Video documentation of performances

Video installations

First exhibition

Other experiments (in the same exhibition) 

Other exhibitions

Year of the Rooster

video documentary 31 min. (2006)

Part 1. I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders past the camera from left to right, from South East towards North West on the western cliffs of Harakka island, 48 times, approximately once a week 8.1. – 31.12. 2005. 

Part 2. I am standing with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea 48 times, on the same occasions. 

Part 3. I am standing with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me further down on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. 

Part 4. I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. 

Part 5. The cliff on Harakka island, video filmed 48 times on the same occasions.

Year of the Rooster (installation)

Three channel video installation (5 x 6 min.)  2006

Part 1. I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders past the camera from left to right, from South East towards North West on the western cliffs of Harakka island, 48 times, approximately once a week 8.1. – 31.12. 2005. 

Part 2. I am standing with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea 48 times, on the same occasions.

Part 3. I am standing with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me further down on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. 

Part 4. I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders with the camera behind me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. 

Part 5. The cliff on Harakka island, video filmed 48 times on the same occasions.

Three channel installation with the five parts are alternating in the following way: 1,2,3 – 2,3,4 – 3,4,5 – 4,5,1 - 5,1,2, - 1,2,3 etc.

Map showing the site of the performance (1) indicated with a small mat during the exhibition, and the location of the exhibition space, the ammunition cellar (2) on Harakka Island.

Secret Garden 1

video documentary 24 min. (2006)

I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders and the camera behind me up the stairs in Koivumäki, Kalvola 48 times approximately at noon on Sundays 22.5.2005 – 14.5.2006.


Year of the Rooster. In Artists’ Association of Finland, 113. Annual Exhibition: artists 2008. Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa 26.9.-2.11.2008.

Secret Garden 1-2. In Polku valokuva- ja videotaidenäyttely [The Path – photography and video art exhibition]. Taidekeskus Honkahovi, Mänttä 6.10.-18.12.2010.

The maps indicate the location of the nearest railway station to Koivumäki (Birch hill) in the town or village called Iittala, where I travelled every Sunday by train from Helsinki and from where I walked to Koivumäki to perform "Sitting on a Birch" and "Secret Garden".

Secret Garden 1 + 2 

Two channel video installation (2 x 24 min.) 2006

Part 1. I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders and the camera behind me up the stairs in Koivumäki, Kalvola 48 times approximately at noon on Sundays 22.5.2005 – 14.5.2006.

Part 2. I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders and the camera in front of me down the stairs in Koivumäki, Kalvola 48 times on the same occasions.

To be shown parallell, with part 1 to the left, part 2 to the right.

The Shore with Birches Revisited

This is a video essay based on a revisit, on 6 December 2017, to the site on Harakka Island, where Year of the Rooster and day and Night of the Rooster Tomten were performed in 2005-2006. A version of this essay was presented at the Research Day organized by HTDTWP on 2 March 2018. It contains a compilation of Year of the Rooster and of Day and Night of the Rooster - Tomten as well as a reading of the poem Tomten by Viktor Rydberg, not used in the final work. The video is published as part of "Return to the site of the Year of the Rooster" in Ruukku 11 (2019).

Year of the Rooster

Part 1. walking

Year of the Rooster

Part 2. standing

Year of the Rooster

Part 3. standing (further)

Installation model:


“Return to the Site of the Year of the Rooster” in Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola (eds.) How to do things with performance, Ruukku - studies in artistic research 11 (2019). Available here, or directly here

“Performing Landscape as Autotopographical Exercise” Contemporary Theatre Review 22:2. 2012, 251-258.

Year of the Rooster

Part 4. sitting

... beginning...

... middle...

... end... and so on...

Year of the Rooster

Part 5. 'empty' view

Sitting on a Birch

video documentary 24 min. 15 sec. (2006)

I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders on a birch tree trunk in Koivumäki, Kalvola, 48 times approximately at noon on Sundays 22.5.2005 – 14.5.2006.

Christmas of the Rooster – Tomten

video documentary 18 min. 32 sec. (2006)

Part 1. I am standing with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand with the camera behind me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, 13 times, at Christmas time from 25.12. 3 PM – 26.12. 1 PM 2005, with two hour intervals.

Part 2. I am standing with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand further down on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions.

Part 3. I am sitting with a red scarf on my head and a light next to me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions.

Christmas of the Rooster 1-3 (installation)

three channel video installation (4 x 6 min.)

Part 1. I am walking with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand past the camera from left to right, from South East towards North West on the western cliffs of Harakka island 13 times, at Christmas time from 25.12. 3 PM – 26.12. 1 PM 2005, with two hour intervals. 

Part 2. I am standing with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, 13 times, at Christmas time from 25.12. 3 PM – 26.12. 1 PM 2005, with two hour intervals. 

Part 3. I am standing with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand further down on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, 13 times, on the same occasions.

Part 4. I am sitting with a red scarf on my head and a light next to me on the western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, 13 times, on the same occasions.

Three channel installation with the parts are alternating in the following way: 1,2,3 – 2,3,4 – 3,4,1 – 4,1,2 - 1,2,3 etc.


Christmas of the Rooster

Part 1. standing

Christmas of the Rooster

Part 2. standing further

Installation model:

... beginning...

... end... and so on...

Christmas of the Rooster

Part 3. sitting

Christmas of the Rooster – Walk (trailer)

video documentary 1 min 54 sec. (2006)

am walking with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand past the camera from left to right, from South East towards North West on the western cliffs of Harakka island 13 times, at Christmas time from 25.12. 3 PM – 26.12. 1 PM 2005, with two hour intervals.

Viktor Rydberg


Midvinternattens köld är hård,

stjärnorna gnistra och glimma.

Alla sova i enslig gård

djupt under midnattstimma.

Månen vandrar sin tysta ban,

snön lyser vit på fur och gran,

snön lyser vit på taken.

Endast tomten är vaken.



Står där så grå vid ladgårdsdörr,

grå mot den vita driva,

tittar, som många vintrar, förr,

upp emot månens skiva,

tittar mot skogen, där gran och fur

drar kring gården sin dunkla mur,

grubblar, fast ej det lär båta

över en underlig gåta.



För sin hand genom skägg och hår,

skakar huvud och hätta --

"nej, den gåtan är alltför svår,

nej, jag gissar ej detta" --

slår, som han plägar, inom kort

slika spörjande tankar bort,

går att ordna och pyssla,

går att sköta sin syssla.



Går till visthus och redskapshus,

känner på alla låsen --

korna drömma vid månens ljus

sommardrömmar i båsen;

glömsk av sels och pisk och töm

Pålle i stallet har och en dröm:

krubban han lutar över

fylls av doftande klöver; --


Går till stängslet för lamm och får,

ser, hur de sova där inne;

går till hönsen, där tuppen står

stolt på sin högsta pinne;

Karo i hundbots halm mår gott,

vaknar och viftar svansen smått,

Karo sin tomte känner,

de äro gode vänner.



Tomten smyger sig sist att se

husbondfolket det kära,

länge och väl han märkt, att de

hålla hans flit i ära;

barnens kammar han sen på tå

nalkas att se de söta små,

ingen må det förtycka:

det är hans största lycka.



Så har han sett dem, far och son,

ren genom många leder

slumra som barn; men vartifrån

komma de väl hit neder?

Släkte följde på släkte snart,

blomstrade, åldrades, gick — men vart?

Gåtan, som icke låter

gissa sig, kom så åter!



Tomten vandrar till ladans loft:

där har han bo och fäste

högt på skullen i höets doft,

nära vid svalans näste;

nu är väl svalans boning tom,

men till våren med blad och blom

kommer hon nog tillbaka,

följd av sin näpna maka.



Då har hon alltid att kvittra om

månget ett färdeminne,

intet likväl om gåtan, som

rör sig i tomtens sinne.

Genom en springa i ladans vägg

lyser månen på gubbens skägg,

strimman på skägget blänker,

tomten grubblar och tänker.


Tyst är skogen och nejden all,

livet där ute är fruset,

blott från fjärran av forsens fall

höres helt sakta bruset.

Tomten lyssnar och, halvt i dröm,

tycker sig höra tidens ström,

undrar, varthän den skall fara,

undrar, var källan må vara.



Midvinternattens köld är hård,

stjärnorna gnistra och glimma.

Alla sova i enslig gård

gott intill morgontimma.

Månen sänker sin tysta ban,

snön lyser vit på fur och gran,

snön lyser vit på taken.

Endast tomten är vaken.

Viktor Rydberg


Finnish translation  Yrjö Jylhä

Tuima talven on pakkanen,
tähdet kiiluvat yöhön,
kansa kartanon hiljaisen
nukkuu aamuun ja työhön.
Verkkaan laskee jo kiekko kuun,
lunta täynnä on oksat puun,
kattojen päällä on lunta.
Tonttu ei vaan saa unta.


Ometan ukselle vaiti jää

Harmaana hankea vasten,

Kuuta taivaalla tirkistää

Tuttuna vanhain ja lasten,

Katsoo muuria hongiston

Takana nukkuvan kartanon,

Pohtien iäti uutta

ongelman salaisuutta.


Kouransa partaan ja tukkaan vie,

Puistaa päätä ja hilkkaa – 

”ei, tämä pulmista vaikein lie,

ei, tämä järkeä pilkkaa” –

heittää, niinkuin jo kiire ois,

moiset pulmat ja mietteet pois,

lähtee toimeen ja työhön,

lähtee puuhiinsa yöhön.


Aitat tutkii hän peljäten

Lukkojen auki jäävän –

Lehmät lehdoista uneksien

Torkkuvat oljilla läävän.

Ruuna myös unen heinää syö, 

Suitset ja siimat ei selkään lyö:

Seimeensä saa se tuohon

Tuoreen ja tuoksuvan ruohon.


Lampaat ja vuohet karsinaan

makuulle jättää ukko.

Kanatkin nukkuvat orsillaan,

ylinnä ylpeä kukko.

Koppiinsa vahti vainun saa,

nousee ja häntää heiluttaa,

tonttu harmajanuttu,

Vahdille kyllä on tuttu.


Pirttiin puikkii hän nähdäkseen

Isäntäväkensä oivan,

Tietäen heidän siunanneen

Tonttunsa työn ja hoivan;

sitten hiipii hän lasten luo

nähdäkseen vesat hennot nuo;

ken sitä kummeksis juuri:

hälle se onni on suuri.


Halki sukujen vaihtuvain

seuras hän ihmeellistä

näkyä pienten nukkujain –

mistä he saapuivat, mistä?

Polvi varttui ja ahkeroi,

Vanheni, lähti – mut minne, oi?

Ongelma eessä on jälleen,

Selvittämättä tälleen.


Viimein jää ladon parveen hän,

siellä hän vartoo kesää
tuoksussa heinän lämpimän
lähellä pääskysen pesää:
vaikka pääsky nyt poissa on,
kukkiin noustessa nurmikon
saapuu se tänne varmaan 
seurassa puolison armaan.


Silloin se laulaa ja tirskuttaa
matkamuistoja tieltä,
mutta ei tunne ongelmaa,
näin joka vaivaa mieltä.
Seinän raosta paistaa kuu
vanhuksen rintaan heijastuu,
kuunsäde kimaltaa partaan
tontun miettivän, hartaan.


Vaiti metsä on lintuineen,
luonnon mahlat on jäässä,
koski vain ihan hiljalleen
pauhaa matkojen päässä.
Tonttu lumoissa kuutamon
kuulevinaan ajan virtaa on,
miettii, minne se vienee,
missä sen lähde lienee.


Tuima talven on pakkanen,
tähdet kiiluvat yöhön,
kansa kartanon hiljaisen
nukkuu aamuun ja työhön.
Verkkaan laskee jo kiekko kuun,
lunta täynnä on oksat puun,
kattojen päällä on lunta.
Tonttu ei vaan saa unta.


Viktor Rydberg

The Gnome

English  translation Judith Moffet

Midwinter nights the frost is deep,

The stars are glistening and sparkling.

All on the lonely farm are asleep

Moveless through midnight darkling.

Silent the road where the moon glides bright,

Snow on the boughs is gleaming white,

White on the rooftops gleaming.

All but the gnome are dreaming.


Stands there so gray at the barnyard door,

Watches the drifts blow flatter,

Stars, as so many winters before,

Up at the moon’s bright platter,

Notes where the spruce trees, shaggy and tall,

Draw round the farm their shadowy wall,

And – though it profit him little –

Ponders a curious riddle.


Combs his fingers through beard and hair,

Shakes his head with the hood on:

“’Tis too much for me, I declare,

That’un I’m just no good on.”

Then, as ever when questions irk,

Shrugging it off he sets to work:

Bustles in all directions, 

Makes his rounds and inspections.


Goes to the toolshed and dark storehouse,

Tries all the locks and latches.

Huge by their stanchions dream the cows,

Moonlight gliding their patches;

Whip and harness forgotten quite

Dobbin dreams in his stall all night: 

The manger he’s drooping over

Seems heaped with sweet-scented clover.


Goes to the fold where lamb and sheep

Drowse in their fleece together.

Proud on his perch the cock is asleep

In the hen house, out of the weather.

Fido, bedded in straw, feels fine,

Thumps his tail with a friendly whine.

Needless to bark Who is it? –

This is a nightly visit.


Lastly the gnome steals in to see

All is well with his neighbours,

Certain of old this family

Honors his faithful labors.

To the nursery then on tiptoe creeps,

Sees how sound each little one sleeps.

Let nobody misconstrue this: 

His greatest joy is to do this.


Farther and son he has seen them there

Year upon year unending

Slumber as children – come from where?

Generations descending

On generations and swiftly so

Bloom, age, vanish – where do they go?

Riddle that brooks no guesses

Presses again and presses.

Back to his hayloft stumps the gnome.

High in its fragrance vested

There is his stronghold, there his home,

Near where the swallow nested.

Now her nest is empty and cold,

But when the flowers and white and gold

Spring will restore the swallow,

Calling her mate to follow.


Then she is always eager to chat,

Twitter of all her travels,

But not of the riddle nagging him – that,

Nothing she says unravels.

The brilliant moon through the chink in the wall

Shines on the old chap, beard an all. 

Moonbeam on gray beard glistens.

Pondering still, he listens.


Hushed lie farm and forest and all,

Frozen the whole of existence.

Only the voice of the waterfall,

Muffled, speaks in the distance.

The old gnome listens and, half in dream,

Thinks he hears Time flow by like a stream,

Wonders whatever its course is,

Wonders wherever the source is.


Midwinter nights the frost is deep,

The stars are glistening and sparkling.

All on the lonely farm are asleep,

Sound through the small hours darkling.

Silent the road where the moon sinks bright,

Snow on the boughs is gleaming white,

White on the rooftops gleaming.

All but the gnome are dreaming.