The goal of this exposition is to introduce readers to the practice of protocolling and inspire them to either adapt these protocols for their research purposes or devise their own.
Synthetic bodies are bodies emerging by synthesis.
Synthetic bodies are ever-changing bodies in the constant process of synthesizing,
mixing and remixing,
combining and recombining,
assembling and reassembling,
composing and recomposing,
arranging and rearranging,
Upon entering the main page of the exposition, readers will find access to most of the content directly from this page. Navigation links located
at the bottom of each page facilitate easy return to the main page and
other key sections of this exposition.
Designers Day Shift Office (Bára Růžičková & Terezie Štindlová) were invited to infuse the pages of this exposition with digital contaminants. Their subtle intervention aims to extend the contemplation of our synthetic becoming beyond the exposition’s content to the act of reading itself. By adding minute traces and residues of digital matter, they prompt readers to reflect on the intricate material entanglements shaping our existence.
Participant information and views are shared here with their consent.