reposition is published by the University of Applied Arts Vienna and is available as a hardcopy journal and online. It is always accessible as full version free of charge.


reposition is presented online in the Research Catalogue (RC) in the form of expositions. Research Catalogue is an online mixed media database for artistic research. RC is managed by the Society of Artistic Research (SAR), the University of Applied Arts is a Portal Partner. RC is a platform that allows researchers and editors to create flexible layouts and integrate media such as images, videos, and sound.


reposition is accessible to readers without registration in the Research Catalogue and free of any costs as download or print edition. No fees are charged to authors for publication.


reposition and the published contributions are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.



ISSN: 2960-4354 (Print) 2960-4362 (Online)


ISSN: 2960-4354 (Print) 2960-4362 (Online)