Unschooling of mind and muscle. Training against training. Forging a different relationship to movement, to being and behaving. Recognise the benefits of periodic imbalance. Harness the dynamic potential of the diagonal as deviation from the regime of verticality, of uprightness, the pressure of keeping one’s head aloft, held high. Test unquestioned values of rigour and erectness in thought and in form. Towards elasticity; flexibility; agility; even litheness of intelligence, of body, materials and of mind. Forgo the preservation and protection of an assured and stabilised sense of self, the individualising tendency of contemporary life. Decline the myth of the individual. Resist the privileging of independence. Recognise one’s interdependency. Accept assistance, scaffold or prop. Bend backwards, not in acquiescence but rather as an act of trust. Let one’s weight be borne. Supported, let one’s capacity be bolstered. Allow one’s reach or range to stretch beyond the limits of one’s own. Teeter on the cusp of collapse — active renunciation of structural power. Towards radical passivity. Letting go — a liquid state. Horizontality — becoming formless. Ecstatic impotency — the jouissance of impuissance.

From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)