Before they can become material, words might need first be rendered matter. Emptied of signification, evacuation of semantic sense. Collapse to sound, sonorous babble of emancipation. Dispersal. Disintegration. Release of language from itself, rhythmic and relational, a move beyond informational exchange. Beyond representation, beyond the symbolic, ventilation of the sign. Displace the agency of words to escape the regime of this means this. Names can be forgotten; syntax lost, thrown to the wind. Not only words but also letting go the meaning of things. Yet language seems the most stable of things, so how to avoid it solidifying further. Less towards density but rather an enlivening through aeration. Practice of resuscitation — revitalise through the bringing of air. Resuscitate — bring back to life, invigorate. Creating air holes — punctuation through the intervention of breath. Activate the intermediary zone between voice and exhalation. Hyperventilation. Not for the proliferation of meaning towards meaninglessness but a practice of sensuous soundings.

From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)