12th of November 2014
Open form – Library concert
This was the 3RD of the concerts held during Open
Form – an Elastic Festival.
4 concerts and 4 seminars and workshops were held in the festival. The last concert, ConcertCircus, was held at Borealis 15th of March 2015, with Christian Wolff and orchestra, which was also the final concert of this project.
kl. 18.30 – seminar with Else Olsen S.
kl. 19:00 – concert
Else Olsen S: Lotto S.E.L (2010)
Cornelius Cardew: Excrepts from Schooltime compositions (1967)
John Cage: Four6 (1992)
John Cage: ONE 7 (1992)
Mia Göran, flute, paper
Øyvind Skarbø, percussion
Else Olsen S., prepared piano, toys