tounes el fa7s                                                                                                                                    



spring time 


I am a top a hill a mere few kilometers from my friend's farm in the Guarigue

or rather     Garrega                                                                                        

a region in the northern end of tounes 


we spent the evening planting a specific type of vegetation around his fields, a proactive measure to reduce soil erosion 





the soil







I've been out walking and field-recording for hours       sometimes I take  a break in the shade of a tree for a bit of rest and orientation

there aren't many big trees around here

It's mostly spiny and aromatic dwarf shrubs: thyme and rosemary




garrega is my favorite spot for foraging and enjoying the myriad of smells 



After a moment of rest under the 5arroub tree

daydreams and waves of emotions wash over me. 


I look around                       nothing seems familiar

It's as if the landscape has totally changed 




I feel adrift

in an empty space of time 

I wake up from my daydream of that warm memory of last spring in fahs           I look around                 I am lost still                             the map says I should turn right    but there's no right or left - just water and green all around me          under the bridge        I should be on top

Boerderij de Meent is a collectively owned piece of land where different communities interact in various




and in solidarity



one of these plots is one owned by a group of stateless refugees

with no passports or official recognition

they've found a haven for their permaculture fields on this




what comes from the soil goes back to the soil


a circular relationship 

with the land

I am on

my way

to Boerderij

de Meent

to take part of a community-building of a theatre

out of sludge 





it’s a warm sunny day 

I am on

my bike

halfway from Amsterdam to Amstelveen

my friend whom I used to visit in el Garregua in Tunis also embodies circularity in his practice

it challenges the extractives colonial agro-industries that dry out the earth from its micro-organisms

from its soul


as an echo of the energy put in it a biological and rich vegetation grows 

providing food and autonomy for this community of the refugees  



on that warm spring day in el fahs

after a few adventures and an almost surreal encounter with a shepherd

i found my way back by following the 5arroub trees as they grow next to the water


i located the stream of the wadi that leads to the lake where we planted the sulla plants the night before 



on that spring day in Amsterdam,

I finally found the group I had to join in Boerderij de meent plunging into a wadi to collect willow branches to use in the amphitheater building 

this project led by artist Thom Bindels

aims to create a modern mud cathedral as an experiment in our relationship with time labour and the natural landscape

The collective work will result in an amphitheater made the sludge (local material collectively pulled out of the swamp) , which will be used as a debate centre, a music venue and a natural biotope


The base of this biotope will be the willow cuttings, which will take root again, and the reed will act as a filter to retain the mud and drain the water from it 



amidst the interwoven moments of labour and silence      I found myself drawing closer to the land       I I tuned in      with all my senses   listened played and     intervening            tenderly    then I paused to listen again    and observe the responses of the ground          I dug sludge of      peat and clay from the swamp             moist  brown slightly clayish soil from the permaculture fields         each handful teeming with micro-organic life      few more feasts from the piles of dirt and decomposing plants found     on the sides        of the fields   then  then a sample from the remains of a mole's burrow in the middle of a meadow        I felt good for       not doing        individually this time   I was co  -labour                   collaborating         with the communities that inhabit the soil underneath  and          those who act upon its surface                 I    was                       not                                                         alone