Today's world of principle


Practical exploring model x 5

On spatiality

Token in the Greek ancient culture:

Mimesis and virtual world (World of Image)


My hypothesis: The artifact in Greek Ancient was a 'virtual world' and its logic. -> Why Greek mythology is important, even though it is unrealistic.

Digital originality is not digital as a material.

What is the digital world? That is an existing world.

Changing meaning of the copy in the digital.




What is 'animal' as a symbol in the image?

The (their) world of principle – in each culture (language)

Projection and Reflection in Human and Non-Human society

Sun (daytime)

How our principle is changing in the 21st century?

-> Digital token is a philosophical world in the virtual world. The changing of artworld in the 21st century.


How it would be changed or change 'time and space' philosophically?

I think that the uniqueness of today's NFT art as a tokens is individual logic, which is not based on the imitation.

Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds matter to be the fundamental substance in nature, and all things, including mental states and consciousness, are results of material interactions.

Issue of dialectical materialism between principle of nature and the world (virtual) by humans, is the limitation of communist society in the 21st century.

What is the 'world'?

My hypothesis: the 'world' is based on or consists of various mimesis.


The materials themselves, such as gold, diamonds and oil, are not very expensive. Gold needs to be a mass (like a lump form, becasue of the wight is worth of the gold. The gold is a (material of) 'token'.). The value changes depending on the processing, the process, and the concept of use.

Traditional Japanese paintings use real gold leaf, silver leaf, shellfish, pearl powder and quartz, which are from nature. This is ethics, which is the same as the Ancient Greek culture, and many others. Ethics in (Traditional Japanese) painting had to be special and authentic, not usual.

In this series "Lulalä", I will especially draw on everyday topics for exploring the ethics from the aspect of the 21st century, such as friendships and the environment.

It is the same as Toru Takemitsu abstracted the allegory of traditional Japanese music, as well as the traditional western music and broke down musical semantics and semiotics for creating something new. And at the core, it incorporates medieval timbres before the existence of idealism. (ethics for and within nature) – It was by his hand-writing

„es“ (it)


Zwischen “Er und Sie“ liegt ES.

E von Er und S von Sie.

Er – ES – Sie

Jede und Jeder haben ihr eigenes ES,

Wie eine genetische Information der Erinnerung.

Die Erinnerung “ES“ ist von einem Mann,

und von einer Frau.

Die Erinnerung der Duplikationen.

Die Erbinformation in der DNA,

die über 1 Million Jahre zufällig generiert wurde.

Wir haben jede und jeder ein ES,

egal ob es eine Frau oder ein Mann ist

 – ein zufälliges Individuum.


Erika Matsunami,  2020

Desgin in common:


One is, which theorized by Wittgenstein. – Wittgenstein's Aesthetic and Ethical sentence as a logic, and/or logic as a Metapher of nonsense in a design -> Well being

A conceptual drawing (blueprint) Lulalä in the series Les colories, 57 x 75 cm Japanese aquarelle and mixed media (gold leaf/24K, Nikawa/膠, Dosa/ドーサ) on paper, 2022, the gaps between Materialism and Neomaterlialism (in the works),

As a contribution towards a concept of Duchamp's. Whether Rembrandt or Duchamp, their ethic and aesthetic in art (with which subjects they dealt) were in the context of a social democratic society or toward a social democratic society.

As an artwork, I create whether it is an art object or a painting (drawing) or neither?

The existence of gold, which is the material of the earth, is not so great and a very little part. There is also no meaning. The materialism of capitalism in the modernity of the 20th century is changing currently, such as the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine is a conflict between Western and Eastern.

An aesthetic and ethical in a drawing

Materialism; it is kitsch (in the art, we can see it.)

So, I learned the art at home.

Ethics is on 'oneceness' and 'oneness' in the environment. Hereby, Black is on death towards life generally. This Ethics lies in the Traditional Japanese Art original of Zeami, referenced to Dogen.

Sketch for a sound composition ES (it) II

Markers on paper

The existence of gold, which is the material of the earth, is not so great and a very little part. There is also no meaning.

The idea of representation with this series Les coloris Lulalä:

Additionally, I will give the magnifying glass and the recipient/visitor looks for hidden code on the depiction as a play for fun. – Looking for something in a picture and intimate to an artwork

There is an improvisation musical performance for playing with those hidden codes

– The representation of art as a luxurious play for everyone, and commoning with other artists with other art mediums and other cultures for making a new sense.

Encoding and Decoding

Coexistence in an environment



Commoning in design and Neo DADA in the 21st ecntury

- Deconstruction of sexism and rascism on the social media through art and designed de-sign

Art is something x, has no function in...

In this artist research, thereby may artistic approach aims for 'visible and invisile' transversality as a randomness of lines and their dynamic -> Transversality as an aesthetic in sound composition


Space in Sound, what it is?

Light is a spectrum, straightly
Sound is a wave, vibrationaly



What does it mean if something is conductive?

A conductive substance allows heat or electricity to travel through it: Aluminum is a conductive metal. A gas that has been ionised becomes highly conductive.

With hidden codes, it is impossible of a future Ectypes


Artificial Intelligence, Deepfakes and a Future of Ectypes

Luciano Floridi

Springer Nature B.V. 2018

-> Page: Life

gerund or present participle: decoding

convert (a coded message) into intelligible language.
  1. "he put down the phone and decoded the message"
  • analyse and interpret (a communication or image).
    "a handbook to help parents decode street language"
  • convert (audio or video signals) into a different or usable form, for example to analogue from digital in sound reproduction.
    "processors used to decode CD-quality digital audio signals"

Art genre and the style of art, as well as cultural nationality, are not important for the artist, the most important is the hidden codes of each artist, that is the authenticity of the artist in contemporary art. That is what I mentioned in my PhD proposal (draft) in fine arts in 2019.

Line and Motion their Dynamic as a unit/units and their entity:


Color, Light, Motion. Episode 12: Toni Dove

My research in art on virtual commoning using Hashtag and its communication in Human and Non-human society practically:

On instagram:

#lulalä, #lescolories, #contemporary, #commoning, #contemporaryart, #hiddencodes

On facebook:

#lulalä, #lescolories, #contemporary, #commoning, #contemporaryart, #hiddencodes

Practical exploring model x 6

Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung,


Ludwig Wittgenstein

Dem Andenken meines Freundes David H. Pinsent gewidmet.


Vorwort des Verfassers.


     Dieses Buch wird vielleicht nur der verstehen, der die Gedanken, die darin ausgedrückt sind – oder doch ähnliche Gedanken – schon selbst einmal gedacht hat. – Es ist also kein Lehrbuch. – Sein Zweck wäre erreicht, wenn es einem, der es mit Verständnis liest, Vergnügen bereitete.

     Das Buch behandelt die philosophischen Probleme und zeigt – wie ich glaube –, daß die Fragestellung dieser Probleme auf dem Mißverständnis der Logik unserer Sprache beruht. Man könnte den ganzen Sinn des Buches etwa in die Worte fassen : Was sich überhaupt sagen läßt, läßt sich klar sagen; und wovon man nicht reden kann, darüber muß man schweigen.

     Das Buch will also dem Denken eine Grenze ziehen, oder viel mehr – nicht dem Denken, sondern dem Ausdruck der Gedanken : Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenzen denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken läßt).

     Die Grenze wird also nur in der Sprache gezogen werden können und was jenseits der Grenze liegt, wird einfach Unsinn sien.

     Wieweit meine Bestrebungen mit denen anderer Philosophen zusammenfallen, will ich nicht beurteilen. Ja, was ich hier geschrieben habe macht im Einzelnen überhaupt nicht den Anspruch auf Neuheit ; und raum gebe ich auch keine Quellen an, weil es mir gleichgültig ist, ob das, was ich gedacht habe, von mir schon ein anderer gedacht hat.



Im Tractaus wird der Begriff Ästhetik nur einmal, beinahe am Ende und in Klammern, erwähnt. In Satz 6.421 heißt es:


Es ist klar, daß sich die Ethik nicht aussprechen läßt.


Die Ethik ist transcendental.

(Ethik und Aesthetik sind eins.)

Wijdeveld, Paul,  Ludwig Wittgenstein ArchitectCambrige, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press MIT Press, 199, S. 183

-> In this respect, Wittgenstein's and Dogen's and Zeami's ethics and aesthetics are close in two different continents, cultures and languages.

Minimal art and Minimalism in art

If art is a "thing" that is being planned, it is a manipulation. Heidegger wrote the thesis philosophically and aesthetically, but Heidegger's is, if it is an artwork that is a result of things phenomenologically, is a kind of manipulation.

-> the idea of "I want to be", "I want to see as if", and so on.

What is 'creativity' of Human(s)?