Historical spiritual vibration — a space traveling program for healing

Performance schedule



Act one – Transformation of a model of a 1800 century trading ship into a spaceship for healing travels in the future.



Act two- Sugar and saltfish ceremony next to terrariums with ackee.



Act three- Spaceship launch ceremony of HIGHS at the harbor.

Launch cermony


During the 23rd of April 2022 Whyte&Zettergren had a ceremony in three acts at The Living Art Museum in Reykjavikto launch their space travel program.

The ceremonies spring from memories beyond our time zone. A healing practice for the space race where they bring objects that witness historical trauma into the future and carry it into a next dimension. An old trading ship becomes a spaceship, saltfish blends with cane sugar into a monument for repairing historical hurt. A model of a spiritual vibrating space vessel is sent into the sky where it will sail with the spirits to shape a new destiny.

Who feels it knows it, patterns repeating themselves through the centenaries. What was once broken still hurts the newborn. Generational trauma, historical trauma, post traumatic slave syndrome brakes soft skin. We carry the memories of the fallen in our hearts, in the other dimensions they are still alive. They travel in the vessels that harbor the souls of the ancestors. Acknowledge your privileges and allow the healing, close your eyes and see the star ship shining. Rest in the belly of the beast, slumber in the darkness among the glistering fires. The new planet will set us free.