Arno Böhler is permanent faculty member of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna (https://homepage.univie.ac.at/arno.boehler/php/univ-doz-dr-arno-bohler/) (venia docendi) and visiting professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Max Reinhardt Seminar. https://www.mdw.ac.at/maxreinhardtseminar/lehrende/boehler/. He was PI of 3 research projects, sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The research formats Philosophy On Stage, Arts-based-Philosophy and field-performances, which he developed together with Granzer meanwhile became a role model for AR and PP in Austria and abroad. Böhler and Granzer have initiated 3-months residence-programs for AR in India between 2016-2020. PI Böhler will be part of all work packages. https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/365941/365942 ;

Sabina Holzer works in the field of expanded choreography. As a performer, writer and movement facilitator based in somatic practices and Yoga she teaches and develops her work in collaborative, artistic research settings. Holzer creates performances and interventions for public spaces, galleries, museums & theaters, such as: Lentos Museum of Modern Art, Essl Museum, Hidden Museum, dOCUMENTA (13), Die 

Angewandte, ImPulsTanz, Im_flieger, Tanzquartier Wien, sead. Her texts are published since 2007 in various media. https://www.cattravelsnotalone.at/ Holzer will be a key artistic researcher. She will participate in the art-labs and will artistically develop a field-performance staged on POS#6 and POS#7. Latest works; https://katrinhornek.net/work/plantplanthttp://www.cattravelsnotalone.at/portfolio/which

Evi Jägle studies visual arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and philosophy at the University of Vienna (VDP-Vienna Doctoral School). With the philosophy-performance collective Philomation she has realized videos, installations and performances. Her work includes a Theater piece at Cammerspiele: Leipzig (2022), together with Dans.Kias Inhabiting the Impossible in WUK: Vienna (2023). Exhibitions include the photo gallery at WUK: Vienna (2021), Schmatz: Vienna (2020), Urhof: Grünbach (2019) and Performances at the festival Soundcheck Philosophie in Leipzig (2018, 2019). Her videos and exhibitions combined with her philosophical work search for philosophical-artistic expression inspired by the work of philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Jägle will be part of all work packages philomation.com; https://evijagle.portfoliobox.net

Stefan Dobner MD, PhD (Cardiologist): 2000-2004: University of Vienna Medical School (MD 2004) • 2005-2008 PhD Research Fellow, University of Cape Town (PhD 2010) • 2009-2011 Postdoctoral Research, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA • 2011-2019: Subspecialty training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology – Heart Failure and Transplantation (Hamburg, DE; Innsbruck, A; Bern (CH) • FMH Cardiology (2019) • Specialist in internal medicine and cardiology (2021) • MSc in Clinical Trials (Class of 2023; Oxford University) • since 2023: Attending physician, Klinik Ottakring (Vienna, A) 

Current Research projects: Bern Amyloidosis registry (B-CARE) (NCT04776824); ATTR Amyloidosis in Elderly Patients with Aortic Stenosis (NCT04061213). Prior Post-doc Research Grant: Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship (FWF, 03/2010-11/2011). Dobner is key researcher of our Scientific Advisory Board and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.

Aurelio (A.C. Hammer) lives in the international community project of Auroville since 1991, where s/he is founder and creative director of SVARAM-Sound Experience. Having been trained in guitar and flute, s/he teaches workshops, trainings and seminars internationally on Integral sound studies and practices and Integral Yoga studies. Performances (Selection): 2015 - Chicago Art Center, Lost Treasures of Central Asia. In Sri Aurobindo Auditorium: 2015 - Scenes from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 2017 - Man, sole awake... 2019 - Is it enough O’ Spirit? 2021 - Nachiketas 2022 - Usha and the Dawns to Come https://svaram.org/ Aurelio will be a key artistic researcher, developing a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6 and POS#7 from the perspective of an artist, engaged in the studies of Integral Yoga. He will provide the infrastructure of SVARAM for our field-research in Auroville ––> Please see the LoI (co-operation letter)

Nikolaus Gansterer is an artist, university teacher and researcher based at the Department for Transmedia Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. His research practice is deeply grounded in a trans-medial and trans-disciplinary approach, underpinned by conceptual discourse on performative visualization and cartographic representations. His artistic research work was awarded with several scholarships and prizes, among others as PI of two PEEK grants for artistic research by the Austrian Science Fund (2014 and 2019) developing systems of notation of atmospheres, situations and environments. Since 2007 he has been teaching at the UAAV. He is board member of the Applied Performance Laboratory, Vienna where he is researching on performative practices of notation and reflection. https://www.gansterer.org/

Gansterer is a key artistic researcher. He will participate in the art-labs and will artistically develop a field performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7 in co-operation with cARE.



Florian Reiners is Professor for Speech at the Max Reinhardt Seminar since 2016, where he also studied. Reiners works as an actor, performer and book author. From 2017-2020 he was deputy director of the institute MRS. His theater engagements have taken him to the Schauspielhaus Leipzig, Stadttheater Augsburg, Schlosstheater Celle, Hersfelder Festspiele, Schlossparktheater Berlin and the Cologne Opera. Among others, he realized performances such as Philosophy on Stage Europa.dot@komm. Essl Museum, Future Box at the 12th international Conference on artistic research Vienna. Speakers Corner Projekt der Jungen Akademie Berlin, Pinakothek der Moderne München, Gaspard de la nuit Musikverein Wien, Performing Shakespeare Theater festival Busteni/Rumänien. Publications: Florian Reiners, Susanne Altweger: Das gesprochene Bild - Die Methode zum lebendigen Sprechen zur Künstlerischen Sprachgestaltung, Falter Verlag, 2022. https://www.mdw.ac.at/maxreinhardtseminar/florian-reiners/ Reiners will be a key artistic researcher of cARE. He will participate in the art-labs and will artistically develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7 in collaboration with cARE.

Christoph Müller studies philosophy in Leipzig and Vienna. Together with the performance-philosophy collective "Philomation" (philomation.com) he creates audio-visual works, which have been shown at various festivals, exhibitions and conferences. Here is an excerpt: 2019 installation/performance as part of the festival [Soundcheck Philosophie] #5: Am Nerv der Demokratie. Presentation of essayistic experimental films (arts-based research) 2021 at the DRHA conference Berlin (Digital Matters; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sMRSAdFb90) and the conference of the RHUL`s Centre for Continental Philosophy 2022 in London (Unlearning Nihilism). In November 2022, the collective staged its first stage play as part of the at the Cammerspiele Leipzig.

 *core Artistic Research Ensemble*

Patrick Beldio has a PhD in Religion and Culture from Catholic University, an MFA in sculpture fromtheGeorge Washington University, and a BA in philosophy and BFA in sculpture from the University ofNotreDame. Awards: Artists Fellowship Program Grant by the DC Commission on the Arts andHumanities,Sculptor of the Year by the Consortium of the Arts in Washington, DC/Walnut Creek, CA,and artist-in

residence fellowships. Beldio is a leading scholar of Aurobindo’s works. He is key researcher of our Scientific Advisory Board and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.



Tanja Traxler is a quantum physicist, journalist, and lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her research focuses on the philosophical foundations of quantum physics and the societal impact of quantum technologies. As head of the science department of the Austrian broadsheet DER STANDARD she is a leading communicator of science and one of Austria’s most established science journalists. She was awarded several prizes for her work in science communication. At the UAAV Tanja Traxler combines quantum physics with artistic practices and pursues cross-disciplinary links between science, philosophy and the arts. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanja_Traxler Traxler is key researcher of our Scientific Advisory Board and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.

Susanne Valerie Granzer is an actress and emeritus professor for acting at the renowned Max Reinhardt Seminar at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since 2021 she teaches “Aesthetics as Ethics” there and at the ARC-mdw. Parallel to her career in acting, she was awarded a PhD in philosophy by the University of Vienna in 1995. In 1996/97 she took a Sabbatical at Juilliard School and Herbert Berghof Studio in New York. Granzer was cooperation partner in 3 research projects, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Together with Böhler she set up the Viennese art factory GRENZ_film and baseCollective and co-directed the residency program for artistic research in South India (2016-2020). 

Granzer has published numerous books and articles on these issues. https://www.susannegranzer.at/ ;https://www.mdw.ac.at/maxreinhardtseminar/susanne-valerie-granzer/ Granzer is a key artistic researcher. She will participate in the art-labs and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7 in co-operation with cARE.


Jyoti Dogra is a theatre maker based in Mumbai. Her work has been supported by ProHelvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Goethe Institute - New Delhi, Saison Foundation -Japan, and Arts Council - England, Flinn Works Berlin, Base Collective - Vienna, India Foundation for the Arts, Prakriti Foundation and Serendipity Arts Festival. Beyond India, her work has been showcased in Tokyo, Zurich, Bern, New York, Berlin, Warsaw, London, Washington DC, Singapore, Vienna, Dhaka, Hong Kong, Warsaw and Denmark. Jyoti has been a guest faculty at National school of Drama, New Delhi and taught and directed also at the Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University. Three books on contemporary Indian theatre makers and 4 PhD thesis have been accomplished on her work in universities in India and at Berkeley. Video links to some of her works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A10C5CI7W6Q,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9EdtOqrfA ,https://youtu.be/iusHmhAbZTE

Joyti Dogra will be a key artistic researcher of cARE. She will participate in the art-labs and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.

Joyti Dogra will be a key artistic researcher of cARE. She will participate in the art-labs and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.

Johannes Kretz (https://johanneskretz.org/ ; https:\\www.mdw.ac.at/ar_center ) is director of the artistic research center at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna: Since 1997: teacher for computer music at mdw (Vienna), 2009: habilitation, associate professor • 2013-2021 dean/head of department of the Institute for composition, electro-acoustics and Tonmeister education • 2018-2021: project leader of “creative (mis)understandings”, (FWF-PEEK). Since 2020 head of the ARC-mdw. • 2021: Chair of Conference Committee of the 12th SAR conference. Member of the Research Advisory Council of Orpheus Institute, Belgium. Johannes Kretz will be a key artistic researcher of cARE. He will participate in the art-labs and will artistically develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7. As director of ARC-mdw, he will make the infrastructure of the artistic research center at mdw available for us.

Yunus Tuncel is a co-founder of the Nietzsche Circle and the Editor-in-Chief of its electronic journal, The Agonist.He received his PhD in philosophy from the New School for Social Research and teachesphilosophy at New York University. Tuncel is the author of Nietzsche on Human Emotions (Schwabe,2021),the editor of Nietzsche and Transhumanism (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017) and aco-editor of Nietzsche and Music (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022). He is a founding editor of the Journal of Posthumanism (published by Transnational Press of London). He is interested in the fusionof art and philosophy in various cultural formations and undertakes a peripatetic project calledPhilomobile.https://www.yunus-tuncel.com/ ; Tuncel is key researcher of our Scientific Advisory Board and will develop a field-performance that will be staged on POS#6-#7.