Arrival practice
Attunement to listening (5 mins)
Standing as a group – sounds of the space.
SCORE 1: Re-meeting Pulls of Attraction
Taking a moment to revisit the route/map from Pulls of Attraction
A series of Loops
- Walking the route - follow the route (walking at any speed).
- Walking the route - reading silently in your inner voice at each point.
- Walking the route - Reading aloud
Take time to notice/listen to/for the others’ reading
Take time to notice resonances and differences (with the moments of writing and reading on the original site).
*When you have finished your reading, pause where you end, looking towards the centre and to the others.
*Remain still and silent until everyone has completed their reading.
* When everyone is stood still and silent, we slowly walk towards the location for the second score, assembling in a circle.
Reading of texts from movements and trajectories, sensemaking between voices, compilation of fragments and chance resonances.
In a circle facing inwards:
Part I: A circuit clockwise – each person reads one word/short phrase of their text, going around the circle.
Part II: Introduction of a second circuit.
Part III: Crossing the circle.
Part IV: Call of the emergent sense (allow for simultaneity and silences)
* When there is a cue/signal, slowly walk towards a place in the yard which corresponds to the location where you did the writing, Acousmatic. Sit for a moment in silence recollecting your experience of the original score/site.
SCORE 3: Acousmatic [Reading]
-Reading your text aloud from the Acousmatic score, repeating more than once if necessary.
-When there is a cue/signal, slowly walk towards a place in the yard, assembling as a condensed zig zag line (close together).
-Reading your text from the Acousmatic score (all at the same time).
-Take time to notice/listen to/for the others’ reading.
-Take time to notice resonances and differences (with the moments of writing and reading on the original site).