Scribbling While Walking Through Hybrid Arts-Based Research Methodologies

    1. Scribbling While Walking Through Hybrid Arts-Based Research Methodologies
    2. My researcher position(s)
      • Being a Teacher
      • Being a Mother
      • Being an Artist
      • Being a Researcher
    3. Togetherness: Ethnography, theory, subjects, objects, pedagogy, and ethical considerations
      • Ethics
      • Ice Cracks as Ruptures for Scribbling a Dynamic Research Map
    4. Intersections in the Research Territory
      • Encounter Resistance
    5. Wandering on/in/around Cracks with Ethnography, A/R/Tography, and Art-Based Research Methodologies.



Wandering on/in/around Cracks with Ethnography, A/R/Tography, and Art-Based Research Methodologies

After reflecting on the dynamic research diagram I designed, I have a better sense of the research territory(ies) where I stand within multiple roles. Aiming to understand Foucault’s circulation of power ‘to walk the line’ in hybrid research methodologies through arts mean to me that subjects and objects affecting the research are entangled. Understanding the entanglements between the research territory and the binary individual-self + collective-self requires a shift in the perspective framing my gaze. The different angles presented in the diagram can also be interpreted to explore cracks while others are created and to further explore what is underneath these cracks. The use of the diagram in my praxis enacts the research producing a shift. As a teacher-artist-researcher-mother, I use art and elements of critical pedagogy guided by the social sciences and life experiences in my art curriculum. I argue that there is an ongoing nurturing system between artistic research, and performative arts-based practices taking place in art as a subject in school because these are tools informing my art curriculum frame. 



Following lines and cracking the ice on my way to work.

Playing with my son at the beach in winter.

Teaching and conducting research can sometimes be like walking in the Norwegian winter. The slippery conditions of the roads may cause you to fall many times. Isn’t it the pushing force of falling down that makes cracks? In that sense, the pitfall crack is a performative practice to re-think a space for change. Pitfalls add meaning to the wandering directions.

I stand with the idea that hybrid research methods through art education are to produce the research material I need to define a future pedagogical approach and produce knowledge, but it also works the other way round: Research is an in-becoming dynamic flow provoked by a series of entangled events (Østern et al., 2021), lesson plans, interviews, students’ reactions, etc.; all of which produce and use knowledge from de-centered positions.

The snow begins to melt.



Image 4.  Balzi, Martin. (2022). People Walking the Line. [Drawing]. 

Regarding trust, love and ethics, I share the idea that in my research my students and I, feel pain, joy, despair, and transform the research in the spirit of Haraway to make a shift. Last, what started with a rigid conceptual belief of how to conduct research was first challenged by the alteration of binaries between my mind and body through the disruption of playing with my son. To end I assume you will read my research references but I need to credit my dearest son for removing a huge amount of researcher-artist ego and recentering myself to understand love as a pushing force to crack the research shell.



Just keep walking...