NORDTING - an introduction

NORDTING is a multimodal, activistic and political art project based in the North of Norway. The project changes format between live performing arts, public interventions and online publications in various platforms. NORDTING describes itself as:


« - a nomadic peoples assembly for the North, a party for the periphery, a separatist movement for the arctic colony (...)
NORDTING destabilizes and strikes wedges into both personal perceptions and public debates; questioning power, art, money, identity, separatism, populism and periphery in a northern context. NORDTING creates new realities and is part of shifting both the prevailing narrative of the North and the prevailing power relations in the North." (from, Jan 2022)


The first ever NORDTING was arranged in collaboration with Festspillene i Nord-Norge (Arctic Arts Festival) on the occasion of the festival's 50th anniversary in 2014 - which was also the 200 year anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution. NORDTING opened the Festival in 2014, and has since then carried out a number of assembly meetings, interventions and other artistic events (NORDTING number 60 was launched in Nuuk in November 2021). The project has since the beginning been developed and led by Amund Sjølie Sveen - in collaboration with dance artist Liv Hanne Haugen and composer / musician Erik Stifjell.


In 2019-21, NORDTING was part of the Artistic Research project Art VAPO - True North at Tromsø Conservatory of Music, Arctic University of Norway.


NORDTING utspiller seg på flere arenaer; i kunstinstitusjonen, i skolen og i offentligheten/mediene. Prosjektet er uløselig knyttet til kontekst - både den spesifikke institusjonelle og geografiske rammen for hvert arrangement, og den større politiske, historiske og samfunnsmessige rammen. En sentral del av prosjektet er å gå i dialog ikke bare med lokale problemstillinger på stedene NORDTING besøker, men også å invitere lokale politikere og kunstnere inn på scenen - både amatørkulturliv (korps, kor osv.), ungdom og profesjonelle.


NORDTING makes use of several different arenas in its activities; art institutions, schools and the public space and media. The project is inextricably linked to context - both the specific institutional and geographical framework for each event, and the larger political, historical and societal framework. A central part of the project is to include not only local issues from the geographical sites NORDTING visits, but also to invite local politicians and artists on stage - both amateur groups (corps, choir, etc.), youth and professionals.


NORDTING er et prosjekt i stadig endring, som fylles med nytt innhold i stadig nye former. Samtidig inkluderer NORDTING også kontinuerlig historien om de tidligere hendelsene. Prosjektets tilblivelse, mottakelse og offentlige liv er viktig materiale som brukes aktivt. For hver nye hendelse vokser prosjektet. NORDTING er et kumulativt prosjekt.


NORDTING is a project in constant change. It is filled with new content in new forms over and over again. At the same time, NORDTING also continuously includes the history of the previous events. The project's creation, reception and public life is important material that is actively used. For each new event, the project grows. NORDTING is a cumulative project.


(about Make the North Great Again!, English version)


(back to Norwegian version, Reserach Catalogue)