'form/RELAY/content – a symposium on artistic material in music and dance' (1st symposium)
april 29 - 30, 2023
Goal(s): Sharing results on ARTwork and ARTicle; Intertwining networks (for example HfMT network, German Dance Archives Cologne & RELAY partner networks); Multiplying knowledge and sharing findings of the RELAY project to a wider community
Picking up on the reciprocal movement and its potentiality of “form is content/content is form” the Centre for Contemporary Dance / HfMT organized and hosted a symposium, redefining the traditional academic form of the event by allowing artistic and scientific contributions to enter into dialogue, stimulate and eventually merge with each other.
With performances, lectures, dance-based and sound-based formats, feedforward and feedback moments as well as talks a.o., the event negotiated the theme(s) “content/RELAY/form” from the perspective of dance and music inviting research-based contributions as well as artistic practices. In the program the areas of artistic research and interdisciplinary research were essential in artistic education.
The event networked examples of knowledge and practice fields in and outside the university. It collaborated with the German Dance Archives Cologne as well as practitioners and lecturers from the dance and music field, inviting Alina Ursurelu, Andreea Duta, Anna Roßmüller, Brigitta Muntendorf, Catalin Cretu, Claire Cunningham, Eleonora Siarava, Jan Burkhardt, Justyna Niznik, Katja Cheraneva, Maribeth Diggle, Max Wallmeier, Maia Means, Netta Weiser, Özlem Alkis, Rasmus Ölme, Stephanie Thiersch and Vera Sander to share their expertise and give insight into artistic practice.
A significant aspect of the symposium was to bring together a selected group of experts from different fields and to share and multiply the project results that have been assembled up to this moment in the project within this group. In a co-lecturing format member of the RELAY team shared aspects around topics that are key to the RELAY project, its findings, challenges and processes: relaying, sustainability, multitude of perspectives, transformational practices and learning.
The target group were experts from the higher educational and academic field as well as the dance and music scene.
Furthermore, the symposium served as a platform for sharing the ARTwork and ARTicle results to a wider audience as well as to the expert group mentioned above.
ARTwork was presented by Maia Means and Max Wallmeier, first by giving an overview of the outcome’s background, goals and methods. The symposium participants were then given a score similar to the one used during the Cologne encounter to give a practical understanding of the proposal. The score instructed them to visit the sculpture while it was activated by the students. Some participants entered the room as observers, some just peeked through the window, and some joined in on the movements, sound and manipulation of objects that took place in the sculpture. As part of the Cologne encounter the students had discussed in groups how it would be possible to continue the work of morphing and entangling with visitors in the room, and we set up the structure according to their ideas and interests. The sharing was an example of the function of ARTwork as part of RELAY, the collective continuous creation of art and knowledge in shifting constellations.
Contributions by: Alina Ursurelu, Andreea Duta, Anna Roßmüller, Brigitta Muntendorf, Catalin Cretu, Claire Cunningham, Eleonora Siarava, Jan Burkhardt, Juri Jaworsky, Justyna Niznik, Katja Cheraneva, Maribeth Diggle, Max Wallmeier, Maia Means, Netta Weiser, Özlem Alkis, Rasmus Ölme, Stephanie Thiersch, Vera Sander, Yi-Chen Chen
Presented Results: ARTicle and ARTwork
Full Program:
seminar "RELAY principles"
The seminar “RELAY principles” (as part of the curriculum BA Dance at HfMT Cologne from June 5-7, 2023) focused on the practical exploration of methods and tools that can serve in finding, developing, sharing and archiving artistic material. Participants were invited to bring examples from their artistic practice as well as concrete questions and needs.