Psychoanalytic criticism

Visual art & architectural criticism

     Philosophical logic & ethics

+   Media theory

     Cultural studies


Political philosophy

Philosophy of language

Visual art, architecture & design research



Impressionism was essentially a visual innovation.

Camille Pissaro's student, Georges Seurat, impressed when he was still very young with his small touches of pure colour. He is thought to have discovered the conceptual approach to impressionism. Learning from Seurat, Pissaro became aware that a conceptual approach was not dependent on the artist's artistic ability, but on basic traits of his or her personality that are close to those of a deductive thinker. Roy Lichtenstein applied Seurat's method of the 'dot' on pop art representations of ready-made commercial images. This radical conceptual innovation, seemingly related to Lichtenstein's youth, as it was the case for Seurat, also indicates a lack of acquired habits of practice and thought that could be inhibiting for unexpected departures from the whatever current conventions.