Program (quick overview) 16.03

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JOIN ZOOM (track 2)

Meeting ID: 681 4810 1687 

Passcode: 235765 


Amphibious Trilogies - part 1
Andrew Morrison (project leader)

Moderator: Jeremy Welsh

Commentator: Snelle Hall


Amphibious Trilogies - part 2
Andrew Morrison (project leader)

Moderator: Jeremy Welsh

Commentator: Snelle Hall


Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates
Anne-Helen Mydland

Moderator: Linda Lien


A door opener in the arts field - Graduate Survey
Ingrid Milde, Linda Lien and Jostein Gundersen

Moderator: Linda Lien



Amphibious Trilogies (Andrew Morrison)

Title: Moving in Precarious Times with OCTOPA 



Prof Andrew Morrison 

Director, Centre for Design Research 

Institute for Design, AHO 


Participants to this session will be offered a brief outline of the Amphibious Trilogies project and its focus on extended choreography, an orientation to speculative inquiry and design fiction and the related persona OCTOPA and access to her online polyverse. The session will be presented the ubiquitous Zoom, and a mini talk on the Northern Sea Route (Norwegian and Russian zones) but also via the digital tool and platform Spatial Chat. Participants will next access to OCTOPA’s narrative wanderings through the design fictive online OCTOPATLAS, with focus on matters of maritime, geo-political, environmental and climatic, amongst others, concerning the ‘passage’ of NSR. Through self-selections of the spatial scenarios of the OCTOPATLAS, participants will choose aspects of a distributed non-realist, counter factual and allegorical, ironic narrative space. They will also thereby enact an extended choreographic interplay between language, narrative and movement in precarious post-normal times. Having experienced this ecological and environmental design futures-facing fabulation, attention will then be directed to participants own abductive and affective returns to centring the propositions, problematics, power and potential embedded in the narrative online space to reflections and possible formulations of present world responses and possible, likely and prospective implications for their own creative inquiries. Spatial Chat will next be used to present the  commentator’s responses together with discussion. Overall, participants will also be introduced to a mode of dialogue-based futures oriented online artistic research discourse in performative real-time modes of its making for critical action in the present. Research publications, online materials and experiences from related workshops will also be included, along with access to three workshops frames for further uptake. See also and Morrison, A., Kerspern, B., Dudani, P. & Steggell, A. (2021). ‘Amphibipus scales and anticipatory design’. In Matters of Scale. Proceedings of NORDES 2021. Available: 

Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates (Anne-Helen Mydland)

Map Ethics! is the result of the University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design´s work package in the Erasmus+ project Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates. Anne-Helen Mydland will give an introduction to the project and the outcome. Read the full report

A door opener in the Arts field - Graduate Survey (Ingrid Milde, Linda Lien and Jostein Gundersen)

On assignment for the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, ideas2evidence has conducted a graduate survey targeting persons who completed either the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme or a doctoral degree programme in artistic research at a Norwegian institution of higher education during the period 2007–2021. This is the first graduate survey specifically aimed at this group of programmes. The goal of the survey was to map what benefit graduates derived from these study programmes and their significance for the graduates' professional careers. In this presentation, findings from the survey will be presented and discussed. Read the report here (available both in Norwegian and English).