13.03 / 14.03 / 15.03

Track: 1 / 2 / 3

Location: Sentralen, Oslo, Forstanderskapssalen


Folk Music in Slowmotion

Egil Tobias Kalman

University of Agder (1st presentation)

Moderator: Knut Olaf Sunde




Phrasing and its encounter with the modern instrument

Christian Stene

University of Bergen (1st presentation)

Moderator: Knut Olaf Sunde


Coffee break


Co-Creating Virtuosity

Sergej Tchirkov

University of Bergen, KMD, The Grieg Academy – Institute for Music (2nd presentation)

Moderator: Knut Olaf Sunde



Stephan Meidell

University of Bergen (3rd presentation)

Moderator: Knut Olaf Sunde