Tomer Zirkilevich 


Blue touches blue

Touches grey touches black

I’ve looked down at my feet

They’ve been with me for years… (NOA)


The travel is not only the way

It is a moment

It is the time you explore, engage, feel, smell and see. See the great blue in all its shades

And through the sea you see life.


The sea is my home the sun is my family


We are 3 in this adventure, we are wild and soft, troublemaker and solution thinkers we touch and cuddle like little kitten we talk and cry as if melancholy was a Greek goddess. We love the toxic and the healing we are the fools and the pentacles the divines and the bile.


“How much I loved you, I alone know. I who touched you once with the eyes of the Pleiades and embrace you in the wild hair of the moon and we dance in the summer fields