distracted. Entering into what, conditioning one another. Let reading rest as an activity.


Being held. Gentleness – something happened on the physical level of gentleness. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere. Allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. And then there is this moment when it happens, but still you question yourself on how to enter. It was a deep pleasure and this deep pleasure also allowed you to move on and maybe to let the diving happen.


Forms. Shimmering. Perceiving. Variation. Back. Disorientation. Dismissed. Constitute. Acceptance. Sphere. Belonging. Couples back. Exploring. Thoughtful thinking. Continuous moving. Sufficiently connected. Accepting what there is to move on. The disappearance of one thing. Ex-ploring.  An overwhelm of different calls or possibilities. This kind of shimmering on my retina. There is a coming alive in the moment that creates conditions for thinking – releasing and at the same time arising, a release into and something that is uprising. A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience, and then some of the practices had an agitating quality, stirring in a sense really, a bit excitable. There is somehow a fluidity, the softness of the ground, this unevenness, this aliveness. Then coming back to a stiller sense. Gentleness – something happened on the physical level of gentleness. It produced or constituted a gentleness of being there, and also of joints articulating themselves differently. And a feeling of moving into things. It is a different kind of choosing. The excitement starts to happen when there are possibilities that are not yet actualized – then different processes start. The constitution of gentleness allowed the being there or the constitution of different directions that could continue after the gentleness. There was a feeling of moving into things one after another – a different kind of choosing, continuously moving. Accepting what there is to move on. A quality of reaching out in the key of perceiving or letting in. Receiving something. Move into. Calling. Connect. Tactile.


What do I allow to be? What do I allow to happen? What does it mean to hold back? To bring up from under and to carry over – this is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. Constitute – to enter into the formation as a necessary part. This just rightness of being sufficiently supported. There is somehow a fluidity in a textual space – a textorium really. This kind of thinking has a continuity which is sustained, so sustained by the highly sensitive, sensori-motor self or sensori-motor body and environment. Sitting, even lying. A coming together but not through association, more like a web of relations. There was somehow a range of physical movement that became more possible, that became very fluid. The line between these different modes was subtle.  The sense of mutuality complicates the idea of following. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. To not intend, to unbind, untie, unfasten. To un-congeal, to un-freeze, to loosen or relax. Capacity. Collapse. Movement between. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore.1


Contact. Continuum. Constant. Contact. Carefully. With care. Touch. Intending. Present. Pro-posing. Constant. Continuum. Own. Partaking. Rearranging. Care as an intrinsic part of partaking. Raw care, a careless care. Take care as an intransitive variety of action or being in action. Arising, occurring from sensing.

Sensing. Attending. Motivations. Without motivations, without targets. Without de-ciding. Conditioning. Of self. Not reducible. Also constitutes contact. Trans-formative. Further into new areas beyond borders. Participating. Sensing. Appearing. Without de-ciding, without cutting up. A network of vibrating parts, of oscillating participants. An emergence of the mutual participants, an immanent, spontaneous, emergent, distributed in its origin and its activation, purpose without purposiveness. The resonant continuum of the vibrating joint parts. Unnoticeable. Emerges. Moving forth and back. Vibrating. Without ever retreating, where to go if there is no other place, no other process now. Tentative. Attentive. Proposing. Moving along the dynamics of resonance. Placing, qualifying. A decided self. Part-icularity. A selfless self. Yielding. Unnoticeable. Contradictions. Transformative. Tentative. Alternative. Appearing. Transforming. An expression of an articulated continuum, or the continual extended sense of self, of a porously, subtly, delimited self. Questioning the phenomena, the stability of self, questioning the identity, the operativity of the selves and their presence. Oscillating, vibrating, fluidity. Discontinuity. Proposing. Remaining. Realizing the current contact. Articulating it. Modulating it. The constitution of units and consequently of non units. No cut, no separation. Selves as zones, as frames, as particularities, as specifications, without breaking the plastic heterogeneity of dynamic wholeness. But articulating it, modulating it. A mutual care. Referring to time. Continuing. Before that, now this, but again. Dis-closure. Becoming place. Not reducible. Mutual conditioning. Without end. Immanent. Arising, appearing from sensing. Emergent. Without representation, without any other presence than the sensing itself. Participating in the continuity underlying any discontinuity, any difference. Care as manifestation, as an expression of the articulated continuum. A care without will-based, conscious intentionality, a care without intention. Confirmation of. Re-arrangement. Perception of touch. Modulation a constant, continually articulated present. A variety of action thus intrinsically careful. An articulated continuum. What appears, what appears, what emerges in and through the dynamic articulation of the extended. Between allowing and proposing, between accepting and altering. Minimal, tentative. A field of resonances nourishing the vibrations that enable it. Yielding. Co-vibrating participation in a shared field of relations. Continuing. Partaking. No cut, no separation. Attentive participation. Modulation of a constant articulated present. Almost un-noticable oscillation. A part-icularity. A tentative, attentive, pro-posing. Emergent. Place. Participation. An oscillation again. Difference. Continuing. Discontinuity. Bringing forth through surrendering, fruitful acceptance. Articulating it, modulating it. Without de-ciding. Without cutting up. A way of re-arranging. A selfless self. An emergent of the mutual co-conditioning. A constant and complex rearrangement of different zones of this continuous present, a way of rearranging. Noticing. Something else that does not abandon, does not transcend either the parts or the whole. Immanent. Subtly delimited. Intrinsically careful. Non-focused. Certain identity, certain possibility of being the same. Realising. Of continuing being the same. Of inevitable touch, appearing now. Again. Questioning identity. Constant. Stability. A careless care. Participating in the fluidity underlying any discontinuity, any difference. A care without intention, without goal, without end. Thinking. Arising. Realizing. Mutedly. Silently. A way of participating in a continuum. Emerging. The same body. A body as part, as body as subtly, porously demarcated zone. The continuously extended sense of self, of a subtly, porously, delimited self. Raw care, a careless care. Care as manifestation, as expression of the articulated continuum. Spontaneous care, mutual care. In-tending. Attending. Arising occurring from sensing. Vibrating. Resonance. Unnoticeable oscillation. The I is touched by the mutual recognition of the neighboring mediation. Out-linings. The self. In-closures. Constituted from the confirmation and reflection of the space. The same body. Is only the perception of touch generating the experience of a moment of touch? A constant and complex of rearrangement of different zones of this continuum present. Which influences change the strength of the osmotic condition of spheres? Yielding. A variety of action. Bringing forth. An attending rather than intending action. Modulated. Porously, subtly, delimited. A field of resonances nourishing the vibrations that enable it, silently, intimately, influencing the joinings of the joint parts and furthermore their vibrant matters. Tentative, attentive. Pro-posing. Co-vibrating. Moving back and forth. Bringing forth through surrendering, fruitful acceptance. An oscillation again. Intransit. Re-organising. Adapting itself, becoming. Selves as zones, as frames, as particularities, as specifications. Of a continuum.2


What is the balance of the senses? It depends on the inclination of my head. I have to go down. To touch making a small movement. This constitution of the immediate sphere. Without needing to do an action in between. The transition into takes some time. The deficit of my habitual way of being. This threshold of rubbing up against habits. So much of that is automatic, the shock of habit. So much a hybrid of preplanning and automatic habits. The tuning in, the dropping into - it is a vertical register. The proximate edge, enclosing. The impulse to move. Getting stuck at the reach of the arm. Smell activated a different kind of stillness. A much less self conscious stillness. Not introspective, it stayed near but not going into. To stay where I am. How much is movement needed? Tiny shifts unfolding so many options. Not only realizing with the eyes but with the hands. Overwhelmed by all this density. The sounding of the breath extends the proximate. Adapting. Sounding. Where is the interest going? What do I follow and where does it come from? This attentional threshold, this immediate sphere. Not a categorical rejection of listening or hearing. Can you say it in other words? Listening, hearing, my memory is not without sounds. This sphere that I was trying to keep. Is this departing from direct experience? The eyes reaching or receiving. At the level of the organ of the ear. The felt sensation of sound. The reverberation. The immediate sphere has a spatial thickness - the density of this experience. Between rubbing the finger and the thumb.3



Text generated through the following practices activated within a single Ecology of Action: 

1. Oscillating between Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Reading (Distillation) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation from Marking] as source text, in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

2. Oscillating between Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Reading (Distillation) using Exploratory Essay 2 as source text, in parallel to Practice of Very Close Video Observation and Practice of the Nahbereich (Proximity Sphere) (variation with camera).

3. Practice of Transcription using Conversation-as-Material as recording source, in parallel to Practice of Very Close Video Observation, Practice of the Nahbereich (Proximity Sphere) (variation with camera), Practice of Explorative Drawing and Practice of Material Encounter.


12.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within Part 1 of the frame of an Ecology in Action.


12.07.2021: Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within Part 2 of the frame of an Ecology in Action.


Relating. Noticing. Spaciousness. Shimmer. Part. Spacious. Capacity. Incorporate. Somehow. Something. Moving. Abandoning. Moment. Particular. Perception. Correspondence. Coincide. Letting. Noting. Coming. Thinking. Stillness. Shifts. Continue. Sounding.1


There is this threshold. There was something of a dropping in. The continuity of space or where the space is actually happening – this impression of continuity. It stayed near but not going into. The experience of space just through a piece of paper is enough. But at same time realising that there is the other and there is a coming together. A distributed field of agencies. They coincide. Even endless in a way.2


Flickery. Lively. Concrete. Density. Perceive. Eyes. Resonating. Sense. Becoming. Narrowing.3


This mute quality of presence, a material, physical presence. Here, there was something very much to do with letting go of the sense of the history. Endless in a way. There was a kind of perceptual flashing. I am also wondering what is its presence there. Not to bring to language. There is a shift there. It is not so much physical health, perceptual health, but cognitive health. How perceptual capacity is strengthened or diminished by certain ways of using it. Not as solid as it seems to be. A way of acting, a disposition.4


Diffusing. Thinking. Appearing. Shapes. Different. Articulated. Mediate. Embodied. Example. Continuing. Inclination. Stay. With. Operation. Movement. Information. Condensed. Attuning. Confrontation. Nameless. Modify. Stillness. Mobilization. Intention. Discern. Realized. Coincide.5


How much is movement needed? All these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet. There are a lot of growing processes going on that I cannot name. Overwhelmed by all this density, I almost cannot find any words. Becoming aware of, becoming connected with, getting in touch with. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being in the world. Sound can be present, but not in a reaching way. The egocentric I opens up and becomes a medium. Again, there was something of the dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. That edge was rendered porous. Not forcing language to be a grasping tool, but a touching tool.6


Continuity. Unfolding. Discern. Area. Smell. Forming. Stay near. Threshold. Resonating. Spheres. Spaciousness. Shifts. Muteness. Listening. Breath. Medium. Density. Extremities. Capacity. Hands. Blind. Becoming.7


A zone with spatial thickness – where that edge might have to shimmer. What do I follow and where does it come from? I did not realize it with my eyes I also realized it with my hands, with the front and the back and the sides. Because my eyes are conditioned to operating in a certain way. To move with. Moving with a distributed field of agencies. It is like the stone – one focused condensed image, one physical image that I had. It is expanding. The attempt to form words. It stayed near but not going into. I let words appear. It was not about. Like a mental note. Overwhelmed by all this density – and I understood that this is a momentum that I can grasp. Which takes some time – there is this threshold. Unable to judge, to touch making a small movement. It depends on the inclination of my head. It stayed near but not going into.8


Incorporate. Listening. Balance. Ears. Possibilities. Mobilize. Functionality. Perception. Investigation. Conditioned. Reinforcing. Dissimilar. Informing. Different. Capacity. Operation. Organ. Operation. Engagement. Appropriating. Encounter. Foreground. Impulse. Shimmer. In mind. Spaciousness. Receive. Endless. Wider.9


This mute quality of presence, of the physical material presence. Language unfolding from that experience, in the same key or texture as that experience. How the language shapes the way that I am, or how I am present in a way. The presence of this – how does it shape my presence? Only arising through. It did not come as something that I could imagine.10


Acting. Thinking. Withness. Form. Forming. Mobilizing. Relation. Now. Wondering. Withness. The stone. Constitution. Stone. Spheres. Mouth. Scent. Moment. Other agencies. Withness. Disappears.11


Egocentric experience disappears - I disappear in the moment. For making possible a certain way of relation. I wasn’t appearing. In terms of becoming in touch. This was within my proximate sphere. There are different forms of presence. Defined by a way of acting, by a disposition. There are all these nameless situations or moments which are not graspable yet. There is this quality in the forming of the sounding while talking, and I can feel being here with you interacting with the thought and at the same time there as this stone and this stone in front of me, and I am also wondering what is its presence there? This language-with, thinking-with, unfolding. And I wonder, what is this mouth, this tongue, forming. The presence of this, how does it shape my presence? The stone is so material, so concrete, and so dense in a way. The material is resonating – this moment of becoming. Even endless, in a way. And then there is just this paper in front of me, with lines on it. This materiality of the stone. And the felt sensation of sound. The mute quality of presence. A material, physical presence which was shaping somehow, it is shaping. That edge might have to shimmer. The presence of this, how does it shape my presence? This shimmer, the shimmering of it. The sense of giving time to something, giving time to something with a certain kind of engagement. There are lines on a paper, or maybe even two lines. But it is somehow an engrained process. This kind of lively lightness, a quality of lightness but within the materiality of the paper. What did the stone make me be? An object of perception. Funnily enough, the stone was now for me a completely mute object. I had a feeling of it expanding. Mute. It was more the space emerging.12


Doing. Distributed. Relating. Appear. Feeling. Condition. Density. Stillness. A note. No tendency. The sounding. Enough. Stillness. Expanding. Stillness. Inclination. Wondering. Sounding. Wondering. Immediately. Or not. Related. Needed.13


Overwhelmed by all this density. A variety of interaction. It was a kind of perceptual flashing. Both possibilities are there. A lively lightness but within the materiality of the paper. Thinking about it in a different way. Flickery and lively. To observe the border. Perceptual flashing. This impression of continuity. This moment of becoming. This coming together, realizing. Because my eyes are conditioned.14


Realizing. In between. Articulation. Singularization. Zones. Disposing. Modulating. Difference. No begin. Par-taking. Body, a body. Referring. Rearranging of. Difference. Consecutively. Action. Consequently. Continuum. Of being in touch. Con-tact. Continuum. Alternative. Contact. Continuum. Establishing. Constant. Specific contact. That moment. No cut. A body being. Own, continuing. Joining. A constant contact. Present. Continuum. Vague. Complex. Carefully. Care. Contact. Careless care. Constant. Conscious. Continuing. Occurring. Infinite. Continuing. Performance. Partaking. Dynamics. In touch. Touch. In transit. Intransitive. Articulation. Action, modulating. Continuing. Partaking. Being, will. Present. Continuum. Inevitable. A variety. Of touch. Being in touch. In-closures. In between. Conditions. Articulating. Inclosures. Participating entities. No cut. Articulated variations. Rearrangement. Alternative. Of being. Separation. As intrinsic. Care. Frames, modulating. Articulating, constitution. Questioning carefully, with care. Questioning. And. Joining. As participating. To. Referring. That, disposing. Itself, becoming. From, complex. Time. Arrangement. Inclosures. Constitution. Now, before, again. Itself, curiosity, in transit. Infinite in between. Complex, realizing, arrangement. Already present. Taking place, a variation in a different way. Infinite variations, rearrangements. A careless care. Without intention, silently without representation. Emerging present, of dynamics. Intransitive, without reason. Articulation, without targets, without justification. Now referring. Variety. Now this itself becoming. A different way. Constant as alternative to complex. Or. Contact. Outliners. Inevitable touch. Particularities. Already present. Separation, without representation. Sensing itself, complex present. Establishing contact. Singularization. Specification. Joining particularities. Partaking. No cut. No begin. No separation, begin. Articulated present. Itself becoming transit. Reorganization, rearrangement. Adapting. Partaking. A spontaneous care. Curiosity. Mutual care. Differentiation. Continuous present. Articulation. Possibility of touch. Realizing. Without end. No cut. Arising. As zones. Sensing. Mutedly. Present, present. Silently. Sensing itself. Without. Partaking. Without. Touch. Now, referring. Possibility of touch. Porously demarcated. Subtly, spaces in between. Contact. Conscious. Careless, care. Modulating. Frames. Conjugation.15


This is the specificity of this practice. Localizing proximity, constituting proximity. But not only focused on that. Once you are there, then there is a shift. The resonances of what happens. Within this field of proximity, this attentional threshold. Dissolving the sense of the representational. Not strengthening the sense of me. Not a containment or withdrawal. That edge is rendered porous, representation collapses. That edge was much more soft. Only in the beyond, not disembodied, through felt experience. Comprised of other agencies. That presence of the I, the I becomes a medium. Subjectivity not disappearing. It cannot be me who is perceiving. I perceive from this point, this I is not an ego-centric I. It becomes a medium. This me as a point in the world is not my focus of attention. I was not appearing. Subjectivity as ego-centric experience disappears. A non-egocentric use of subjectivity. A material presence, shaping. To keep the fundamental continuity. Not forcing language as a grasping tool. Abandoning this rigidity. Shaped by the feeling of the stone, this turning. Not referring to about-ness. A certain mobilization of the medium. In terms of becoming in touch. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being. There is some kind of confrontation. There was something of a dropping in. Getting in touch with, contacting. Delineating proximity, constituting proximity. Somehow space appears - spaciousness. This moment of becoming, this coming together. Expanding, endless. A zone with spatial thickness. The edge may have to shimmer. A kind of perceptual flashing. A lively lightness, a quality of lightness. That habit shapes my experience of the world. Not as solid as it seems to be, and it seems to be the most solid of things. A variety of interaction, coinciding. It stayed near but not going into. All this density. I almost cannot find any words.16


Text generated through a sequence of Ecologies in Action:

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1] in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Practice of Reading (Conversation Distillation Part 1) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1] in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

15. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Exploratory Essay (2) in parallel to Practice of Close Video Observation and Practice of Proximity Sphere (variation with camera)

16. Practice of Live Transcription (of Conversation-as-Material) in parallel to Practices of Close Video Observation; Proximity Sphere (variation with camera), Drawing and Material Encounter.






Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action, in parallel to Practices of Live Transcription (of Conversation-as-Material, Close Video Observation; Proximity Sphere (variation with camera), and Material Encounter.



Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action, in parallel to Practices of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1] and Practice of Reading - Distillation using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1]


Possible. Experience. Capacity. Condensed. Mediated. Into. Incorporates. Now. Probably. Enter. Experience. Unfolding. Spoken. Language. Medium. Mode. Materialised. Situation. Easy. Presence. Focused. Wondering. Aboutness. Contact. Expanding. Drawn. To. Object. Create. Exercise. Constitution. Presence. Being. Shaping. Nameless. Situations. Tuning. Mute. Experience. Rubbing.


It was really a physical sensation turning into an image. The place where the air was touching my skin. Spaciousness then appeared, or something of a space. Maybe not spaciousness - space appeared, and then it became spacious. The felt sensation of sound within the proximate sphere. Accepting it as being part of my structure. The continuity of space is actually always happening, this impression of continuity. This transition between the inner and outer. What is this becoming aware of? As belonging to. I had a feeling of it expanding. Where the edge was much more soft. This kind of lively lightness – a quality of lightness but within the materiality of the paper was really striking. To feel the sound of thought and my breath arise. Does it arise some place in my body?2 


Alternative. Shapes. Perceptual. Range. Shaping. Listening. Inclination. Shimmer. Abandoning. Continuing. Shimmering. Touching. Forming. Flight.3 


The question of touching, of the with. Not as a solid as it seems to be, and it seems to be the most solid thing. There are all these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet. How do you modify the frame implicitly? As being part of my structure. Articulated sounds that touch the stone. Not to bring to language. But to take a pencil to produce articulated signs, touching the stone. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of doing. Immediate because it also relates to the question of how, how are my senses mobilised in order to constitute this sphere. It depends of the inclination of my head. Language unfolding from experience. Making. In the same key or texture.4 


Happens. Investigation. Listen. Necessary. Stays. Dropping. In.5 


The sense of muteness, it was not silent. It stayed local to the body, very proximate to the body. How is this mode different? There was something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It stayed near, but not going into. Where is my interest going? This felt different, it felt a cognitive operation, but not a linguistic operation. It is expanding, I had a feeling of it expanding, at the edges of the space, emerging.6 


Foregrounded. Letting go. Density. Capacity. First. Beyond. Sensation. Encounter. Shimmer. Shift. It. But. Fluctuate.7


Protected. Constitution. Articulated. Continuum. No touch. Present. No begin. Separation. No touch. Between. No begin. This. Moment. Articulate present. Infinite variations. Modulating. Carefully. Alternatively. Constant. Complex. Carefully. Articulation. Variation. Modulating. Intention. In touch. Realising. Possibility. Continuing. Partaking. No, begin thus. In between. No cut. No separation. Singularisation. Articulation. Separation. Articulated present. Already present. In action. Before. Now. Continuous. Emanating. Body, a body. Modulating. Curiosity. Continuing. Partaking. Infinite. No separation. Rearrangment. In between. Taking place. Realising. Care, a careless care. Constant. Care. A mutual care. Instead. Already present. Not departing. Aesthetic. Entities. Between. Between. Before that. In. In action. Modulating. Adapting. Itself becoming. That moment. Constant. This one. Infinite. Again. Complex. Articulated. With care. Itself. Mutual. Own. Continuum. Constant. Touch. Zones. Particularies. Modulating. Articulating. Variations. Joinings. Emanating. Articulated continuum. Questioning. Particularities. Units. Already present. Continuing. Separation between. No cut. No separation between. Transit reorganising. A body in action. Infinite variations. Disposing itself. In different ways. Different zones of this present. Questioning. Taking place. That moment. Constant. Zones. Outlinings. From the, of the. In-closures. No begin. Entities. No cut. Spaces. Constant. Articulation. Variations. Modulating. Spaces. Participating. Singularisation. Par-taking. Participating. Refering to time. No cut. Environments. Rearranging of. Carefully. With care. A careless care. A care without intention. Constant. Complex. Without end. A careless care. Without intention. Continuous present. Emanating. In action. Articulated present. Con-tact.  Aesthetic thinking. Continuum. Possibility. Modulating. End. Conjugating. Partaking. In action. Adapting. The. Constant. Of. Rearrangement. To. End. This. With.8 


The direction of things. All this density. The sounding of the things. To observe the sounding of the things. The sounding. What do I follow and where does it come from? Listening. Outside the attentional threshold, the immediate sphere - to notice, but not to attend. What is not belonging to this sphere? Tactile perception – not a rejection of listening or hearing. In other words. There are sounds there, the experience is not without sounds. Around it, not part of it. What is seen or touched, not excluded. Not departing from direct experience, the difference between the eyes reaching or receiving. The proximate experience at the level of the organs, of the ear. Not so much the seeing but the felt sensation. Of sounds reverberating. What can be recognised in experience, an edge. The density of experience. At the extremities. The depth of the proximate sphere, activated as a zone with spatial thickness, the felt sensations of the body, fluctuating beyond the edge.9 


Text generated through a sequence of Ecologies in Action:

1, 3, 5, 7. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation] in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

2, 4, 6. Practice of Reading (Distillation) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation] in parallel to Practices of Drawing and of Material Encounter.

8. Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Exploratory Essay (2) in parallel to Practice of Close Video Observation and Practice of Proximity Sphere (variation with camera)

9. Practice of Live Transcription (of Conversation-as-Material) in parallel to Practices of Close Video Observation; Proximity Sphere (variation with camera),Drawing and Material Encounter.


Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action, in parallel to Practices of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1] and Practice of Reading - Distillation using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation Part 1]


Mutual conditioning. Without exteriority. Radical Immanency. Inhibition withdraws. Hold back. Over-coming. Felt expansion. Sequencing. Obliquely. Gentle. Dis-placing. Common sense. Acting in touch. Mutually enabling. Mutual conditioning. Mutual transformation. Dissolving. Disappearing. Constitutes. Withdrawal. Indirectly. Con-tact. This through. Something. Blooming. Felt expansion. Sequencing. Emergence. Obliquely. Modulating. Appearing. Without an outside. Ex-tending. Affecting. Happening. Coupling. Synchronicity. Something. Disappearing. Dissolving. Constituting. In-volved, I. Simultaneity. Kairotically. Modulating. Constantly appearing. Destabilised. Disappearing. Dissolving. Enabling. Tangentially. Immanency. Inhabit. Gentle handling. Without an outside. Possibility. Overcoming. Happening. Emerging. Being in time. Moving together. Continuing, acting in touch. Felt expansion. Emerging. Dissolving. Holding back. Emerging. Inhabiting. Dissolving. Felt expansion. Without exteriority. Coupling. Coming. Emerging. Blooming. Indirectly. Constantly appearing.


Text generated through the Practice of Noticing Attraction (using Exploratory Essay I) parallel to the Practice of the Proximate Sphere.

Connected to a station. Stationary. Inclination. Recall. Reach. Remind. Opening. Under-stand. Over. Specific. Depends. To begin. Interposed. Meditation. Gone. Sense. Back. Immediate. Mirror. Expand. Accept. Inform. Actions. Inter-esting. Shock. Tactile. Following. Interception. Bring. Hybrid. Lower. Level. Departing. Leverage. Mid range. Listening. Vertical. To what extent. Already. Automatic. Dynamics. Into. There. Different. Repaired. Middle range. Realise. Moving. Not in a reaching way. Arm. Tap into. Implies a change in texture. A contradictory vector between establishing the Nahbereich or constituting or co-constituting the Nahbereich. In moving. Listening or hearing and everything that was activated in listening and hearing. And I also had this question of how much is movement needed. But I could realise it with my eyes. Light. Surface. Shadow. I realise. The front and the back and the sides. Orient – as in arrangement. A different kind of choosing. This feeling of moving into things. The score is a tool that co-constitutes something, but it is not the only one. When I accepted the possibility of close and mid range, then this was positive for me inhabiting this. Momentum that arises from movement giving rise to movement. Still, everything else is placed inside it. More estranged in a way, a change, a change of texture. Speaker. Strengthened. Release. Rendered. Somehow. Uprising. Something. Surface. Settle. Face. Sur. Away. Porous. Something comes back. The focus shifts to another one. A practice of localising proximity, or delineating proximity, or constituting proximity. The investigation was to do with whether it is possible to reach with my fingers, with my physical body, the edge of my shadow. What do I allow to happen, do I decide to allow or is it just happening? And by becoming aware of it do I allow for? Things on the surface of the eye calling me to move. What does it mean to hold back? The motivation for the investigation was micro. Tuning in. Dropping in. Dropping into. In-formed. In-formation. That edge might have to shimmer – beyond the limit of the body’s proximate sphere. It stayed near but not going into. Maybe I was feeling doubtful or lacking confidence that the micro movement was sufficient. The line between these different modes was subtle. Not wanting to do something that felt expressive. Something to do with a shifting sense of gravity, and the shifting of the head. A lowering. A coming alive in the moment. The aspect of releasing and yet at the same time arising. All of a sudden, the immediateness of the sphere. Moves. Stay. You came. Touching. Soften. Difficulty. Opening. Nevertheless. Movement. Centre. Somehow. Non-expressivity. Something. Sufficient. Enabling. Allowed. Lens-based. Something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into.


Text generated through moving between the Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and the Practice of Distillation using Conversation-as-Material transcript as source material parallel to the Practice of Explorative Drawing and of Material Encounter.




Structure. Rooted. Heard. Play. Begin. Continue. Enter. Agency. Outermost. Field. Focusing. Faraway. Discontinuity. Radiant. Emerged. To. There. Touching. Closer. Capacity. Moment. Different. Uneveness. Situated. Got stuck. Cannot. Connection. Sensation. Sounds. Movement. Noticing. Digest. Congruent. Conditions. Deviations. Actualization. Co-constitutes something. Shift. Coming. Coming into this local. Comes in. Coming. Connecting with. Inside. Happening. Encountering. Receive. Immediate sphere. While. Changing. Impulse.


Text generated through the Practice of Noticing Attraction (using Conversation-as-Material transcript as source material) parallel to the Practice of the Proximate Sphere.


Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action, in parallel to Practices of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Practice of Reading - Distillation using Conversation-as-Material [Distillation from Marking] as the source material.


Exploration. Perceiving. Establishing. Chain. Chain of things. Eyes. It is. The light. Finding. The lights of a car. Certain sense. Establishing. Projection. Appreciate. Actually. Able to touch. Realize. Curated. Support. With one another. Reach. In moving. Relation. Immediately. Immediate. Impulse. Movements happening. I have to. A different kind. In that zone. Immediate. Basis. Shifts. Dwell. Dwelling places. Allowing. Allowing. Out of. Drawn. Out of. Calling. Automatic. Dynamics. Intrinsically. Intrinsically connected. Confrontation. Sense-making systems. Between. Ordinarily. Modulation. Edge. Impulse. Stimulates. Light. Interrelates. Outside. Approximate. Vertical. Shadow. Into. Mobilization. Mobilize. Immediate. Whatever. Into. Impulse. Dropping down. In terms. Thresholds. Blossom. Listening. Situated. Sounded. Reaching. Staying near. Across. Going into. Map. Going down. Dropping into. Rubbing up against. Almost. In-formed. Con-tained. The edge was much more soft. And still something happened on the physical level of gentleness, in allowing myself, being allowed, not even allowing myself. It is happening, a chain of things happening. Thinking how is this mode different? A gentleness of being there, a negotiation. And also physically of joints articulating themselves differently. So they must find a kind of systematic attuning with one another. A feeling of moving into things, a quality of this moving into, of continuously moving into places. Without needing to, to make a connection in between. The balance of senses. Balance. The gentleness, the gentleness allows you to be, allows the constitution of the gentleness, allows the being there. I wonder. Exploration, exploring, ex– out and plurare – to weep, to cry. Through a certain mobilization. Rubbing up against. Actualise. Placeness. In between places. Self-contained. Tendency. Ground. Density. Again. Not connected to moving into. At the extremities where it was most attended to, touching. Today I had to move to form the thoughts differently. I could not write at all. To receive something, and what it is. To allow, or is it just happening? Layers of different thoughts happening, different languages - different. Being in-formed. I get information, digest information. To fall in place, coupled differently, again. Proximate. Immediate. Gradient. Receive. Softness. Unevenness. Allowed. Enabled. Time to digest. My capacity for access into a space of aesthetic action. Encountering from different angles. Allowing to be. Lines. Contingent. That moment. Somehow. Constitution of gentleness. The deviations also. Everything. Something happens. Choosing. It started to fall into place. Disappearance. Some sensuous quality. A possibility. Outline. A possible violation. Co-constitutes. Playing games. Going off and playing. Evolution. Or even that it retrospectively a sense of structure to what has been. Accepted as belonging to this. Congruent in a way. A bar. A kiosk. How to choose again? There is a coming alive in the moment, the aspect of releasing at the same time arising. And then this release through movement, it is not a projected movement. It definitely includes a specific knowledge, of knowing what I need to do now. That edge was rendered more porous. The deviations, another deviation. Distances. Thresholds. Senses. Skin. Qualities. Meet. Soft. Dropping. Moving. And the stains on the ground. Weather-wise and seasonally. Just being able to go to the floor, this feels contingent on much bigger agencies. Coming alive. Recognition of so many possibilities. And this is something that appears again. Wondering how thinking becomes differently possible within different circumstances. What seemed to emerge was the interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. A contradictory vector between establishing and moving, and what multidirectional physical movement does with it. Enabling a kind of fluidity. The line between these different modes was subtle. There is a coming alive. Releasing and at the same time arising. It starts to steam up and thickens. Space becomes a place and this is an exciting feeling. This breakdown in the classification of what is ‘my’. What I noticed was that I almost needed, no, I found, that certain kinds of micro-movements or other kinds of movements facilitated my movements. The egocentric I opens up and becomes a medium. There is a hyper-activation of subjectivity but subjectivity as egocentric experience disappears. It is through me, but I do not appear. The smell suddenly activated a different kind of stillness, a much less self-conscious stillness. Very subtle, but very present. I stayed near but not going into. The feeling of something, something about the felt sensation. Something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into. It stayed near, but not going into. There was no reason to move almost. It was almost like my attentional threshold was at the limit of my body, within the body but not so self-contained. A zone with spatial thickness. That edge might have to shimmer. I disappear. Taking. The gentleness, the gentleness that allowed the constitution of the gentleness, allowed the being there.


Text generated through moving between the Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Practice of Reading (Distillation) (using Conversation-as-Material Distillation as source material) parallel to the Practice of Explorative Drawing and of Material Encounter.


Drawings generated through the Practice of Explorative Drawing, within the frame of an Ecology in Action, in parallel to the Practice of Reading: Noticing Attraction (using Exploratory Essay 1 as text material)

Acting in touch. Disappearing of something. Tangentially. Unarticulated. Common. Being involved in this unavoidable, inescapable common process. Inescapable. Reinforced. Vectors of translation. A specific way of modulating some vectors of transformation, of touching, subtly displacing the dynamic threads of the constantly appearing forms and meanings. Withdraws. The other. Common sense. Sensible. Dissolving. Simultaneity. Inside. My ability. In-side. An opening in the continuum of time. Un-solve. Enable. Doing so. Resistant. Happening. Blooming. Expansion. Hold back. Involved. Area. Unavoidable. Conditions. Kairotically. Constitute. Inhabit. Handling. Modulating. Gentle. Withdrawal and falling back. Affirmative, generative. Constraining. Conditioning. Constantly appearing. Common. Micro-movements. To share the presence. Alter. Opening. Give rise. A point of departure. Opening. Blooming. Conditions for the other. Prior. Dissolving. Appearing. Separating. Prerequisite. Substratum. Tangentially. A kind of liquification. Breaks something down. In time. Simultaneity. Radical immanency. Reinforced. Requires gentle handling. Gentle. Plausibility. Felt expansion. Variety of contact. Affect times. Coming to be. The multiple directions. Soften. Soften the effect of chronology. Indirect. Tangential. Plausibility. Hold back. The nature of. Hold back. The other. Gives rise. Coupling. Unarticulated possibility. A force. Depending. Shifting. Involved. The way they appear. Transforming each other. Vectors. Touching. Displacing. Inhibition. Inhabit. Inhibit. Inhabiting inhibition. Involved. Witholding. As a point of departure. Continuing moving together. Continuing acting in touch. Decoupled. Space. Makes it happen. Shifts. Multiple directions. Overcoming. Held. Without an outside. Over-coming. Experience opened. Illusory separation. The operation of dissolving. Blooming. Un-solve. Depends. Depending. Dissolving. Sensible. Solid or stable. Contours. Unarticulated. Interiority. Contradictorily. Extending. A point of departure. Overturning. Dissolve. To sink by the head. Upset. Distemper. Unmingle. Mutual. Unjoin. Touch. Reconnection. Edges. Touch. Without an outside. Holding back. Shift. Solid or stable. Boundaries. Liquid. Inside other. Coming to be. Towards inversion.


Text generated through the Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) using Exploratory Essay 1 as source text, parallel to the Practice of Explorative Drawing.





Grounding - on what do I ground myself?


Series of drawings developed in parallel to the Practice of Conversation-as-Material (Part 1: Conversation)



Action / Activity of stress. 

Nervous Systems

Philosophical and Art - Attitudes


What makes systems calming down? What makes them recover?


Giving space

Allowance to be




being touched by

being moved by

being connected





(Inter) communication


How to see each other and be seen?



tears - touch - flow 






care taking


being a mother






birth - giving birth










point of initiation



- touching

The way I entered this practice - resonates. How are my senses mobilized? The sphere is constituted by a certain mobilization of my senses. The constitution of this sphere, this is what resonates. How are my senses mobilized in order to constitute this sphere? What is the balance of the senses – the visual, the tactile, the olfactory, the tactile? It depends on the inclination of my head. I notate it as, I notice it as, I notate it as - I notice it as the constitution of this sphere. Sounding. Sounding. The sounding of my breath would extend the allowance of something. What I call the constitution of the - what I liked was – immediate sphere. Immediately - in terms of without taking, without needing to make a connection in between. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being in the world - it is the confrontation with the shock of that, the confrontation of the shock of certain habits. Thinking how is this mode different? A sense of where I am going. I am able to touch, to touch making a small movement, a kind of systematic attunement. How do I do this in moving? To make a connection in between. Immediacy – which takes me some time. Come off the path. It was a vertical register – it was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. But there is no reason to move almost. I know. I know it is a hybrid of pre-planning and automatic habits. How is this mode different? It was a vertical register – it was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. A really different kind of stillness, a less self-conscious stillness. I realize that I need time to digest. The depth of attention was limited in my own practicing of it, in what I am curious about. I am speculating though – this was not my experience. Do you think, I am wondering now, am I departing from my direct experiences? But I am wondering if the sound can be present, but not in a reaching way? There was a moment on the walk when the sun touched me – so it wasn’t so much that I was seeing the sun. I am speculating though, this was not my experience. Self-contained – the proximate edge of the body felt almost enclosing. A very different kind of movement, close to my body but not introspective. Very proximate to the body but not going into. All these very tiny shifts were unfolding in so many options. Everything else is placed inside it. I never used the word deviation before, but there comes another deviation – what comes in, I don’t know? The constitution of this proximate sphere is a condition in terms of once you are there, then there is a shift that needs to be maintained. The area of interest was much more close to my body, I stayed near but not going into. There was light coming onto my body but I did not only realize it with my eyes. The difference between the eyes reaching towards something or receiving. The place where the air was touching my skin. This I is not an egocentric I – it opens up, it becomes a medium to define this sphere, and for me what is relevant in the act of perceiving, what is in my experience, is this sphere which needs me as a point in the world to be defined. But this me, as this point in the world, is not the focus of my attention, but this sphere needs this point operatively in the world to exist. I continue with some movement and all of a sudden the immediateness of the sphere and some sensuous qualities came back and it started to fall into place.



Text generated through the Practice of Reading (Distillation) using Conversation-as-Material transcripts as source text.



A variety of contact. A variety of behaviour, of con-duct—of action-with.


A way of being in mutual touch, of acting-in-touch and therfore a way of leading one another, of con-ducting, of defining—indirectly, obliquely, tangentially—the sense of our common being-in-time, or better of conditioning with one another the emergence of our common sense, the coherent substratum of all emergent forms and meanings.


A manner of participating in a shared process of enabling—of conditioning, of constraining, of influencing—the emergence of the viability of our common way, of our continuing-moving-together, of the continuation of our continuing-acting-in-touch.


A specific way of doing so, of being involved in this unavoidable, inescapable common process.


A specific way of modulating some vectors of transformation—of touching, of subtly displacing the dynamic threads of the constantly appearing forms and meanings.


The relation between aesthetic thinking and a non-egocentric 'I' seems to be mutually enabling - are both then the conditions for the other? Aesthetic thinking requires (perhaps) the presence of a non-egocentric 'I', or rather a non-egocentric 'I' is prerequisite for aesthetic thinking. Yet, this suggests chronological sequencing - that the non-egocentric 'I' must emerge prior to the emergence of aesthethic thinking? or else, it is through aesthetic thinking that a shift happens enabling the emergence of a non-egocentric I? Again, does this 'through' suggest some kind of chronological sequencing of cause and effect? Is aesthetic thinking the same as aesthetic action?


How does aesthetic action affects time? Is the possibility of 'simultaneity' reinforced by acting aesthetically? And if so, does this reinforcement, this plausibility of the simultaneous alter the way we understand causality? How to relate causally events occurring simultaneously—as, may be, aesthetic thinking and the transformation of one thinking entity?


Does aesthetic action soften the effect of chronology? What other modes of time emerge? Kairos - an opening in the continuum of time. Yet here, how to 'hold back' theory - I recall that kairos can be conceived as the simultaneity of naming and the thing named - both give rise to the other. Do aesthetic thinking/action and the non-egocentric 'I' give rise to one another simultaneously, kairotically?


Does aesthetic thinking enable a specific coupling or a kind of simultaneous perception that lets synchronicity appear. 


The thinker(s), the thought and the thinking happening—coming to be—simultaneously. Transforming each other, emerging in and through mutual conditioning at the same time.


Emergence as heuristic key.


How does the possibility of mutual conditioning, even mutual transformation, meet with resistance - the blocks and obstacles that might inhibit or hold back?


Resistance as condition—as part of the process. A process without exteriority. Radical immanency.


How then to relate to resistance as immanent to the process. Consider the resistance of the egocentric 'I'? How to let go? The difference between inhabit and inhibit is the presence of a certain 'I'. Inhibition. The nature of egocentricity within inhibition requires gentle handling. Too much force might cause the illusory edges of self to further grip and stiffen, tighten and contract.


In-hibition: to hold in. Can an inside hold—and be held—without an outside?


Inhibition withdraws, holds back. Can the withdrawal and holding back of inhibition become affirmative, generative - can it be decoupled from the egocentric I?


Inhibition enables space. Space for micro movements to appear. And to be with the way they appear, to share the presence in the moment of appearing, so that within this already transformations, shifts, changes, multiple directions are possible.


Inhibition, then, maybe as condition of possibility of overcoming inhibition. Inhibition as interiority without exteriority—as the operation (to inhabit) of constituting the interiority to be inhabited and though inhabiting inhibition, extending the space that holds.


Inhabiting inhibition would be to really feel it - to keep the experience open. Though maybe open already implies or reinforces this illusory separation of inside/outside. Still, inhibition could be really felt in its blooming, rather than affecting a sense of shrinking back. Withdrawal or inhibition that keeps the spacing open - or even to allow for space to happen. maybe the inhabiting the inhibition is then sensible through the blooming - emerging - felt expansion of an unarticulated possibility (could that be a definition for emerging space?).


As a point of departure.


As the resistance endowed with the agency of dissolving the resistance.


Dissolving - how is the quality of this operation? Consider this against dislodging, disrupting, subverting, destabilising. Dissolving is gentle? It implies a gentle but very thorough disappearing of something, at least of a specific form/boundaries...it goes to therefore thoroughly in-side other than maybe dislodging - subverting...which seems to affirm the very thing that gets destabilized.


Dis-solve - un-solve.


The relationship of the force applied to the area to be dissolved also seems to be variable depending on the situation and condition. It can be gentle and strong in different grades. Are there preconditions that constitute the operation of dissolving?


Dissolve - to break up, disunite or separate into parts. From dis - meaning 'part', and solvere - to loosen or untie. Yet the undoing or loosening of dissolve is elemental - involving the conversion from a state of solidity towards that of being liquid, fluid. Disintegration through a kind of liquification. Dissolve thus breaks something down or separates into parts - yet in this separating into parts there are also no parts to be discerned as such, for liquid knows no such contours.


A breaking down of something that seems solid or stable, or a vector of destabilisation causing a shift from one state to another, akin to the elemental shift between solid and liquid. Upset - contradictorily both a setting up and an overturning. Upset - to capsize, a nautical term - meaning the keeling over of a boat from uprightness towards inversion. Capsize - to turn over, or more specifically, from the Provençal cap virar "to turn the head" or else, from the Spanish capuzar "to sink by the head".


To throw into mental discomposure. Distemper - to upset the proper balance of. Vex. Unmingle the proper proportions. To un-mingle. Un-blend. Un-join. If mingle means mixing, joining or combination, then the opposite is to separate - disjunction.


Yet rather than destructive - a force of negation, of disallowing or even of violation, the undoing and loosening of the dis and un could be seen as a necessary prerequisite or condition for re-connection, for re-combination.



Text generated through the simultaneous and collective practice of the Practice of Exploratory Essay Writing (30 minutes).




Drawings generating following the Practice of the Nahbereich (Proximate Sphere).