13.03 / 14.03 / 15.03

Track: 1 / 2 / 3

Location: Sentralen, Oslo, Hvelvet


The Materiality of White (MoW)
Project leader: Marte Johnslien

Oslo National Academy of the Arts (more about the project: The Materiality of White - Oslo National Academy of the Arts)

Moderator: Linda Lien


What´s in Between – Listening for Memories and Composing Rooms
Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad

NTNU, Department of Music (3rd presentation)

Moderator: Linda Lien

Presentation in Norwegian





Illuminating the Non-Representative
Project leader: Hilde Kramer

University of Bergen (project web page: Illuminating the Non-Representable)

Moderator: Gunhild Mathea Husvik-Olaussen



The text comes as a signal from the outer space
Fredrik Hannestad

Institution: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, The Academy of Theatre (1st presentation)

Moderator: Janne-Camilla Lyster


Coffee break


Choreography as a meaning-generating aggregate

Rosalind Goldberg

Oslo National Academy of the Arts, The Academy of Dance (3rd presentation)

Moderator: Janne-Camilla Lyster