Theoretical exploring model x 3

„es“ (it)


Zwischen “Er und Sie“ liegt ES.

E von Er und S von Sie.

Er – ES – Sie

Jede und Jeder haben ihr eigenes ES,

Wie eine genetische Information der Erinnerung.

Die Erinnerung “ES“ ist von einem Mann,

und von einer Frau.

Die Erinnerung der Duplikationen.

Die Erbinformation in der DNA,

die über 1 Million Jahre zufällig generiert wurde.

Wir haben jede und jeder ein ES,

egal ob es eine Frau oder ein Mann ist

 – ein zufälliges Individuum.


Erika Matsunami,  2020

In the early 1990s in Berlin:

My generation was late of 'third sex' generation, I had a steady girlfriend, she was a Venetian and MA student in Germenistic. She had a steady boyfriend, was a german and I had a steady boyfriend an American, we were all students. Who found our love between us, was our boyfriend.

They were the supporters of our lesbian relationship. We did not have a relationship crisis. Because each was own one and independently. Each had each aim of life, as well as dream and wishing.

My girlfriend Kate, who had a car accident in Berlin, has given a deep trauma. Finally, she decided to go back to Venice.

My boyfriend decided to back to the USA.
Which way do I have to go to the USA or Italy?
As well as Kate's boyfriend, he advanced his study.
I could not give up my study at UdK Berlin. I needed to stay and study in Berlin yet.
We would all be alone.

We were an official love triangle in our friendships.

Kate is my first girlfriend, for Kate, I was her first girlfriend, it was our first lesbian love.

We all did not our sexuality yet, man or woman? or neither.

What is the gap between my social gender identity as a social role and my biological gender?


We were standing between the social identity and our own identity yet.

Kate had married and had children, and I had married.

Today, in our generation, men are queer also, so we can understand each other.

Understanding about own as the information in the head may be different from the mind and body.

In the 1990s, same-sex marriage as well as the same-sex couple was not allowed in Italy, as well as in Japan.

What is different from the feminist generation of Beauvoir's was that in our generation, the only way to improve discrimination in international marriage relationships in the law was to "marriage".

– The end of the Western student movement (the end of the Western ideological movement) of 1968.



What are the 6 gender identities?
There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender-neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.

Brain-Mind: From neurons to Consciousness to Creativity, Paul Thagard, OUP, 2019

Secrets of Creativity: What Neuroscience, the Arts, and Our minds Revea, Nalvantian, Susanne, Matthews, M. Paul (edit), OUP, 2019

Queer Sites in Global Contexts
Technologies, Spaces, and Otherness, Routledge, 2020

"Queer Sites in Global Contexts showcases a variety of cross-cultural perspectives that foreground the physical and online experiences of LGBTQ+ people living in the Caribbean, South and North America, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

The individual chapters—a collection of research-based texts by scholars around the world—provide twelve compelling case studies: queer sites that include buildings, digital networks, natural landscapes, urban spaces, and non-normative bodies. By prioritizing divergent histories and practices of queer life in geographies that are often othered by dominant queer studies in the West—female sex workers, people of color, indigenous populations, Latinx communities, trans identities, migrants—the book constructs thoroughly situated, nuanced discussions on queerness through a variety of research methods.

The book presents tangible examples of empirical research and practice-based work in the fields of queer and gender studies; geography, architectural, and urban theory; and media and digital culture. Responding to the critical absence surrounding experiences of non-White queer folk in Western academia, Queer Sites in Global Contexts acts as a timely resource for scholars, activists, and thinkers interested in queer placemaking practices—both spatial and digital—of diverse cultures."





Regner Ramos is Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Puerto Rico. His research on the relationship between queerness and space is informed by experimental research methods, shifting between model-making, drawing, and performative writing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of informa journal and the architecture Editor at Glass magazine, and Co-Director of Wet Hard Agency. His current research project, “Cürtopia: Queer Maps for Puerto Rico”, is funded by FIPI.

Sharif Mowlabocus is Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. He is the author of Gaydar Culture (2010) and his forthcoming book, Interrogating Homonormativity, explores the British gay male culture in the ‘post-equalities’ era.


In Beauvoir's generation; the fair relationship between man and woman, Respect for the individual and Elimination of social class, and so on

In our generation; the fair international relationship between different races and nationalities, Social reform from the inside, and so on

Christoph Schlemmer is an actor and a queer, he has a steady boyfriend, as well as a visual artist Erika Matsunami is a queer in post-feminism, no separatism and no Man rights principle.

No separatism is for contemplation of human rights including political and social rights as well as freedom of expression in society, not oriented in utopianism. 

Exploring "es (it)", is something.

I explore "es (it)", is something.

And Now in the 21st century, what is going on in the society?

I asked an actor Christoph Schlemmer for reading my poem „es“, because I knew that he is a queer, not a role-play.

Post-Feminism is not separatism, but rather in the context of queer study globally today in the 21st century

"es" is something between body and mind subjectivity. But it is not psychological objectivity. I explore it literary in the art and through the art.

Kate started to learn Karate with her father in Venice when she was a kid.
When I met her in Berlin, she was a black belt of karate, she had the dan, that was her leisure activity. She had the Karate courses - Self-Defence for women at the feminist centre in Berlin.

Her father was a Venetian and an activist of the Worker Union Veneto in postwar. The Italian-Venetian Avant-Garde composer Luigi Nono was thereby an activist also.

In our generation, we do not any classical political movement with the ideologies, rather for the new life, and critical towards the classical capitalism.

I had questions about Love, as well as Yoko&John, Hideko&Etsuo, what is 'love'?

However, Love affects our lives profoundly.

During the war, it was ordered to fight for "love", and after the war, it was believed to work for "love".

The question for hetero- and homosexual classical monogamy as a myth of pure love is, does 'pure love' like a God's love (Swear to god forever) exist?

Love of Hideko&Etsuo was like a family, friend and partnership, particularly for the aim of their fate, was the dropping atom bome. It was very limmited to trust to someone.

Listening to people is not a duty or moral. If you don't want to hear it, you don't have to hear it, and if you don't want to see it, you don't have to see it. Please judge for yourself.

My respect for transgender (transforming) is for those whose sexual existence is not clear under the social 'duty' and its moral, that is a person's nature, and for those whose lives are ephemeral, with or without transsexuals. There are various reasons. They are a minority.

It is different from the subject of sexuality because transgender from the medical perspective biologically is a kind of give up intercourse 'sexuality'.

Maybe, its transforming is natural at the DNA level. Anyhow, in medicine, all different form of DNA is in the category of abnormality. We need to explore thereby 'abnormality' and 'normality' from the perspective of molecular biology in literature.

'Madness' is a historical word in literature from this aspect today. We don't use the word 'Madness' generally, because of the study of neuroscience.

As well the word 'suffering' is used in the special culture.

Today's medical attitude: Please relax. Please make it easy. Doesn't it hurt? If you have pain, Please express it to me. There are many solutions. The doctors are friendly and lovely without authority. If you don't understand the medical certificate, there is also a counselling office.

There is also treatment for pain by the Department of Neurology and Internal medicine.

Basically, there is also care to improve your life without using medicine as much as possible.

An interview with Martin Rosengaard, by Erika Matsunami who is a Danish contemporary art curator, lives and works in Copenhagen.

He is a co-founder of and Human Hotel.  December 2020


This is in the case of Japan, the medical doctor cannot force the patient. Thereby the patient needs to have knowledge of general medicine. Without love is authority.

Silence surrounds us, silence arround us – X

Philosophie der symbolischen FormenERNST CASSIRER (1923–1929)


kapitel I. Das Sprachproblem in der Geschichte der Philosophie.

I. Das Sprachproblem in der Geschichte des philosophischen Idealismus (Platon, Descartes, Leibniz).

If the medical doctor does not lovely to his/her patient in contemporary law, is punishable today, because of contemporary humanity and human rights. Discriminatory things should never be said, and discriminatory judgments should never be made.

From the aspect of Queer studies, I am Non-binary and pronouns they/them, form/manner of address is not so important in my original culture of Japanese, because there is not form/manner of address of formalism, there is just for the form of politeness, e.g. as "-san (さん)". - Social manner and colonialism as well as racism by Western formalism

Today, we call it 'social role'.

From the genetic aspect, whether I can define my gender by myself, that I am not sure currently, especial after the corona pandemic in 2020, and its systematic digitalisation of the governance. I am 100% sure, my gene is so-called 'female', medically, sex chromosome is the X and the Y.

Life style and society

In this emergency, "stationary" was one way to solve it. "stationary" was, for example, checking the situation and reporting the damage and regional solidarity was necessary. The activities and demonstrations were, in reality, a dilemma.

Idea is not holistic but from the perspective of molecular biology. It means that the idea of wholeness is rather the opposite of holistic.

The idea of holistic is rather a functional or figurative whole, and another idea from the perspective of molecular biology is phenomenological, topological, and transversal.

"Immersion Into Noise"–Joseph Nechvatal research is from Duchamp's in Nihilism, and my research is from Paul Klee's–Topological reading in plurality

On topographical reading in plurality

by erika matsunami


Berlin, January 2022

A draft_02: 9'59''

Corona infection spread:
An example in Berlin,
This week, the performance at the opera in Berlin was cancelled due to a positive result of four performers in the corona infection test every two days.
The number of spectators and the number of people involved are more than 1000.
The spread of corona infection is still very serious. If that continues, this theatre may have to close for a while.

However, the current corona infection spread policy seems to be controlled at the ensemble level. At this moment, I don't think to need the lockdown in Berlin, probably it doesn't need yet. Even though the symptoms of the corona variant Omicron are mild, they are highly infectious and fast, so we need to be alert. I think that medical care, especially internal medicine, is difficult because there are many infected patients. Patients with other illnesses will not be able to be fully treated.

  • 1. Band: Die Sprache, 1923
  • 2. Band: Das mythische Denken, 1925
  • 3. Band: Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis, 1929

Environment, Milieu

In today's art epistemologically, there is no attitude 'This is ...' that a depiction of an apple was never 'This is an apple', rather rhetorical. Probably, it has never happened an event 'This is....'  in the art.
Since René Magritte's, rhetorical depiction of 'an apple' was changed.

In contemporary art, through the articulation, 'N' is in this image, it is an articulation of subjects in this image.

It can be nature, narration, nativity, negativity, naivety, and more or totally different–N

Medical personnel and their bereaved families who died from the spread of the coronavirus infection also have rights.

They have an urgent and undeniable obligation to any patient.

Responsibility for those who died while waiting at home is being pursued in Japan.

The contradiction of homosexual relationships (couple) in society is 'birth'. Women have the possibility but Men have no possibility. However, there are opportunities for Men, i.e. adoption.

The world population is growing and growing, so that is no problem for the couple without birth in the society.

Therefore, the important theme is human rights for children. That is the same with heterosexual relationships.

"Immersion Into Noise" is not the same with immersive noise. immersive noise is often so-called in artistic intervention, by the negative use is such as troublemaking, protesting, and so on.

"Immersion Into Noise" is rather philosophical contemplation in post-atomism from the aspect of molecular biology in the 21st century.

Protests by demonstrations spread corona infection expansion, causing seriousness, and also poverty. This was the same dilemma as well in Germany and in the USA. The question for the way of the democracy towards politics and governing. Economic problems and financial difficulties due to collapse of medical system and expansion of corona infection.

From own perspective how 'I' recognise the world by and in the photography

Proteste zwischen Pandemie, Polizeigewalt und Armut: Kolumbien findet keinen Frieden


Inmitten der akuten Pandemiekrise gehen in Kolumbien seit dem 28. April hunderttausende Menschen auf die Straße. Die Proteste richten sich gegen Präsident Duques Steuer- und Sozialpolitik sowie die Polizeigewalt. Das Land gleicht einem sozialen Pulverfass. Ein Gespräch mit Florian Huber, Leiter des Büros der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Bogotá.

I think that New Zealand is one of the countires has taken an appropriate democratic treatment.

My artistic approach in draft 02 on topological reading in plurality: Between Geometry in Tractatus by Wittgenstein and Topology in the 21st century for aesthetic and ethical.

The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus mentions the subject of aesthetics only one, almost at the end and between brackets. Proposition 6.421 says:

It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.

Ethics is transcendental.

(Aesthetics and ethics are one.)*

*Wijdeveld, Paul,  Ludwig Wittgenstein ArchitectCambrige, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press MIT Press, 1994 p. 183


Sexuality and Politics, its privacy policy:

Corona infection expansion and its policy dilemma. This will continue from now on. It is an important theme, including vaccination of other infections e.g. Vaccine protection from HIV virus infection.

Those themes are private.

At the same time, also the data protection.

Is must the vaccination be the duty or not?
The health care system

Economy and finance

Corona-Pandemie, Impfstoffverteilung und globale Gerechtigkeit: eine Zwischenbilanz


Wir erleben zwei sehr verschiedene Pandemierealitäten zwischen Ländern mit niedrigem und hohem Einkommen. Anstatt sich um eine solidarische Antwort zu bemühen, hat die internationale Gemeinschaft in dieser Gesundheitskrise leider wieder einmal ihre Uneinigkeit demonstriert. Nun gilt es, Glaubwürdigkeit zurückzugewinnen und Vertrauen wiederaufzubauen.

Assessing the immunity of democracy in Greece


Throughout the world, most media outlets and pundits are so consumed by the public health and economic consequences of COVID-19 that they consistently fail to highlight the looming political and institutional risks ahead. Could in fact the biggest casualty of COVID-19 be democracy itself?

After the corona pandemic, it requires us to thinking and thinking

Zanele Muholi bezeichnet sich selbst als visuelle*r Aktivist*in und dokumentiert seit den frühen 2000er Jahren das Leben der Schwarzen LGBTQIA+-Community Südafrikas in eindrücklichen, intimen Fotografien.

Attitude in contemporary ethics, the study by liberating, not banning. And you have to take the risk yourself.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in South Africa enjoy the same rights as non-LGBT people. South Africa has a complex and diverse history regarding the human rights of LGBT people. The legal and social status of between 400,000–over 2 million lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex South Africans has been influenced by a combination of traditional South African mores, colonialism, and the lingering effects of apartheid and the human rights movement that contributed to its abolition.[1]

South Africa's post-apartheid Constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and South Africa was the fifth country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage. South Africa is to date the only country in Africa to have legalised same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples can also adopt children jointly, and also arrange IVF and surrogacy treatments. LGBT people enjoy constitutional and statutory protections from discrimination in employment, the provision of goods and services and many other areas.

Nevertheless, LGBT South Africans, particularly those outside of the major cities, continue to face some challenges, including homophobic violence (particularly corrective rape), and high rates of HIV/AIDS infection.

I took the HIV virus infection test in Germany, after the implant OP accident, because I had an unknown Rapid increase in inflammation level in blood due to the immune system destroy. Even if you are not a sex worker, you can get infected if you are a human. I have no sexual relationship with my friends, just I thermalised about únknown causality illness (that is immune system destroy generally) with my friends. Professional artists do not have sex with colleagues, that is moral in the art, but there are couples. Because of against any authorities in the art. The problem with amateurism, as well as hetero sexual dominant commercialism is that it disrupts the morals "against any authorities in the art" of (Western) professional art. Art is an intellectural business.

analysiert und vergleicht weltweit Transformationsprozesse zu Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft und identifiziert erfolgreiche Strategien für den friedlichen Wandel.

The problem with treating complex intractable diseases, including infectious diseases, is that the cost of treatment is not cheap. It is to expand the world's poor.

The sex worker is a profession (deal) with Love affair, sensual love.

What are the 3 main ways the HIV virus can be transmitted?
How Do You Get or Transmit HIV?
  • Blood.
  • Semen (cum) and pre-seminal fluid.
  • Rectal fluids.
  • Vaginal fluids.
  • Breast milk.

In Sweden, even couples need the consent of a woman to have sex.

Love is private and individual

The infection risk of the HIV virus does not matter whether heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Seit den 1980er Jahren leistet Dayanita Singh Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Fotografie und überwindet immer wieder die Grenzen des Mediums.

What are methods of infection by HIV?
Most people who get HIV get it through anal or vaginal sex, or sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment (for example, cookers).

(Safe) Sex and Love or/and Love and (Safe) Sex

Safe sex is–not moral but rather Etiquette–the necessary to study

Metaphor and Metonymy:

Dirven, René (2003). "Metonymy and Metaphor: Different Mental Strategies of Conceptualisation".In Dirven, René; Pörings, Ralf (eds.). Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast (revised ed.). de Gruyter. pp. 75–112. ISBN 9783110173741.

The couple metaphor-metonymy had a prominent role in the renewal of the field of rhetoric in the 1960s.

Moral includes duty, which is often by the public rule, and its judgement and discussion in the society, such as on normality

Etiquette is thorugh the human relationship such as compassion, consideration, respect, affection, and so on.

Rhizome as a philosophical concept used to describe systems with no clear beginning or end, such as the internet. The term was developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972–1980) project. It is what Deleuze calls an "image of thought", based on the botanical rhizome, that apprehends multiplicities.

Can you get HIV from kissing?
Although very rare, transmission can occur if both partners have sores or bleeding gums and blood from the partner with HIV gets into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative partner. HIV is not transmitted through closed-mouth or “social” kissing with someone who has HIV. HIV is not transmitted through saliva.




-> Variations as natural cultural evolution

New life (?)


Simone de Beauvoir und Jean-Paul Sartre lebten in einer offenen Beziehung.




I decide my sexuality myself.

Number of People with HIV—There were approximately 37.7 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36 million were adults and 1.7 million were children aged 0-14 years. More than half (53%) were women and girls.


Incubation period of HIV

The period from infection to development of anti-HIV antibodies is usually less than 1 month but may be up to 3 months; newer tests have a shorter window period, where a false negative result may be obtained early in infection.

I think that HIV Virus is also the similar case of the Corona Omicron Variant.

Joseph Nechvatal told in his interview, that his girlfriend was HIV positive in the USA, in the 1980s, he could not have sex with her.


My friends are all negative, including me, who I know inspected.

I think that one can feel free to inspect it today, is not like a death sentence in the 1980s.

Joseph Nechvatal: Burroughs clearly was an influence that dovetailed with my body-centered commitments to the virus in the early 1990s that was a response to the AIDS epidemic. I had a girlfriend who died of AIDS very early on and it was horrifying to see and very frightening. I imagined I had the virus without having the courage to get tested right away. I practiced safe sex but lived with this doomy possibility hanging over my head in the late-1980s.(

(Interview of Joseph Nechvatal by Nicolas Ballet recorded live on September 20th 2015 chez Nechvatal in Paris)


Post education theory in the arts -> i.e. Postresearch condition

empirical, autonomy, independently, individually, collective, and without curriculum and ideal norm, and so on

- to recognize each ability and individual difference

The transition to education that does not let a student drops out, rather than education that imposed from above.

A post-education theory is based on the emotional intelligence that does not make humans into the ideal shape.

Currently, unconventional education is progressing,


A generating collective knowledge, but in which ways?

In the 21st century, in post-postmodernism in the arts, everything is working in progress.

Certainly, social layers tend to be grouped by knowledge differences at the individual level rather than gender, age, social state, or nationality.


How long after exposure to HIV do symptoms appear?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , primary HIV symptoms may show up two to four weeks after initial exposure. Symptoms can continue for up to several weeks. However, some people may exhibit the symptoms only for a few days.

Legal naturalism is a term coined by Olufemi Taiwo to describe a current in the social philosophy of Karl Marx which can be interpreted as one of natural law. Taiwo considered it the manifestation of Natural Law in a dialectical materialist context.

Questions about the evolution of the virus:

Isn't the origin of the virus declining as it evolves?

Nevertheless, that doesn't change the nature of the virus.

A virus is a virus.

Is the virus a substance that breeds in animals and evolves with animal DNA, but kills animals?

Does the virus exist in the cell degradation of death?

On topographical reading in plurality

by erika matsunami


Berlin, January 2022

A draft_02: 9'59''

The difference between Germans and we Japanese:
Germans in their historical responsibility for the secon world war is, Germans have a national consciousness that they were not bad.
We (in my generation) have a will that never repeats the same thing as that generation.

I described 'articulation' and its naivety in this video, but this naivety is our biological originality from the aspect of molecular biology.



Major French philosophers associated with post-structuralism, post-modernism, and/or deconstruction, including Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, engaged deeply with both Marxism and psychoanalysis. Most notably, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari collaborated on the theoretical work Capitalism and Schizophrenia in two volumes: Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).

Both Marx and Freud were Jewish atheists who developed distinctive critiques of religion. In his 1965 book Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation, the French philosopher Paul Ricœur compared the two (together with Friedrich Nietzsche), characterizing their common method as the "hermeneutics of suspicion".

The Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek has developed since the late 1980s a line of thought which uses Lacanian psychoanalysis, Hegelian philosophy and Marxism. Althusser is also among his references. His The Sublime Object of Ideology deals with the original Freudo-Marxist perspective.

Louis Althusser s' essay Contradiction and Overdetermination borrows the concept of overdetermination from psychoanalysis, in order to replace the idea of "contradiction" with a more complex model of multiple causality in political situations (an idea closely related to Gramsci's concept of hegemony).

Darwin's theory of evolution and its mistake:

Animism and Marxism in the Japanese Imperialism in the early of the 20th century was the political strategy by Emperor Hirohito (Showa Emperor), that was, he had the transcendence position between God and people which referred to the sect of Shintoism, was used in commercialism politically.

In postwar, there was 'Charisma' in commercialism economically.


In Marxist philosophy, Antonio Gramsci defined cultural hegemony as the ruling class's manipulation of the value system and mores of a society, so that the ruling class perspective is the world view of society;[5] thus, in the relations among the social classes of a society, the term hegemony describes the cultural dominance of a ruling class, which compels the subordination of the other social classes.[6]

There are no right and no wrong

Animism distinction between in commercilism and naturalism

Major French philosophers associated with post-structuralism, post-modernism, and/or deconstruction, including Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, engaged deeply with both Marxism and psychoanalysis. Most notably, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari collaborated on the theoretical work Capitalism and Schizophrenia in two volumes: Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).

no idealism

Is it likely that reproduction within the same ethnic group that will perish in the long run?

I think that we don't know what is 'evolution' of humans even today.

What is change?

Basically, it hasn't changed that much. That is the same as 'a virus is a virus'.

From these aspects, against the human race by other human race, its so-called Racism against race is a silly story.

Darwin had worked on and explored in the Christian context.

Adam and Eve are rather stories of morals in Idealism in the Christian context. It is not the quest of "what is the human being?" But rather it is the moral of "human being should be".

In fact, the world is democratic, but...


Many of the teachers at the Yoyogi Seminar in Tokyo were dropped out of the University of Tokyo or graduated from the University of Tokyo, and were opposed to conservatism and nationalism of the academy in Japan. These generation of the high educational generation who rejected the academic career, they had very complex way of thinking and had high IQ, is Joseph Nechvatal's generation in Japan. Therefore, those who rejected the Japanese Imperial feudal male rights society, who were neither academic nor employees of international Japanese companies.

At that time, there were very few women, and Chizuko Ueno is a rare type of Japanese sociologist and radical feminist (the new left in postwar) of the Zenkyoto generation. She is an honorary professor at the University of Tokyo. In the 2000s, in Japan, her books were damaged in the library by the Japanese right-wings. (I think that was around 2008. She sued them and protected freedom of expression.)

There was a conservative moral at that time such as "Women are cute when they are stupid". It was a virtue to follow by the order.

One of the teachers, a superstar of the Yoyogi Seminar, earned a postdoctoral degree in philosophy at a German university, he became a professor and taught at the university in Germany in the early 2000s.

At the end of the 1970s, Gilles Deleuze was not irrelevant for me in Japan.

What is in common with Joseph Nechvatal is the books, from the 1950s – 1990s, which are philosophical books I have read, but from an opposing point of view, probably from Western and Non-Western, is interesting for me, like transversal thinking and reflective recognition.

But for the last few years, it's back in the '70s. Even if it is called a reversion, it is a new world composition like the Neo Cold War.

Russia and Belarus attacks on Ukraine are obvious harassment and bullying. It is a counterattack against economic sanctions to the West. The country on the eastern side is becoming poorer. However, it is not Ukraine in the 21st century but the eastern side might be possible to starve to death.

What is different from the 1970s is that, in fact, in Western countries including Japan, generations changed, and at the same time as liberalization, higher education progresses. Therefore Anti-discrimination and gender equality are also advancing. The struggle with the feudal society has become internationalized and has become a problem with the so-called Third World today.

Gilles Deleuze (/dəˈlz/; French: [ʒil dəløz]; 18 January 1925 – 4 November 1995) was a French philosopher who, from the early 1950s until his death in 1995, wrote on philosophy, literature, film, and fine art. His most popular works were the two volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980), both co-written with psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. His metaphysical treatise Difference and Repetition (1968) is considered by many scholars to be his magnum opus.[1]

However, the problem with current animism is alienated from modern society due to its spirituality and its mystery. e.g. In Turkey, the ritual is allowed only for commercial. (Between the political position (Nationalism) and UNESCO in Anthropology)

In Das Kapital (1867), Marx proposes that the motivating force of capitalism is in the exploitation of labor, whose unpaid work is the ultimate source of surplus value. The owner of the means of production is able to claim the right to this surplus value because they are legally protected by the ruling regime through property rights and the legally established distribution of shares which are by law distributed only to company owners and their board members. The historical section shows how these rights were acquired in the first place chiefly through plunder and conquest and the activity of the merchant and "middle-man". In producing capital, the workers continually reproduce the economic conditions by which they labour. Das Kapital proposes an explanation of the "laws of motion" of the capitalist economic system from its origins to its future by describing the dynamics of the accumulation of capital, the growth of wage labour, the transformation of the workplace, the concentration of capital, commercial competition, the banking system, the decline of the profit rate, land-rents, et cetera. The critique of the political economy of capitalism proposes:

  • Wage-labour is the basic "cell-form" (trade unit) of a capitalist society. Moreover, because commerce as a human activity implied no morality beyond that required to buy and sell goods and services, the growth of the market system made discrete entities of the economic, the moral, and the legal spheres of human activity in society; hence, subjective moral value is separate from objective economic value. Subsequently, political economy (the just distribution of wealth) and "political arithmetic" (about taxes) were reorganized into three discrete fields of human activity, namely economics, law and ethics—politics and economics were divorced.
  • "The economic formation of society [is] a process of natural history". Thus, it is possible for a political economist to objectively study the scientific laws of capitalism, given that its expansion of the market system of commerce had objectified human economic relations. The use of money (cash nexus) voided religious and political illusions about its economic value and replaced them with commodity fetishism, the belief that an object (commodity) has inherent economic value. Because societal economic formation is a historical process, no one person could control or direct it, thereby creating a global complex of social connections among capitalists. The economic formation (individual commerce) of a society thus precedes the human administration of an economy (organised commerce).
  • The structural contradictions of a capitalist economy (German: gegensätzliche Bewegung) describe the contradictory movement originating from the two-fold character of labour and so the class struggle between labour and capital, the wage labourer and the owner of the means of production. These capitalist economic contradictions operate "behind the backs" of the capitalists and the workers as a result of their activities and yet remain beyond their immediate perceptions as men and women and as social classes.[5]
  • The economic crises (recession, depression, et cetera) that are rooted in the contradictory character of the economic value of the commodity (cell-unit) of a capitalist society are the conditions that propitiate proletarian revolution—which The Communist Manifesto (1848) collectively identified as a weapon forged by the capitalists which the working class "turned against the bourgeoisie itself".
  • In a capitalist economy, technological improvement and its consequent increased production augment the amount of material wealth (use value) in society while simultaneously diminishing the economic value of the same wealth, thereby diminishing the rate of profit—a paradox characteristic of economic crisis in a capitalist economy. "Poverty in the midst of plenty" consequent to over-production and under-consumption.

After two decades of economic study and preparatory work (especially regarding the theory of surplus value), the first volume appeared in 1867 as The Production Process of Capital. After Marx's death in 1883, Engels introduced Volume II: The Circulation Process of Capital in 1885; and Volume III: The Overall Process of Capitalist Production in 1894 from manuscripts and the first volume. These three volumes are collectively known as Das Kapital.

Totalitarian and Military system in the early 20th century.

An artist who works on Religion and Art can explore what the person believes.

An artist who works on Universe, NASA provide the recent information, furthermore, the advanced research field is the explanation by an artist is a fantasy, but it might be nice.

Those are the same as the explanation by an artist in the context of biology.

Capitalisation is centralisation as the system, it's the same whether Socialism, Communism or Capitalism.


In the current Japanese system, the change to the presidential system would be like a model of Russian dictatorship and the privileged society, due to the Japanese Patriarchy.

Germany is the Federal, Japan is the Unitary.

Finally, Marx's theory was successful, but also was decadent. And why?

That is because humans must grow with advances in science, technology and the economy. 

One is the idea of 'competition' and its normativity in Marxist's context.

I am critical on Marx's, due to psychological play in term of Idealism.

However, his idea was one of intelligent solution of the deconstruction in the Western Bourgeoisie system, as well as Imperialism.

What Marx didn't realize, it was "commercialism", which lacks in Marxist theories of 'Capital'. Because his position was against Bourgeoisie. Today "commercialism" is possible for everyone through the liberal economy, is generalized, not privileged.

No matter how rich you are, if you don't move money (business), it will only decrease, not increase.


The critical media theory has been exploring ethic towards "commercialism".

"commercialism" is one of the large parts of the concept of capitalism, which Marxism is against. Today, communism is using "commercialism" as its strategy against Capitalism.


American dream in the 1970s was pointing to "commercialism".

Commercialism includes not only social media, but rather the foreign exchange market and the stock market.

In oder words, we are all 'variation(s)' of origin.

My youth :

When I was in high school, I had no time to play (such as traveling, or got to the cinema or the dance. At that time, there was still a moral that a "girl" under the age of 18 should not go out alone after 6 pm. Underage alcohol, tobacco and of course drugs are prohibited.) except for studying, dancing and art.

I've never fallen out at school. I mean, I've never had a problem with the study because I liked to study. I did not like so much to take the exam, but studying was like my hobby.

During my junior high school and high school days, the bullying and lynching incidents of teenagers became a social problem in Hiroshima City, and even if I went to a private high school, the school was not the centre of my life. In the summer, I took English, Japanese and math classes and exams at the Yoyogi Seminar in Tokyo. There was also an exam to take the Yoyogi Seminar in Tokyo, and the students were taking lectures and exams from excellent high school students in Tokyo and all over the country in preparation for the university entrance exam for the National univercity e.g. The Univestiy of Tokyo and the Private University.

I joined the art club (Guidance of an art teacher who graduated from Tama Fine Arts University) at the high school and I was active. And I studied the Japanese Traditional Dance-Theater, thereby I had the solo and assemble performances on the stage at the public theatre in Hiroshima city regularly.
My tutor was initially a student of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Hiroshima. After his graduation from the university, my tutor was a student of the Faculty of Education at Hiroshima University.
At that time, I was already a generation of Japanese computer science. In society, I didn't really think about the difference between men and women.
At that time, the emperor of Japan was Emperor Showa (Kaiser Hirohito). I decided to study abroad because the feudal Japanese system of male rights did not fit me.

Such as Nam June Paik, they were not the dropout of society, but rather They are the generation who rejected the feudal society. I had still the same situation as that generation. However, while studying art at the University of Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin), I recognised the role of art in society, its social changes, and cultural evolution through art. So, I was convinced that we can improve society through art.

Art would be my profession and I became an artist, it was my decision.

We can see how humans would change in the future, which relates to the environment from this aspect. As the evolution systematically, I don't think there is much change.

I think the idea of blacks, whites, and yellows will disappear. That is a Christian mentality.

Anthropologically, I think language systematization is important for studying more than skin colour.

There are individual differences in the human brain, but there is no major change even if the race is different.

Encounter with FLUXUS in Europe in the 1990s

The foundations of John Lennon as well as Duchamp's, know that the statement of FLUXUS is already a historical one, even though it is against capitalism.

-> The necessity of rethinking today's capitalism in the 21st century

If you deny capitalism altogether, you lose your "individual rights" and the state won't authorize yours. Thereby, people need to respect each other's

The artistic action by FLUXUS artists, what they destroy in their performance, it was the symbolic object by their owns, was an introspective action (an event, which was included negligence such as error, mistake, failure, and blunder as a happening in the performance ) for the audience, was called intervention in arts.

Yoko & John's work was in regards to civil rights, so it was the beginning of an era without heroes.

Of these three countries, Japan has the strongest influence on the United States. Since the Obama administration, the Trump administration has promoted more right-wing by the conservative, centred on the emperor system, due to policies toward Russia and China, as well as Noth Korea. That was by the Abe administration.

Canada and the United Kingdom are on an equal footing with the United States and are independent.

Canada is Federal, not unitary, that is the decentral political system.

I am not against parliamentary constitutional monarchy, because of the international political situation with North Korea and China. But it will be better to be organised 'decentral system' in Japan democratically and collectivity. In countries with such climate changes in the north and south, I think that it fits better than the centralized system, in particular, after the corona pandemic, AI system and digitalisation in society, which is not vertical and monadological, but rather horizontal and dynamic.

The United States wants Japan to follow the "black" side, not the "white", culturally. Don't think about "beyond" America, as it was during World War II and don't be a minion of American white supremacism, that is to eliminate discrimination globally.It is to avoid concerns about white supremacy and Eurocentrism and hostility to the United States. The influence of American art in Japan is not weak, rather strong. The global culture is a strategy of economic intervention today.

Education was generalized in Japan by the postwar school education system, and the emperor and Yoko Ono were alumni.

As for the problem of the right-wing of modern Japan, since Emperor Showa, the "textbook revision problem" has a gap in the recognition of Japanese people globally, and especially in humanities and arts, it has not caught up with the international level. The solution is to introduce the science of the 21st century into the humanities.

In a country with a presidential system, the president has the highest authority over the nation. On the other hand, it is under the judgement of Legal Affairs. However, in some countries, it is the dictatorship of the president.

The problem is not so big when it comes to dictatorship, as the emperor has no political rights. The Cabinet can be dissolved.

Postwar democracy in Japan requires autonomy, so the low academic level of the people is more social issue.

Because the country will become right-wing after being acquired by the right-wing.

Emotional intelligence in the education, it aims that the human brain does not become a "stone head" in the high technological society.

Not an elite privileged society in Japan today, a Japanese highly educated society is a society where BA is sufficient unless one becomes a scholar. Therefore, school education up to high school is important in Japan.

The German school education system is a junior high school where future choices are decided. Until high school, I think that maybe it will be better if there are not too many gaps in the humanities and sciences because the society is a computer science centred society, is the high technological society. It requires mathematics and linguistics basically.


After the second world war, the challenges of the Japanese emperor system were;
- The Emperor of Heisei: Marriage by free love with a "highly educated lady" of the general class (not from the Japanese Imperial Bourgeoisie class before the war) who is from out of the Emperor's family.
- The Emperor of Rewa: Marriage by free love with a "highly educated professional lady" of the general class (not from the Japanese Imperial Bourgeoisie class before the war) who is from out of the Emperor's family.

- The future theme is, whether the female emperor will be able to be approved? – Reformation for the system of historical sexism
By then, it will take about 15 to 20 years. Of course, if there is anything in the Emperor of Rewa in the near future, the Emperor of Rewa's younger brother is the second. I think that is still legally stipulated for the Emperor, but that is not generally. We can see that, when the other country would attack Japan, is the constitutional monarchy.

Little by little, it is assimilated with the general public in the postwar.

Princess will also enter university, study abroad at an overseas university, will have a romance, and her marriage partner is not necessarily Japanese. Who will be able to know about the person's future?

Is it an Empress and "adoption"? like in the UK.
As science advances, so will the perceptions of the Emperor, just as the perceptions of the people will change in today's global international relations.
From now on, the Emperor family may also diverge and the younger brother's family may move to Canada, as in the United Kingdom.
Moreover, 100 years later, the time may come when the government system will change radically due to digitalization.
No one knows what's ahead.

In modern times, we respect the will of the person, so no one cannot force others by authority. There are many ways to solve the issue.

That is also a change in Japanese society. Culturally, Japan changes with generations, so the social changes in "appearance" are very slow but obviously is changing.

The (extreme) right-wings in Japan is still active, so sociological criticism is indispensable towards the emperor system as well. Many Japanese universities for example in Tokyo are right-wing universities. The issue of Textbook revision is one of them.

I don't want to write about Yoko Ono's, because her work has no political essence of Notwendigkeit in the Art. As a fashion, it is provocative towards Feudal people. ....

Feudal people turn innovation into a target. So, I don't want to be like the case of John Lennon. In my generation, we don't tied up by them (Japanese Feudalism). We are free under the Japanese Democratic Constitution. For example, I'm not a bourgeoisie like Yoko Ono, but I (could) studied abroad, and I organised by myself with my will, not for the national honor.

I read the review by Joseph Nechvatal, that he can do it. And I read it, and write as a reader from the perspective of under thier generation.


Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization.

Spontaneous generation is a body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms without descent from similar organisms. The theory of spontaneous generation held that living creatures could arise from nonliving matter and that such processes were commonplace and regular. It was hypothesized that certain forms, such as fleas, could arise from inanimate matter such as dust, or that maggots could arise from dead flesh.[1] A variant idea was that of equivocal generation, in which species such as tapeworms arose from unrelated living organisms, now understood to be their hosts.[2] The idea of univocal generation, by contrast, refers to effectively exclusive reproduction from genetically related parent(s), generally of the same species.[3]

The doctrine of spontaneous generation was coherently synthesized by Aristotle,[4] who compiled and expanded the work of earlier natural philosophers and the various ancient explanations for the appearance of organisms, and was taken as scientific fact for two millennia. Though challenged in the 17th and 18th centuries by the experiments of Francesco Redi and Lazzaro Spallanzani, spontaneous generation was not disproved until the work of Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall in the mid-19th century.[5]

An anaerobic organism or anaerobe is any organism that does not require molecular oxygen for growth. It may react negatively or even die if free oxygen is present. In contrast, an aerobic organism (aerobe) is an organism that requires an oxygenated environment. Anaerobes may be unicellular (e.g. protozoans,[1] bacteria[2]) or multicellular.[3] Most fungi are obligate aerobes, requiring oxygen to survive. However, some species, such as the Chytridiomycota that reside in the rumen of cattle, are obligate anaerobes; for these species, anaerobic respiration is used because oxygen will disrupt their metabolism or kill them. Deep waters of the ocean are a common anoxic environment. [3]

The issue of the school book revision in Japan is soft fascism by the Japanese right-wings, which makes historical issues "taboo" academically.

The problems with terms such as discrimination terms are separate from the school books revision.

Definition of monadological : of, relating to, or based on monadology : monadic sense 1b culminated in a monadological pluralism— W. A. Kaufmann.

I am not a cultural critic. I am an indipendent artist and artistic researcher. Here, I am writing what I thought in the (different) societies between in Japan and in Germany/the EU.

-> I will respect for 'free will' of young people in the context of their natural truth, which is not manipulated. But, in which ways? this question refers to Kant's account of aesthetic judgment in 'me too' cultural society and its cultural phenomenology from the aspect of the critical theory.

What is monad philosophy?

In Leibniz's system of metaphysics, monads are basic substances that make up the universe but lack spatial extension and hence are immaterial. Each monad is a unique, indestructible, dynamic, soullike entity whose properties are a function of its perceptions and appetites.



(In other words, the (invisible) god centred system)


I think that one of the problems of the dictatorship in the presidential nation is "wrong AI management", which is a world issue. Probably, we can see it also in the case (political situation) of Russia noticeably.

For that and towards non-human and human society, we need to explore the new critical theory, as well as the new media theory practically and theoretically.

Monad (functional programming)


In functional programming, a monad is a type that wraps another type and gives some form of quality to the underlying type. In addition to wrapping a type, monads define two functions: one to wrap a value in a monad, and another to compose together functions that output monads (these are known as monadic functions).

Considering the Japanese emperor (Kaiser) family system from a molecular biological perspective, they are not a special "human species or human race", but rather the same as any other Japanese people that currently exist.

The Japanese people know about that well, as well as the Japanese Kaiser himself. In current biology in Japan, no one can enter university in Japan without understanding it. If he cannot understand biology at the molecular biology level, the Japanese emperor (Kaiser) received only compulsory education in the Japanese contemporary high education system, which is the ideal of "dropping out" of Japanese education and the state of Japan.

If you study, you understand more and more that humans are not pure, not good and not perfect. For what we study, how we will solve those social issues, therefore, we explore, what is nature?,  what are humans?

The Japanese Kaiser have graduated from the same Gakushuin high school as Yoko Ono (Gakushuin high school is the low position at the national and Tokyo Metropolitan level). That is different from 100 years ago, the educational exam is for everyone today. Whether the Japanese Prince or a daughter of the Japanese cooperation family, later who became an international artist, the education exam applies to everyone.

If the current Japanese emperor/Kaiser begins to say that he is a "god" as he did 100 years before Emperor/Kaiser Showa, the Japanese people will get angry, due to the Japanese Higher Education in postwar.

Yoko Ono's agency/manager had declined the offer for the interview by Chizuko Ueno, when Yoko Ono was in Tokyo in 2016 or 2017, probably it was in 2016. In the case of an artist, I don't want to write much because the agency often makes up the commercial artist's profile. It applies to the case of Yoko Ono.

Art professors at art colleges often aestheticize the world of art, that is the contemporary commercial world.

Nevertheless, from the point of view of Joseph Nechvatal is the black art in the USA, and he dealt with it.

But in Japan, her social layer is rather 'right-wings', but commercial. Most of the Japanese drop out layer in society is 'right-wings'.

Except in Japan, after the second world war, the worker class are highly educated.

After the war, the bourgeoisie, like Yoko Ono, rebelled against their parents and dropped out, and became the artist.

The Japanese revolution was happend thorugh the postwar social reform. That is the same in the West-Germany in the postwar.

Germany has the problem after the unification, the revolution means as social class struggle, the lower class in the society is right-wings. As well it is the same in Japan. Both countires are the higher education, the educational background and qualified society in the postwar, that is the contemporary revolution in the Western countries. It is not necessary a civil war for social revolution or social reform.

Military intervention from abroad, such as China and North Korea for past and present war crimes that the person (current Japanese Kaiser) has not committed, is a violation of autonomy in Japan.

If China and North Korea will invade Japan militarily, we will consider defending ourselves, regardless of Japan's emperor (Kaiser) system. And we must do it.

In the case of Germany, the activity of Neonazism and Extremism is active internationally, that is irrelevant for Japan, which has a different language and culture.

So, we all are the variations from the original from the molecular biological perspective.

Neither evolution nor genetics can be "straight on the one-timeline".

No one can keep or copy the original, that is only once.

Robert Koch (1843 – 1910) was a German physician and microbiologist.

The Cultural in Cultural Phenomenology: It means the experiencing of the world as a way of repeatedly making the world, and making it in common. The aim of cultural phenomenology would not be to raise up the authentic, lived body of experience from the carapace of analysis and explication, because it would not believe there is any such authentic, lived body.

-> e.g. My childhood friends in Hiroshima are now doctors at university hospitals and they have an important position in cancer research. Another childhood friend who graduated from the faculty of Law at the Waseda University in Tokyo was employed by an American-owned company after graduation and then started a business. Then he built a great house in Tokyo. His mother's job was a remittance for his studies in Tokyo, and thanks to his mother and father. For them, he bought a new luxury condominium in the centre of Hiroshima City, which was more than 70 million yen (605.748,50 US Dollar). – Requital of favour or Retribution of favour is the Aesthetics in Daoism in a positive sense. But his mother did not seek anything from her son. His mother is a very nice person. Both of her children were happy with their parent always. His sister said even today, that she is happy with her parent. This family is not a special rich family.

The ideology is such as in North Korea, which is Confucianism, that Imperialism is based on this ideology.

Also his dad is a hibakusha. We were all working-class children, are my generation in Japan.

That is Aesthetics in Daoism, particularly in South Japan. Today, it applies not only to boys (male), but also to girls (female). So, the contemporary mothers in the working class give their effort for the children's education, but without authority, and they live with the new life and the new family style of the postwar. Children (next generation) are an immaterial treasure in the Aesthetics of Daoism. Their mothers are qualified professional women who graduated from economic high schools or colleges after the second world war in Japan, that is the same in China.

Parents often cannot see their child's (natural individual ability) future, even if they expect the future of their child.

Yoko Ono is conventional, even if she is a mother of her and John's son. Who was an innovative artist, was John Lennon.

Personal experience is not in a part of the statistic, the reason why I write about myself is not the dropout of Japanese higher education. I would like to explain to young people in the Third World that educational dropping out is not a social reform of the working class.
I think that's why the Third World hates American commercialism, that is a kind of Neocolonialism.

Art is an entertainment (with humor) and intellectual business, but, due to its negative art history, Japanese and German art academic and art world, perhaps it is by global standards, highly educated intellectuals are non-standard that is against perfectionism in high art as well as against xenophobia and discrimination, and its transcendence.


Joseph Nechvatal's generation as well as himself, art professional was only commercial art yet, particularly in the USA and Western European countries. But my generation as well as by myself, has been improving the non-profit/NGO in contemporary arts and humanities globally.
The issue of the non-profit/NGO in contemporary arts and humanities was artists had not received artist fees, was only the grant or the statutory compensation (Because for example the expense allowance in Germany is a statutory compensation/Gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Vergütung.) and it was very difficult to live by the art without commercially. However, since 2022 there are new rules in the EU and will pay to the professional artist the artist fee by non-Profit/NGOs. For that, with the introduction of digitalization and artificial intelligence since the corona pandemic in the EU, those legal standards had to be met.

I am very happy with our endeavour since 2007.



Kant's aesthetic judgement today is not a kind of a trial, that is similar to analytic towards interpretation. And which is based on the pure reason of, it might be possible as the research objective ontologically. Kant's judgement in the art is the question for Notwendigkeit of event or thing in the context or Notwendigkeit in event or thing, and so on. That is 'x', and art is something 'x', which is the question of human rights.


Kant's aesthetic judgement is not a good or bad level of ethics.

How it has been exploring through our different comprehension and changing of in each epoch.


Bacteria Archaea Eucaryota Aquifex Thermotoga Cytophaga Bacteroides Bacteroides-Cytophaga Planctomyces Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Spirochetes Gram-positive bacteria Green filantous bacteria Pyrodicticum Thermoproteus Thermococcus celer Methanococcus Methanobacterium Methanosarcina Halophiles Entamoebae Slime mold Animal Fungus Plant Ciliate Flagellate Trichomonad Microsporidia Diplomonad
Carl Woese's 1990 phylogenetic tree based on rRNA data shows the domains of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. All are microorganisms except some eukaryote groups.

Single-celled microorganisms were the first forms of life to develop on Earth, approximately 3.5 billion years ago.[30][31][32] Further evolution was slow,[33] and for about 3 billion years in the Precambrian eon, (much of the history of life on Earth), all organisms were microorganisms.[34][35] Bacteria, algae and fungi have been identified in amber that is 220 million years old, which shows that the morphology of microorganisms has changed little since at least the Triassic period.[36] The newly discovered biological role played by nickel, however – especially that brought about by volcanic eruptions from the Siberian Traps – may have accelerated the evolution of methanogens towards the end of the Permian–Triassic extinction event.[37]

Microorganisms tend to have a relatively fast rate of evolution. Most microorganisms can reproduce rapidly, and bacteria are also able to freely exchange genes through conjugation, transformation and transduction, even between widely divergent species.[38] This horizontal gene transfer, coupled with a high mutation rate and other means of transformation, allows microorganisms to swiftly evolve (via natural selection) to survive in new environments and respond to environmental stresses. This rapid evolution is important in medicine, as it has led to the development of multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria, superbugs, that are resistant to antibiotics.[39]

I don't want to write about Yoko Ono's work, probably, I think that I don't want to get involved in Japanese contemporary art commercialism. I want to concentrate on my own research profoundly.


Joseph Nechvatal is an artist who has been interviewed and answers very honestly.

-> Nam June Paik had dropped out from the University of Tokyo and his graduation certification is the high school in Japan. However, he has passed the entrance examination of the University of Tokyo in Japan and has the Abitur of Japanese higher education in the postwar. And he was a professional artist in the USA, I think that he has received many grants in the USA. So he has become an art professor at the art academy (Düsseldorf Fine Arts Academy) in Germany.

He was not a dropout from the Japanese higher education like today's young generation, but rather he rejected the Japanese imperial and conservative academic authority at that time in the postwar.

Hideko had improved the Japanese education system with her colleagues, in particular, female higher education and female social condition in Japan (Gender equality). – The social reform in Japan in the postwar

Hideko had recived the third class Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure in 2001.

The Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure is not for art and culture, for Academic, research, education, social welfare personnel, are Agency for Cultural Affairs, President of University, Director of Social Welfare Office, NGO.

The Order of Culture is for Japanese and permanent residents of Japan , as well as immigrant in Japan who are high-paying taxpayers who have contributed to the culture in Japan. Everyone are high-paying taypayers, who awards from over 60 (61) years old 還暦 (kanreki),  generally who is 80 (81) years old 傘寿 (sanju) for the life work.

88 years old 米寿 (beiju), 90 years old 卒寿 (sotsuju), 99 yeas old 白寿 (hakuju), 100 years old 紀寿 (kiju)/百寿 (hyakuju)

Today's awards in Japan are smart, rather pragmatic, that is not "weighted" as and for the high culture. Today's Japanese society is an advanced contemporary society, friendly and Gender equality.

Hideko and Etsuo, who were good at understanding me, I had and have no reason to rebel against them. They were liberal and tolerance, particularly, for who liked studying.


Higher education is not important, the important is the content and quality of the education.

I have no political right in Germany, even if I have received permanent residency permission in Germany in 2005, my political right is in Hiroshima city in Japan. For against racism in Germany democratically, therefore, I have no political right, only my right in Germany is protected under civil rights. Japan is my second residence place at my family, that is registered in Germany and Japan officially. Because my nationality is Japanese, that is the obligation in Japan, as well as in Germany.

What does Hume say about free will?

Hume offers his canonical statement of liberty in the Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: “by liberty, then we can only mean a power of acting or not acting, according to the determinations of the will; that is, if we choose to remain at rest, we may; if we choose to move, we also may.

(Hume on the Nature of Moral Freedom, Getty L. Lustila, 2012)

->  In the context of cultural phenomenology, I mention the contemporary art that is 'transformative knowledge' and rather multiple and global levels of a collective of transformative knowledge through the internet such as the big data and the archived materials and its documents. There are no authentic and no terms in the academic context of 'knowledge'.

However, the exploration of contemporary collective "transformative knowledge" is interesting to explore human freedom, freedom of expression, digital medium as an art material and its communication, etc. in cultural phenomena, which is a part of cultural evolution at a global level.  -> Page: Practical exploring

What is Fluid Culture through AI (Transformative Culture)? in connection with the Fixed Culture (Tradition) in the context of the place (site) which relates to the environment or/and milieu, I would like to explore the gaps, as well as between Mental Freedom and Physical Freedom, -> Soma aesthetics

From my research view, it is that humans cannot only think of "freedom" without "solving problems" cannot exceed the capacity of humans' experience. Through the experience, humans explore and improve their knowledge. It requires to use of their knowledge, i.e. realising in the life context.

The questions are; Do humans make an experience through 'reading'? What is 'reading' for humans?

Thereby, I mention that rather our 'reading' is changing, not 'writing' and 'speaking' through computer science, that makes a new experience and possibility of knowledge. For that, we need a new code, i.e. in the context of music, a new type of notation.
Thereby, I mention that rather our 'reading' is changing, not 'writing' and 'speaking' through computer science.

If you read "what you read" in the past from the present point of view, you will find something completely different. But 'the thing of being the writing' is the same, not change, what is change is 'your knowledge (Kenntnis)'. Towards that, humans describe their knowledge through their experiences in the physical site or/and virtual site, as a part of Fluid culture, that is so-called 'Avant-Garde'.

I think that is currently mistaken between counterculture and avant-garde.
For example, the beginning of Butoh (original) was counterculture, but with the change of generations, the variations appeared, and it took root and transformed into an avant-garde in each land (in each culture).

Today's reality of Butoh is "traditional", and conventional already, maybe, because of the rules of Butoh – Between knowledge and artistic rules. Creating new "things" - something, is not easy.

In German, its knowledge includes the rules are called 'to crystallize', maybe it makes sense in common for sharing, such as How to as a method.

In my artistic research method, it is different from the classical counterculture, which comes out from the gaps between nature and actual states, that was original of FLUXUS and its Notwendigkeit in the historical context of the postwar. They are dynamic and fluid, which is based on the liberal arts, that is my artistic challenge.

From those aspects, the work of Kazue Morinaga is an authentic Avant-Garde in South Japan, as a knowledge at the same level of 'Black Studies'. In Japan, people don't need to be forced the cultural ethics through American commercialism, but we can exchange knowledge for improving racism and sexism.

This paragraph alone is enough to show that the Western/European centred arts and humanities of the 20th century are close to superstition.

-> He specialized in international relations (particurally between USA and Japan) and excels in Business English.

-> Theoretical exploring model x 3, I am researching current "black" (not "white side", it will be grey.) art in contemporary artists who creates an innovative artwork for new life independently, that is a task in this theoretical exploring. -> Black is beautiful vividly and vivid life

Black is the vivid colour in the group of colours.

Knowledge is a familiarity or awareness, of someone or something, such as facts (descriptive knowledge), skills (procedural knowledge), or objects (acquaintance knowledge) contributing to ones understanding.[1] By most accounts, knowledge can be acquired in many different ways and from many sources, including but not limited to perception, reason, memory, testimony, scientific inquiry, education, and practice. The philosophical study of knowledge is called epistemology.


“Self-knowledge” usually refers to a person's knowledge of their own sensations, thoughts, beliefs, and other mental states.[11] A number of questions regarding self-knowledge have been the subject of extensive debates in philosophy, including whether self-knowledge differs from other types of knowledge, whether we have privileged self-knowledge compared to knowledge of other minds, and the nature of our acquaintance with ourselves.[11] David Hume expressed skepticism about whether we could ever have self-knowledge over and above our immediate awareness of a "bundle of perceptions", which was part of his broader skepticism about personal identity.[11]


Situated knowledge is knowledge specific to a particular situation. It was used by Donna Haraway as an extension of the feminist approaches of "successor science" suggested by Sandra Harding, one which "offers a more adequate, richer, better account of a world, in order to live in it well and in critical, reflexive relation to our own as well as others' practices of domination and the unequal parts of privilege and oppression that makes up all positions."[22] This situation partially transforms science into a narrative, which Arturo Escobar explains as, "neither fictions nor supposed facts." This narrative of situation is historical textures woven of fact and fiction, and as Escobar explains further, "even the most neutral scientific domains are narratives in this sense," insisting that rather than a purpose dismissing science as a trivial matter of contingency, "it is to treat (this narrative) in the most serious way, without succumbing to its mystification as 'the truth' or to the ironic skepticism common to many critiques."[23]

On Power and Capitalism:


About an example of the construction of a luxury skyscraper condominium in the centre of Hiroshima city.

Since 2000, the Atomic Bomb Dome has been under UNESCO's jurisdiction, and since Mayor Akiba from Tokyo declared Hiroshima a city like Boston, it has transitioned to American-capitalized urban central capitalism.

Citizens' opposition to the construction of high-rise buildings and questions and protests to the mayor of Hiroshima include the issue of solar radiation, those reminiscent of real estate prices, environmental destruction, equipment issues such as sewerage, improvement of social welfare including tax system and educational issues.

From construction planning, via Construction permission to land sale, people have been discussing for almost 10–15 years (all the procedure for urban planning is (more or less) about 20 years or more), for solving the issues and its fairness. The construction of one or two skyscrapers after such discussions will be the process of urban development. There are not as many skyscrapers of modern architecture in Hiroshima City and in the centre of Hiroshima City as in other cities. So, continually people had demanded fair revisions until the mayor wants to quit, people have questioned Mayor Akiba about his idealism. So there is no post-construction opposition movement, as the citizens are convinced.

More than 30 years have passed since the collapse of Eastern Europe. It is impossible to go back to the 1970s. Cities and their cultural evolution are needed in some way, that is up to people (Citizens) individually. A city is a collective of individuals.– Decentralisation

1. Art should not interfere with children's and teenager's learning.

2. The role of art gives an opportunity of a literary experience for children and adolescents dreams, hopes, disappoint and sadness for developing rich sensibilities.




Thing(s) that adults don't have, only children have. It's a big future. All children have it in the world.

A big 'future' of children is an immaterial treasure.

Bell Hooks


Regarding her sexual identity, hooks described herself as "queer-pas-gay".[40][41][42] She uses the term "pas" from the French language, translating to "not" in the English language. hook describes being queer in her own words as "not who you’re having sex with, but about being at odds with everything around it".[43]  She states, "As the essence of queer, I think of Tim Dean’s work on being queer and queer not as being about who you’re having sex with – that can be a dimension of it – but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and it has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live."[44]

What can we leave for their future? Knowledge? or Technology? or Hatred by the wars? or anything else? or something else?

The future of the child in front of you is immeasurable. Each one of them will be responsible for the world and will create the world in the future.

The audio guide for the exhibition in Kreuzberg, Berlin, it was a recording, where German and immigrant children visited the artist's atelier and talked about the works of the exhibition what they saw. – Chirdren's perception on the artwork

They talked about my artwork B.O.D.Y. (2010)- the wall installation

It was an art mediation project under the direction of Katharina Jedermann at the Institute for art and context by the University of Arts Berlin.

Arguments for nihilism

Argument from queerness

Argument from explanatory impotence

Gilbert Harman argued that we do not need to posit the existence of objective values in order to explain our 'moral observations'.[14]

Harman, Gilbert (1977). The Nature of Morality: An Introduction to Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195021431. OCLC 2725781.

I believe that morals are the conflict or contradiction, that is occurring between 'I' - the inner world and the outer world, not a measure that imposes on others. That is the different viewpoint with Idealism culture, which is towards Western commercialism.

  • Marx's theory of 'capital' as a convert for the nation as a social and economic system:

  • Immateriality in the context of society and its 'x' as an open account in the context of Marx's and Walter Benjamin's an open account 'aura'. Thereby the questions are for 'immateriality' which transcendence is in the context of Marx's, such as towards Beyond, and which is Benjamin's human aspect of environmental 'immateriality' or 'immateriality' in the environment, in other words, difference of 'x' without quantum's natural phenomenon (ideal, naturalism, and geistig phenomenological) in the context of Marx's and with quantum's natural phenomenon (without ideal, and natural phenomenological) in the context of Benjamin's, such as 'free will'.


Decentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

Concepts of decentralization has been applied to group dynamics and management science in private businesses and organizations, political science, law and public administration, economics, money and technology.

On photography as literature or photography as a concept in the context of Marx's:
Khadija Saye's photographic series work contrasts to the photographic series work of Arpita Shah. Saye's portrait series shows us 'free will' in the photographic sense and possibility of photographic techniques, to question what is photography, as well as questioning the literary sense of photography on a two dimensional surface.
Another one is Shah's portrait series, which is based on classical Marxist's theory including Hegemony, as photography is towards classical painting of portrait. Nevertheless, from the female concept against the male hegemony (man and women society). She has a connection with her society, probably with her national society and/or her cultural society. That is a global south in the Photography industry, in other words, that is in the context of today's international global industry from the south.

As an artwork, the aesthetic value of Saye's is authentic.

Shah is rather from the sociological aspect, might be able to give the chance to photography as an artwork. Anyhow, she uses the classical view of fine arts strategically, that is probably a core of her photographic concept, which is against the high art and its transcendence in her culture. It is often called 'simulation', particularly in the study of international relations. Probably it is hegemony of Marxist-feminism, can be a sense of dispositive in the photography.

-> As a critical theory, I would like to mention Umberto Eco's towards in Non-Western culture and in global south cultures

Is it possible to make an experience through the reading? How do you politically understand and choose what you haven't experienced the reality in the world? But the reality is what's happening in the world, I need to deal with those issues in my environment.

I have to think for myrself and make my own free will, not be forced by someone in power.

But how? -> Reading in the informational society.

I will respond to Joseph Nechvatal's review with academic writing from the aspect of the 21st century. (in the works)

Yoko & John replaced the black movement with symbolism, creating a fashion called pop art in the 1970s, which was a part of the movement of FLUXUS towards the high art culture using the commercial strategy. It may have been transformed into a new transformative notion, but they couldn't touch on human rights profoundly. Human rights are the rights of the individual, which cannot be "represented" by anyone. Art cannot be copied and cannot be repeated. It's the same as not being able to repeat the age. Today, it is used by the commercial, are creating soft fascism in binary between good and bad phenomenologically, without the content of a person. (without truth of a person/persons)

It is opposed with it, that is the artwork by Joseph Nechvatal. Pop art (Andy Warhol) vs. Conceptual art (Marcel Duchamp) -> Question for Danto's.

As of the 21st century, it cannot be "regenerated" as a fashion. It is the artist's task to create new things.

In "still/silent", on Hiroshima, for the historical subject, I am a second generation of A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima-city, that dynamic with many others is also ongoing biologically, not a symbolic event.

Today's research on Ethics in the arts, which is for human rights, requires to explore from the aspect of molecular biology. That is one of the important tasks for the artists in contemporary society critically, i.e. normality and abnormality towards gene editing, society and environment as well as its milieu, and so on. Hence, it will be able to become out with a new lifestyle naturally. That is humans' autonomy and the 'free will' of humans at the intelligent level of humans naturally, that 'creation' through human life including technology and science is so-called civilisation.

In my artistic research method, it differs from the classic counterculture that emerges from the gaps between nature and actual states, which was originally from FLUXUS and their necessity in the post-war historical context. Their dynamic and fluid movement, which sort of art was based on the liberal arts and not commercialized, is one of my artistic challenges.

African future with ethnic and civil war issues in the African Politics, Post Pan-Africanism and Decolonization

Visual arts and Music

New life style



The content of individual level for the democratic discourse is a point of view at the social level in each country. – Cultural Uniqueness in each geographical and cultural context


In the context of cultural phenomenology, I mention contemporary art, which is "transformative knowledge" that is rather and more multi-level and global from a collective collection e.g. through the internet such as big data and the archival materials, and their documents. There is no authenticity and no terms in the academic sense of 'knowledge', but rather contemporary art insists on 'transformative knowledge' through everyday life today.

is a new social articulation from the aspect of the 21st century biologically, which is in the part of medical ethics.

Art is something, something 'x'.

Post Duchamp and Conceptual art without concept:



As an idea for conceptual art without concept,
which aesthetic idea in art is an experience that exists in individual person's, not from the ideal form in formalism. That is fluid and dynamic.

I seem to get my best political ideas when looking for aesthetic solutions.—Lorraine O’Grady

The form of my work has proven to me to be more important than the content. If you had told me when I started forty years ago that I would be saying that, I would probably have laughed. But the diptych has always been, in a sense, my primary form, even in the performances. For me, the diptych can only be both/and. When you put two things that are related and yet totally dissimilar in a position of equality on the wall, for example, they set up a conversation that is never-ending.—Lorraine O’Grady


On Subjectivity and its seeing-in in the photography:

Photography as a contemporary philosophy, by analogue, and digital and analog prints, through the procedure(s) of the optical and chemical phenomenology of time and space, which transform thing(s) and their event(s) into two-dimensional surface. By digital, through the procedure of the optical and data phenomenology of time and space topologically, which transforms the thing(s) and their event(s) into two-dimensional surface. Thereby, there is an affection of humans towards photographical events, thus, I question emotion and perception. An affection can be a feeling of 'hate', is an aesthetic taste or mentarity through the habit.

-> in the last chapter of Joseph Necvatal's doctoral thesis

-> After Danto's, I will back to the account of Adorno, music in Anthropology -> Linguistics -> Notion of Avant-Garde in the contemporary society

-> I will back to the account of Nanay

-> Environment and Queer's  (space and time), on ethics in the arts from the aspect of the 21st century

The Issue of FLUXUS today between commecialisation and free will of art in global economic Idealism (Artistic Professionality between Commercial Art and Non-Profit): That is through the cultural institutions and their commercialization, was made together with the global free economic components, such as together with international cultur competition, global art fair and art auction, etc. – Sponsorship or Institutional funding, or Commercialization, or?

This situtation is similar in the academy at the international level, because of the global coorparations and the networks.

-> Green x (Winter, 2022 –)

Killings of women and girlsby their intimate partneror other family members

Global estimates 2020


Some 47,000 women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members in 2020. This means that, on average, a woman or girl is killed by someone in her own family every 11 minutes. Where trends can be calculated, they show that the magnitude of such gender-related killings remains largely unchanged, however, with only marginal increases and decreases over the past decade.

Femicide or feminicide is a hate crime term, broadly defined as "the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female", though definitions vary depending on its cultural context.[1] Feminist author Diana E. H. Russell was the first person to define and disseminate this term in modern times, in 1976. She defines the word as "the killing of females by males because they are female." Other feminists place emphasis on the intention or purpose of the act being directed at females specifically because they are female. Others include the killing of females by females.[2]

Intimate partner violence affects 3 in 10 women over a lifetime, and it is estimated that 13.5% of homicides globally involved intimate partners, and these percentage of killings are gendered.[3][4] Opponents argue that since over 80% of all murder victims are men, the term places too much emphasis on the less prevalent murder of females. However, a partner is responsible in almost 40% of homicides involving a female victim, compared with 6% partner responsibility for homicides involving a male victim.[3] In addition, the study of femicide is a social challenge.[5]

An alternative term offered is gendercide, which is considered more ambivalent and inclusive. However, some feminists argue that the term gendercide perpetuates the taboo of the subject of the murder of females and proves the continual silencing power of dominant male structures in society.[6] Feminists also argue that the motives for femicide are vastly different than those for androcide. Instead of centering in street violence, much of femicide is centered within the home, i.e., domestic violence as well as elected abortions.[7]

African homosexuality laws

In most of countries in Africa,


Same-sex Sexual Activity Illegal


  Arrests, detention or prison


  Unapplied death penalty

Same-sex Sexual Activity Legal

  Same-sex Marriage Legal, only in South Africa
No Recognition of Same-sex couples

Major French philosophers associated with post-structuralism, post-modernism, and/or deconstruction, including Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, engaged deeply with both Marxism and psychoanalysis. Most notably, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari collaborated on the theoretical work Capitalism and Schizophrenia in two volumes: Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).

Variation of 'x'

In the 21st century, this philosophical knowledge is already part of our human (industrial) habit globally. Originally, philosophers views were from the critical theories, but finally, from the economical reason, today it works in the context of Idealism commercially.

Bell Hooks's

biological resistance against/deconstruct violence, as well as hegemony

Black is a brilliant colour and is materialised vividly on two-dimensional surface.

In the photography, it is through the phenomenon of light and the procedure of development.

Black absorbs light.

The black absorbs the energy of various lights (as well as UV light), thereby the temperature is the highest. The higher the temperature by absorbing various energies, it looks darker phenomenologically. -> Mind, Perception, and so on.

Zanele Muholi's work as a visual activist for us is generalised already through American contemporary photography. However, the stimulation through her visual design and its narrative is towards British High Art and its formalism. I think that she will overcome British and European colonialism by her life and work of art. For the political effect in South Africa as well as the Global South, I don't know yet, because I don't know current the South African Politics and its international Relations well, but it makes the sense dynamically and vividly, about that is I am sure.

Same-sex marriage in South Africa has been legal since the Civil Union Act, 2006 came into force on 30 November 2006. The decision of the Constitutional Court in the case of Minister of Home Affairs v Fourie on 1 December 2005 extended the common-law definition of marriage to include same-sex spouses—as the Constitution of South Africa guarantees equal protection before the law to all citizens regardless of sexual orientation—and gave Parliament one year to rectify the inequality in the marriage statutes. On 14 November 2006, the National Assembly passed a law allowing same-sex couples to legally solemnise their union 229 to 41, which was subsequently approved by the National Council of Provinces on 28 November in a 36 to 11 vote, and the law came into effect two days later. South Africa was the fifth country in the world and the first in Africa to legalise same-sex marriage.[1]

The subsequent growth of the information society and the appearance of the infosphere (the semantic environment which millions of people inhabit nowadays) led19

contemporary philosophy to privilege critical reflection on the domain represented by the memory and languages of organised knowledge, the instruments whereby the

infosphere is modelled and managedthus moving from epistemology to philosophy of language and logic (Dummett 1993)and then on the nature of its

very fabric and essence, information itself. Information has thus arisen as a concept as fundamental and important as “being”, “knowledge”, “life”, “intelligence”,

“meaning” or “good and evil”all pivotal concepts with which it is interdependentand so equally worthy of autonomous investigation. It is also a more basic concept, in terms of which the other can be expressed and interrelated, when not defined. In this sense, Evans was right:

Evans had the idea that there is a much cruder and more fundamental concept than that of knowledge on which philosophers have concentrated so much, namely the concept of information. Information is conveyed by perception, and retained by memory, though also transmitted by means of language. One needs to concentrate on that concept before one approaches that of knowledge in the proper sense. Information is acquired, for example, without one’s necessarily having a grasp of the proposition which embodies it; the flow of information operates at a much more basic level than the acquisition and transmission of knowledge. I think that this conception deserves to be explored. It’s not one that ever occurred to me before I read Evans, but it is probably fruitful. That also distinguishes this work very sharply from traditional epistemology. (Dummett 1993, p. 186).

This is why PI can be introduced as a forthcoming philosophia prima, both in the Aristotelian sense of the primacy of its object, information, which PI claims to be a fundamental component in any environment, and in the Cartesian-Kantian sense of the primacy of its methodology and problems, since PI aspires to provide a most valuable, comprehensive approach to philosophical investigations.


         PI, understood as a foundational philosophy of information modelling and design, can explain and guide the purposeful construction of our intellectual environment, and provide the systematic treatment of the conceptual foundations of contemporary society. It enables humanity to make sense of the world and construct it responsibly, reaching a new stage in the semanticisation of being. If what has been suggested here is correct, the current development of PI may be delayed but remains inevitable, and it will affect the overall way in which we address both new and old philosophical problems, bringing about a substantial innovation of the philosophical system. This will represent the information turn in philosophy. Clearly, PI promises to be one of the most exciting and fruitful areas of philosophical research of our time.

(Chapter I, Introduction: What is the Philosophy of Information?, Luciano Florid, Oxford: OUP, 2011, pp. 19-20)

In fact, our current 'knowledge' is higher than the knowledge of Marx's in the context of classical hegemony, if people study really.

In doing so, there is the social issue of "revolutionary" ideas or ideology by those who fell out of contemporary society. Because social normality is the dispositive of the era of Marx's.

The issue with 'revolutionary' ideology by hegemony is main today's factors of the world conflicts in the context of the Western and Eastern economically and politically. Because of the autorities and their (military) powers, which are not the social innovation and reformation for and by perople democratically. Thereby, the questions for the social reformation through autonomy, and for the integration of the social layers of falling out social groups into the contemporary society. There are many different social and capital contexts of socialism, communism and free economical, and so on in the world.

We humans stand at a turning point for exploring and organising of something new system for the future.

Post-Marx, Post-Feminism in the 21st century

A norm without norm

From the aspect of Queer studies, I am Non-binary and pronouns they/them, form/manner of address is not so important in my original culture of Japanese, because there is not form/manner of address of formalism, there is just for the form of politeness, e.g. as "-san (さん)". - Social manner and colonialism as well as racism by Western formalism

Today, we call it 'social role', it is up to the social organisation in each country. Even in the EU, each contry has different organisation of 'sex' as social role. e.g. in the case of Sweden.

For me, 'gender' is not so important, as well as 'race' and 'nationality', the important is a person's sensibility, how it is and what it is. In other words, at the communication level, I have no problem with everyone, I can talk, but at the touching level, maybe I am very closed personally. The distance of corona infections measurements is fit for me, because I don't like to be touched by unknown person. In that sense, I am childish. So, I don't want to be sexy and I reject my sexual attractivity in the context of commercial industry.

I think that the distance of corona infections measurements is effective in preventing sexual abuse and sexual violence.

But, what 'hurts' for me does not mean "painful" for you. It might be a pleasure (pleasant feeling of acturality) for or by a person. So, I mean that 'sense' is individual and we cannot share 'sense'. Therefore, what is important in the communication between different individuals, is for 'respecting' each other of differences naturally, and for differences, not for forcing each other.

From the genetic aspect, whether I can define my gender by myself, that I am not sure currently, especially after the corona pandemic in 2020, and its systematic digitalisation of the governance. I am 100% sure, my gene is so-called 'female', medically "my sex chromosome consists of the X and the Y.". Probably, sex chromosome of the X and the Y has widdly resolutions and /or as a natural phenomenon that is 'regenerated' in my body, together with other factors in the environment, which is my truth.

Currently, I explore it profoundly and commonly.

-> Questioning for What are “being”, “knowledge”, “life”, “intelligence” in the context of the 21st century?

-> My point of view is critical from the aspect of mathematics, which gaps we cannot describe literarily.
One is the limitation of computer science and mathematical issues.
Another one is our humans' knowledge and its limitations.

I think that we should not forget, at least, it's humans who read and disprove information, no matter how smart, fast, fair and systematic it is.

– Critic towards 'IT/OT-Infrastruktur'

On topographical reading in plurality

by erika matsunami


Berlin, January 2022

A draft_02: 9'59''

Art and Design
Design and Ethics

'Whole' is a philosophical idea of human.

It sets the units and criteria.


What we need to explore, that is for 'human rights' in the 21st century.

Ethics is for that, and that is humans' intelligence and knowledge.

I think that 'entity' (Wesen, Dinge, Eigenheit, and so on) is in the context of Kant's account and its autonomy. That is based on social democratic idea in Germany politically.

'Unity' (Einheitlichkeit/homogeneity, Geschlossenheit/wholeness, Gemeinsamkeit/commonality, and so on) is rather its sense in communism politically, its internationalism, i.e. utopia.

Historically, in Germany between social democrats and communists were fighting each other because of difference between entity and unity.

A collective consists of each 'entity' and makes sense, is social democratic idea.

In communism, a collective is a group of unity (Einheitlichkeit/homogeneity), thereby monadology is the authority of oneness. -> Totalitarianism

German National Socialism is social democratic idea plus ideology, but it was rather 'German National Communism'. I think that German philosophers in German idealism such as Heidegger among others, used the term of 'Socialism' strategically. I call it 'Rotkäppchen' effect.

I think that Italian communism was rather 'entity', because of the context of 'autonomy' in Italian philosophy.


in the 21st century

Digital materiality

Physical materiality

Virtual environment


The problem (of Idealism in art) with 'Fountain' (1917) by Duchamp in contemporary art (towards the context of idealism historically) is that as an 'attention', that has the effect of eliminating the sense of reality, and the emphasis is on psychological effects ('affection' of artwork). And the "modelling" that is the basis of actual art is no longer valid. And it is replacing the position of art (in Humanities and Arts) with the critical theory of modern society. Politically, it was and is "banality", and culturally it was and is "triviality", which was and is towards German cultural history directly, as well as other hegemonic cultures clearly. -> Immersive noise or Immersion into noise?

At that time, in Germany there was 'trash art' already, it was unclear between goods (mass product) or artwork? Due to exploring Design through Bauhaus. 'trash art' was against valuable culture. Even today, in Germany, there is 'trash art', which is the important avant-garde. The issue of 'trash art' is just transformative noise that does not solve the social problem, and as an artwork has no value, that is the aim of 'trash art'. However, Duchamp had conceptualised his account of 'ready-made' philosophically, which is not "ZERO degrees".

I call Duchamp's chamber pot is one of the designed goods, and he conceptualised 'entity' in modern society. he showed that design and ethics.

That was not a joke of him, rather, his work ridicules the Art Enlightenment and the Western Enlightenment towards German Nazi Art ironically. Because German Nazi Art was no meaning as 'Art', they believed that they are the world's important artists through German Idealism essentially, actually, they had just copied from the Italian Renaissance for their hegemony. That was the problem with German Idealism, who did not understand German idealism, even today, a very few Germans can understand German idealism, such as Kant essentially. It was the fashion in Germany at that time. For example, Heidegger was a fashionable philosopher, who was not essentialist, he played just as if an essentialist and as if German high cultur.

Virtual time and space, which is limited.


Time and space in the nature, which is changing permanently.


The limitation of 'entity' by humans is the nature, that is the limitation of human knowledge towards nature.

From this point of view, Bertrand Russell was right, what he argued towards German idealism in philosophy.

Aesthetic attention or Essentialism?

Including classical painting and sculpture, a kind of documentation, that is so-called 'arti-facte'.

In the contemporary art, there is a 'new', that is something of 'x' , is an artwork.

SSI 2022 conference Keynoe talk: Jason Gaiger, University of Oxford
The One and the Many: Huyghe’s Untilled

On 'Ready made' of Fountain (1917) by Duchamp


On this subject, I can write a teaching paper (artist talk) on 'ready made' at the Fine arts doctoral level. Hereby, I touch on Ready made' of Fountain (1917) by Duchamp briefly, in the context of 'property' in the art.


In modernity, humans creation had overcome the phase of 'mimesis', through the materiality and artistic techniques which relates to science. At the same time, it was a starting point of Anthropocene from the aspect of the 21st century, and he described with his Fountain (1917) critically.


In this sense, 'Ready made' of Fountain (1917) by Duchamp is already an archaeological one today. Duchamp is not an artist in (artistic) modernity for the 21st century yet, due to his rhetorics. (Most of the researchers read his Fountain (1917) from the rhetorical aspect. Because Duscham had studied painting, but, he was an intermediate artist, probably a first one and for both of art painting and sculpture was inspired, more than Picasso from this aspect. Picasso was a classical liberal arts-based artist.) 

However, he tried for an Avant-Garde in (artistic) modernity towards constitution conceptually. So, I read his 'Ready made' of Fountain (1917) by Duchamp literary and conceptual art, therefore, I cannot ignore Marx's theory, as well as Benjamin and Cassirer. His ready-made is not a symbolic one, but rather critical and radical towards symbolic art.


There were many other 'Ready made' by Bauhaus students at that time, which was my direction of exploring 'Ready made' generally, is an open account.

The art study which practice-based study on property in materiality and immateriality, is our subject in the study of art forever.

Duchamp in the study of art is at the level of post-graduate for doctoral thesis in the Fine arts.

„Untilled“ by Pierre Huyghe consists of his words, whether a collecting of the materials or a collecting of the words as an artwork in the environment? or Neither. Because we can touch his materials in a environment.


I believe that it works on the virtual space also.

It is an interesting work to see in the midst of natural changes such as typhoons, floods, and thunder. We can understand 'Rhetoric' of Ancient Greek Philosophy, by whom has been believing that and how. That is the ontological gap of humans between virtual reality in the virtual environment and physical reality in the environment. It applies to contemporary modernity such as in Japan, China, South Korea, India, and so on, which countries have no exploration of media theory from the critical aspect.

Our world seems to be growing "at first glance", but in reality nothing has changed. Rather, it is substantially declining.  That is the global isuue in the world. We are losing 'essentiality' of life generally.

„Untilled“ by Pierre Huyghe is based on the media theory from critical aspect.

„Untilled“ is the limitation of humans including himself, is the limitation of Boyce, due to the ontology itself or ontological exploring in the art. For me from the aspect of my research, it is the limitation of German art sicne 1900s ontologically, was mainstream in Germany historically. After the original of 'something' will come out in the art and culture biologically, not only in the art academy and not only in the art industry, as well as out of Europe, and out of artistic genre. One is based on Queer studies, and community art and their installation artwork in the art field of architecture, design, artistic research, liberal arts, and so on in the context of 'transdisciplinary' research for a new articulation, construction, and funderisation in the context of essence of life (environment/milieu).

Materiality and Immateriality

-> It was a great interesting and inspiring talk. Just as an annotation (Anmerkung); This presentation was using the two-dimensional images of 'site-specific' installation, thereby it lacks the dimension of sound, such as noise by bees. So, that is clear, the leitmotifs of the artist in this artwork is 'environment', which would be appeared phenomenologically. Aesthetically, it might be 'scare' or ironical expression in a literary sense or something a new sound in a sense of this artwork, not for general sense. Thus it is clear not 'unity', but rather 'entity' in this context.

Whether this artwork is good or bad, it has a value of watching, in the terms of aesthetics, this artwork can appreciate, means 'we can discuss , as well as reflect on this artwork.'. 

In Germany, there are many types of art, "What do you do after this?" The idea is political, but after an art project, its "garbage disposal" problem. For that reason, I chosed "Ruins*" for the space in my project (but, a mmanaged way of art festival and in private space), was a concept of my project, which located project in a cartographic context, was on 'emptyness' - MA (間) in between the properties, was in-between space in the society mathematically. MA (間) is similar to 'Niche'. Between 0 and 1, and 1 and 2 are infinity mathematically.

It was an immagination of between 'passt and future' in Germany for us artists.

*Ruin in this context is the city 'Hiroshima' and 'West-Berlin', as well as 'Nagasaki', which city was after the Second World War, would become the city of anti-Racism, anti-Fascism, anti-Nazism as well anti-Imperialism, anti-War, anti-Nuclear Weapon, and so on, was based on the regional rule (localisation) as well as international rules, which was a new notion in the sentence (the post-war new constitution). That was an imagination for us artists, academicians, and scientists all over the world. Thereby 'Anti-' did not mean 'demonstration', we did not demonstrate on the street, but rather 'creation', it was enough 'Anti'- towards German Feudalism and Japanese Feudalism (Mono-centralized authority as Human nature), which creation was not only the act by the arts.

These towns were special towns. If one did not have 'will' (Notwendigkeit und Vernunft (reason)) independently, did not go those cities. Therefore, in the 21st century, in those cities, after the Second World War, the experienced and researched people became the important positions in the world now in the 21st century, left their notions. I am very happy for that.

For example, in medicine, it is a cancer research, as well as biology, philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, in every academic and scientific fields, was the starting point of the new notion in the international sentence. That was 'will' of Humans all over the world.

-> Thereby the question for 'ethics', was the same question in the context of Joseph Boyce, in the which ways?

All substances have energy. By the words of Einstein "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.". From the point of view of Quantum mechanics, the material is not alternative, but in traditional Western art, artistic material is proportional to artistic value. I think tha it's the same in music that the pitch and timbre of the piano are the material of the composer's artistry. But there is no "absoluteness" in it.

This draft is my doctoral project, currently, I am re-writing and re-designing (improving) my doctoral proposal. I have a self-critic for this draft. Probably, it will be by a new logic, not before shifting, after shifting one. It means that I don't shift at the doctoral study before I will shift. Therefore, I am shifting in 'transmediate' practically.

We are seeing the artwork at the museum today, which artwork of contemporary art is not maturity yet, it's so-called opportunity of humans creativity.

The progressive artwork is the same time our progressive human history collectivity. I menstion that is 'transformative culture'.

The next stage of his installation „Untilled“ is probably to 'loose', but how it will be loosed in a sapce?

If the artist could provide it through his artwork, it might be "imagination" (a positive way of the Western's) in the contemporary art.

I think that the logic of Western language if the language sense (the essence of life) loses 'imagination', it would be a danger of 'rationalised' in sense. 'imagination' is a positive way of the essence in the Western language, what Japanese does not have because Japanese is an associational language, not interpretative.

Soziale Skulptur (Social sculpture) is a new notion in Germany, post-war, in the context of German social democratic idea and its ethics in the art (influenced of Anthroposophie is which against Anthropocene ontologically), which was accounted by Boyce, is not identical with Duchamp's conceptual art.

In Germany, that is the complex history between Catholic and Evangelical culture in terms of German Idealism.

Anthroposophie was identified in nature. Thereby my critical position towards Anthroposophie is clarifying to 'nature' from the aspect of the 21st century. 'Nature' is, through whether we humans are seeing, perceiving and feeling? So, What is 'Nature'? and What is 'Humans sense'? Today, Anthroposophie is the German tradition. Thus, we need to study 'environment'.

What is 'environment'?, that is a question for the limitation of Boyce's account of Soziale Skulptur.


-> Aesthetics in Ethics and Design

-> Notion of Avant-Garde

-> Notion of art

Wollheim had researched in the context of Wittgenstein also. From the aspect of my research, Wohllheim explored rather Wittgenstein's logic in aesthetics and ethics from the research field of astehtics and its astetic value.

For example, a global cultural phenomenon is that a young Korean woman worked in a Chinese-owned Korean restaurant during a working holiday while she was in Germany. Her chef in the kitchen was an African-German. About this person, not from my mother, so she told me, "I learned how to 'cook rice the Korean way' in Germany." – Cultural manualization and its economy

What is "culture" for us today? However, she had given up patriotism.

Question for 'Freedom' in the context of openness and manualisation as equality from the aspect of the global liberal economy.

From  the aspect of my artistic research, Wittgenstein had solved this issue. -> Ethics in art

Political question in the context of art representation, as well as artistic content is on 'democracy' and in particular, 'human-rights in the context of civil right, in euch location. And it is also affection between different locations by globality and liberal economy in the world.

Is 'installation' an art medium?


Without medium, we cannot provide the notion of humans, especially in the field of creativity. Thereby, installation is one of the important art medium, probalby more than sclupture.
The artistic research will ongoing with materiality and immateriality which adresses 'space and time' and its communication in the environment(s), as well as it will explore critically.

My understanding of Wittgenstein's is an open account, particularly for 'ratio' and geometry. Today's geometry is topological exploring as well, which relates to materiality.

Matematical expression of 'time and space' is not only three dimenssional today.