Reading and viewing list



About Morton Feldman

About Iannis Xenakis

Theories that informed the project






Steinsland, Gro – 20xx: Vøluspå


Bartes, Roland – 1970: Empire of Signs

Butler, Judith Notes towards a performative theory of assembly, London: Harvard University Press 2015


Borgdorff, Henk – 2013: Artistic Practises and Epistemic Things in

Claire Bishop, Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics, 2004

Schwab, Michael (ed.) – 2013: Experimental Systems 

– Future Knowledge in Artistic Research

Leuven University Press, Leuven

Bourriaud, Nicolas – 2007: relasjonell estetikk

Pax Forlag, Oslo

Feldman, Morton – 1988: Middelburg-lecture vom 2. Juli 1987

MusikTexte 22, Køln

Feldman, Morton – 1965: The King of Denmark

C. F. Peters Corporation, New York

Feldman, Morton – 1998: Solo Piano Works 1950-64

C. F. Peters Corporation, New York

Flint, Ellen: The Experience of Time and Psappha in 

Solomos, Makis (ed.) - 2001: Presenses of Iannis Xenakis

Centre de documentation de la musique contemporaine, Paris.

Friedman, B. H. – 2000: Give my Regards to Eigth Street 

  • Collected writings of Morton Feldman

Exact Change, Cambridge MA.

Frounberg, Ivar - 2001: Om kompositionsundervisning: lærerprofiler og reflection

MAmusik, København

Frounberg, Ivar – 1983: Interview with Iannis Xenakis

Danmarks Radio, Copenhagen

Gualda, Sylvio – 1981: Sur Psappha in Regards sur Iannis Xenakis

Guy Debord, Society As Spectacle Detroit 1970

Stock Musique, France

Halprin, A. (Five Decades of Transformational Dance, Five Decades of Transformational Dance, Moving toward Live, Five Decades of Transformational Dance, 2015

Kundera, Milan – 1981: Xenakis, “prophète de l’insensibilitée” 

in Regards sur Iannis Xenakis

Stock Musique, France

Larsen, Martin – 1965: Vølvens SpådomEdda og Saga

Latour, B. 1999. Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Liam Gillick, Letters and Responses, Contingent Factors: A Response to Claire Bishop’s “Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics”

Foreningen Norden, København

Linda Evans, Developing research capacity in the social sciences: a professionality-based model. 2009

Larsen, Thøger – 1968: Vølvens Spådom i Nordens Gudekvad

Gyldendals Trane-klassikere, København

Lewis, David – 1974: Radical Interpretation

Synthese 23, pg.331-344, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht - Holland

Matossian, Nouritza – 1981: Iannis Xenakis

Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris

Neuhaus, Max – 1968: Morton Feldman: The King of Denmark (accessed 2016.10.19)

Orning, Tanja – 2014: The Polyphonic Performer

NMH-publikasjoner, Oslo

Monica Prendergast  From Guest to Witness: Teaching Audience Studies in Postsecondary Theatre Education 2008

Pratt, Daryl L. – 1987: Performance Analysis: Morton Feldman, The King of Denmark, 

Percussive Notes volume 25, number 3

Rancière, Jacques – 2012: den emansiperte tilskuer

Pax Forlag, Oslo

Assis, Paolo di - 2013: Epistemic Complexity and Experimental Systems in 

Schwab, Michael (ed.): Experimental Systems 

– Future Knowledge in Artistic Research

Leuven University Press, Leuven

Solomos, Makis – 1996: Iannis Xenakis

P.O. Editions, Paris(?)

Sontag, Susan - 2009: Against Interpretation – and Other Essays

Penquin Classics, London

Trier, Lars von & Leth, Jørgen: The Five Obstructions (film)

Zentropa, Copenhagen

Villars, Chris – 2006: Morton Feldman – selected interviews and lectures 1964-1987

Hyphen Press, London

Villars, Chris: Morton Feldman Page (accessed 2016.10.19)

Williams, Jan: An Interview with Morton Feldman, 22nd April 1983 (accessed 2016.10.19)

Xenakis, Iannis – 1992: Formalized Music – Thought and Mathematics in Music

Pendragon Press, New York

Xenakis, Iannis – 1985: Arts/Sciences: Alloys

Pendragon Press, New York

Xenakis, Iannis - 1976: Psappha

Éditions Salabert, Paris

Xenakis, Iannis - 1970: Persephassa

Éditions Salabert, Paris

The Xenakis Association: (accessed 2016.10.19)