A forbidden area is even a more exciting space to stay in; a bit less if you didn't know that once the door have been closed it would stayed closed..
This is the emergency exit of the Pastoe building, a sign outside confirms you haven't entered another dimension, yet. Many people aren't aware of its exicestence so here we are, you are about to discover the unknown.
A tunnel of light; bright shadows are guiding you towards what you feel you're most attracted by: the dark. Once on the threshold, you notice your courage has been rewarded with an oustanding overlook. You almost don't believe your eyes and you need to take a look behind to make sure you're not dreaming. You are not. After some hesitation you take the dangerous initiative to walk down the stairs. "Verboden toegang" calls you to break the law again. Just now, you put together some thoughts that occured to you: the hallway, the stairs, the blocked secret exits; this is a passage.
I remember once I was standing outside, underneath what I would have call it a bridge, to repair from the rain.