Instruments/ Musicians

I have two great vocalists joining me for this final concert.  Their role is designed to not be prominently featured but to be omnipresent throughout the piece.  It is through their ubiquity that they are presented as wandering spirits, always there amongst us.

The concert is mostly a saxophone and organ work with the spirits chiming in from time to time.

The sound

How can I replicate this music in a large yet strangely dry room, that is best suited to amplified beat music?

Truth be told, the room is not ideal.

Alas, I shall strive to make it better. I have two options:

I will attempt to perform with the singers and organ on the floor of the Concert Hall, with some condenser microphones on the stage that will run reverb throughout the room

Perform on the stage.  This is less preferable but might be needed for practicalities.

For option 1 I am considering performing right in the middle of the room, so that the audience is free to move around. I will either try to make it intimate (which is tricky for a concert hall) or go the other way.

 (The Spirituality of Spirals)

Throughout this catalogue, I have referred to various points about the final project. However, I would like to briefly directly address it.

I have two predominant thoughts regarding it:

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Final concert