// Try again. Fail again. Fail better.// 


Studies found that meditation changes people’s perception of time. How we perceive time is a perspective. To me, the time in Hong Kong (GMT+8), Zürich (GMT+1) and Amorgos (GMT+2) are different. In Hong Kong time is static. I was constantly waiting for something to change. The time in Zürich flows like water. Here in Amorgos, time passes in irregular motions, sometimes faster, sometimes very slow. 

Our body also has its own pace of time. The longest time my body has ever had experienced probably was the last 10km of my one and only marathon race. Lying down and staying still in a position for 30 minutes seems a long time. But my body enjoyed the bliss of just being here and now. To be able to feel, to be able to breathe and live. 

We work with Cyanotypes. That means we are working with the Sun and time. Is it a good time to do the work? Are the materials exposing in the Sun long enough? We never know if we don’t try. When we try, failures might follow. The landscape here keeps reminding me how people in the past lived through the tough climate and environment to contribute to the building of the civilisation. “We will be forgotten”, Derek Jarman said in an angst-ridden tone in his film “Blue”, that we watched together here in Amorgos. Yes, we will, that’s for sure, but our blueprints will somehow be somewhere here. Because we have tried to experience time. 




Sharon Chan