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“We need to distinguish between the logical future, which is the development of the present – and the desired future, which is the world we want to create.” This statement represents the guiding vision for the exhibition ARARAT, shown at Moderna Museet in Stockholm April – July 1976. The exhibition was the product of a large group of people such as artists, architects, researchers, and engineers brought together in a project called Alternative Research in Architecture, Resources, Art and Technology – ARARAT! Students from SKH, Stockholm University of the Arts have been working, thinking, and sitting with this together. Creating, provoking, and forgiving. Lumbung, Collective wisdom and future making. MA program The Art of Impact is after one year in the middle of their education and present work from this spring in this exposition. The one-year freestanding course The Impact of Research presents their exam projects. ARARAT has been revisited before in education, a research project in the course Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Learning from the City and Beyond, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, 2014/2015
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