The first task of cARE consists in creating a notebook. The notebook will be an artefact that

stands for itself, but also serves as a script for the field-performances, which finally will be staged at the research-festival POS#6 and POS#7 at BRUT Wien in Vienna as well as in India at ADISHAKTI Theatre Research and SAVRAM. The notebook will include visual notifications of impulses, intuitions, arguments, concepts, reflections and analysis that emerge in the course of our research among the members of cARE. The notebook will include discursive elements, but also drawings, stage-plans, photos, handwritings, poems and the notifications and reflections of our Scientific Advisory Board. It will articulate the voices of contemporary Physics, Cardiology, South-Asian Studies and Nietzsche-Studies. The notebook will be published finally as a bi-lingual art-book in English and German.


We aim to make an experimental film on the utopian city-project Auroville (Tamil Nadu, India).

Auroville is a field-experiment in Tamil Nadu for the construction of a utopian city, inaugurated by Mira Alfassa in 1968 on the basis of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy. We read Auroville as a social sculpture on the scale of an entire city. The city stands under the protection of UNESCO and has been an object of investigation already in the PhD thesis of PI Böhler. Aurelio, one of our key researchers, lives there since more than 30 years. As an artefact, this experimental-film will be sent to the annual Auroville Film Festival and other experimental film festivals in Europe and abroad. Like the notebook the film will also serve as a material for the field-performances, staged on POS#6-POS#7.


cARE will realize 12 cross-disciplinary field-performances on The Significance of the Heart in

AR and PP. The notebook and the experimental film on Auroville will be core sources of inspiration for 12 field-performances, while the poetic concepts of the *Heart* in Savitri and Thus Spoke Zarathustra will serve us as a dramaturgical thread that runs through all of them. Finally, these field-performances will be shared with the public.



Art-Labs. To develop our notebook and the field-performances for POS#6 and POS#7, four Art-

Labs will be initiated within the first 2 1⁄2 years of this PEEK-project, in which cARE will meet each time for about 4 days to collectively let these artefacts emerge out of singular-plural practices. Böhler and Granzer have developed special formats how to organize such art-labs in a productive artistic manner in the course of their former research (e.g. https://homepage.univie.ac.at/arno.boehler/php/residence-programme-india/


To share our research with the non-academic public from

the very beginning, we will install mobile *Heart-Labs* at public places like shopping-malls, art- institutions, hospitals, universities or at political events etc. These *Heart-Labs* serve as a mobile library equipped with books, artefacts and scientific articles relevant for the role, the *Heart* plays for each of us in our everydayness. Volkstheater Vienna has agreed to serve as a host for such a mobile *Heart-Lab* at Red Bar (cf. Rote Bar: https://www.volkstheater.at/produktion/1774973/three-ecologies/1775096/ ). And Christoph Krammer, director of the ece shopping center Kapfenberg has invited us to install such a mobile *Heart-Lab* at the shopping mall he is running.

In addition to these mobile *Heart-Lab*, regular Yoga-Research-Retreats on the Heart will be offered to the public at the research-center KHÔRA, a center for AR and PP in the countryside of lower Austria. These two low-threshold research formats are meant to integrate the interested public from the very beginning in our research-process.