The Basic Racist Glossary is a project that arises in the "lab week 2021" of the master's degree in experimental creation and composition of the Academy of Music and Drama of the University of Gothenburg. This seminar was led by Palle Dahlstedt and Staffan Mossenmark.
The intention of this glossary is to put in evidence and in “equal” conditions a series of terms that nourish the differences between people on a daily basis. Some are “forbidden” words due to their clear xenophobic connotation, however there are others that go unnoticed in our daily lives and there are even many that represent or have represented those intentions of “inclusion” that racists nations make towards the inhabitants of less “fortunate” places.
Based on an assignment, each interpreter performed the following tasks:
1 – Read the list and translate it into your language.
2 – Record the readings in 3 different tempo versions, with 3 different dynamics each, giving a total of 9 recordings.
3 – Choose one of the 9 versions and create some kind of collage/montage.
Note: feel free to
- Include any intonation, drama, or whatever you think the reading calls for.
- If you feel the need to repeat a word, do it as many times as you want.
- Include the word FUCKING, or a similar word in your language, before -at least- 10 words.
Each episode has been recorded by a different sound artist.
In order not to generate ideological confusion, the authors have asked that their names not be made known.