
Through the photographic documentation of space, in the action of walking, in the documented experience of "walking", as an act in the first person, the approach to the place unveils conceptual frameworks where intersubjective relationships reveal to us new meanings and interpretations from concrete processes of disruption in the  everyday. A narrative of movement from movement, which, as we have seen, provides feedback for the production and projection of ideas in different creative fields. Understanding space from our moving body is not merely a pleasurable experience, it is a critical interrelation in real time before the inhabited models, the forces and powers that shape economic, political and cultural realities. In these real meanings, virtual space is not sidelined, it glides in parallel, and generates a framework of understanding that complements and transforms our imaginary, adding layers of experiences on what has been lived. Thus, by photographically documenting walks, spaces and landscapes, mobile application interface captures or video games, we have shown how the action of walking catalyses a wide register of contemporary values, a framework from which we can initiate transformations and analyse the current space. A space in which the flâneur, and their digital alter-ego, play an active role in their transformative capacity in a context of disruptions, and that advances in time alongside the networks, the pressures of globalization and the body's own actions. 























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This work is an open process. A methodology based on  the accumulation of visual material that enables a subsequent review and  selection of experiential data. Move forward, penetrate the air, discover, reinterpret, return to the always different starting point.


An experiential search, walking, looking, observing, freezing the moment, ... that reflects from the position of flâneur and explores the three conditions that identify it: the city, the crowd and capitalism (Gros, 2009) in the contemporary context: the global village, the network and neocapitalism.

Drawing: experience transcript

ideogramatic/spatial experiences


"a thermometer indicates the temperature visually by the length of the mercury column, but it does not give us the experience of warm and cold" (Arnheim,1954, pp.228).

Intersubjective: 2. It is dialectic interplay between conscious and unconscious forms of relatedness, as, for example, a conflict between what is believed and what is felt. Such dynamics involve interplay between contact, connection, ruptures, and interpersonal losses.