This is the first example chapter. It has been created using the
The block editor is the simplest RC page format. The page is build up as a long page of text, with images and other media inline with the text or next to it in a separate column. The page will always expand or contract to fit the width of the readers screen.
The block editor is less free-form than the graphical editor, but in exchange it is faster to rewrite and is easier to read acros different screen sizes.
1.2 A Second Paragraph
In mollis sem in egestas vulputate. Phasellus feugiat consectetur turpis, pharetra maximus augue sodales eu. Proin viverra aliquam ligula a viverra. Nam sed arcu diam. Donec sed augue id mi varius dapibus non non erat. Nulla posuere fringilla turpis, eget interdum massa aliquam at. Suspendisse pharetra libero urna, eget consequat ligula placerat vitae. Fusce congue vehicula velit, sit amet vulputate dolor bibendum a. Donec et elit id dolor rhoncus tincidunt vel nec risus. Donec turpis eros, placerat a dolor quis, fermentum tincidunt lectus. Fusce lobortis placerat venenatis. Aenean id semper augue, vel lacinia ante. Pellentesque in tincidunt quam. Phasellus ut purus fringilla, finibus purus quis, gravida nibh.
A video of a performance (this is Pief, the cat of Misha Mengelberg)