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From 2008 to 2014, I drew up diagrams following several 'single track' conferences, at which I was able to attend all panels. These included a conference on Museum Ethics (2008), two conferences of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement (2011, 2014, both published in the proceedings), as well as a symposium on Research Cultures at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (2013, draft presented for discussion and development at a closing event l, and final poster to attendees distributed post-symposium), and the "Outer Regions" convening at East Tennessee State University. The Fractal 3-Line Matrix evolved from and through these exercises in consolidating large amounts of information, and became an instrument for the notation of conversations about cultural ecology and artistic practices. I drew on these experiences when attending the "Artist as Problem Solver" convening in Indianapolis, in 2018.
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