A strating point in 2022:

Practical exploring model x 2 for 2022

Under construction

-> For the Practice-Based academic PhD in Fine Arts in the UK, I have spoken with the director of Institut in English in the UK personally (face to face), was a Q&A interview in January 2022. For that, I explore at the doctoral level in artistic research. I work as an artist continually.

Writing the text as well as a poem in the practical exploring model x 1: I am exploring my own method after the writing letter workshop with Adriana Knouf by ICI in 2021. I like her workshop very much.

Thank you for Adriana Knouf indeed, as well as Joseph Nechvatal.

It has nothing to relate with the PhD in Performing Art in Art Academy/Art university.

In the AI organised Age, after the Corona Pandemic in Europe, people don't need to care and give to attention others (other personal data). You must only take care own data. Thereby the important is 'taking a communication personally.'.

This video link with PW is for the application, it is the rule that the video is still in private, as the art project does not start yet. I am keeping the rule.

The research genetic blueprint of Erika Matsunami artistic research at the doctoral level:

A starting point of exploration in ethics for Green x (Winter 2022–)

This video is for a study (for the future SAR conference on artistic research) in ethics at the level of PhD in contemporary art and contemporary fine arts, and a starting point generally, in which context of Human and Non-Human society from the aspect of transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary.

Thereby I explore the research method, and this video is still artistic research, not an artistic production.

Olivine–a new notion in a sentence

In this video, it's the key point of that the person who's talking is anonymous, who's talking is nasal. Can you feel the person's physical condition by listening to the person's voice?

In the video, the authorship is clear, but no one introduces, who is speaking, is anonym. It is the same as painting.

Listening to people is not a duty or moral. If you don't want to hear it, you don't have to hear it, and if you don't want to see it, you don't have to see it. Please judge for yourself.

I would like to question the medical interview by AI in the future health care or/and education.

I did not have any videos for SIG I the language-based artistic research by SAR. I did not create any videos for SIG I the language-based artistic research by SAR yet. I explore another subject of SIG I. I don't know whether I can have a common research field with SIG I. I showed them my video work for questioning them how they can understand my artistic research, whether we can communicate. But they responded to me, they want to use my video for Begleitung/attendance and Vermittlung/mediation their archive project. They need someone to care for their archive.

Their archive project does not much give to the researcher, due to the concept of design as an archive. As an artwork to enjoy, this archive is not suitable.

So, I did not understand for which purpose they collected the artistic research. However, my video does not work for their aim of using my video, because it is a video in the context of my artistic research.

On topographical reading in plurality

by erika matsunami


Berlin, January 2022

A draft_02: 9'59''



- is writing and writing

On environment in music, visual arts, and architecture

An archive design for a kind of gaming using AI which is for a new type of art mediation:

As an artwork in this archive, there are many a kind of parodies of contemporary art, which is as a source for exploration. -> entertainment art (Unterhaltungskunst)

I cannot shift the content of artworks as well artistic expositions, but I shift them in the representational format. This shifting is a part of my idea 'Warp' in Green x. -> Introduction

->Page for a practical exploring of a new type of art mediation

I received the short comments for my question, which was If/when you have time, please look at this video, and give me your thoughts. Thank you so much for my colleagues.

It was very different between German speakers, English speakers and other language speakers. They are all professionals, such as filmmaker, art curator, architecture, art critic, philosopher, artist, actor, musician, teacher and academician, and so on.

For German speakers, I need to create this video for 30 minutes, 10 minutes is too short in English mainly. or I need to create this video in German mainly.

We can really talk (enjoy being creative) in the context of Wittgenstein's, it makes sense for us as creative communication.

A comment was "cool poem. e that the egg is estimated as a ball. (...)", from a filmmaker and art curator, who is an English speaker (This person speaks English as mother language, and as well as German as mother language, and French. (two-lingual plus one or three-lingual))

A German speaker, musician and music teacher: Auf jeden Fall spannend. Die Gechichte mit dem Ei ist sehr überraschend und ästhetisch. hab nicht ganz verstanden was die Buchstaben bedeuten. Ich fnde den Text viel zu schnell oder auch wäre glaube ich weniger mehr. (...).

A German speaker, actor: (...). Toll mit dem Ei und dann mit dem Text. (...)

An English speaker, art criticism, philosopher and artist: very nice.

Non-German speaker, architecture and academician: video is private. (in the East part of the EU) With PW-condition, and its data protection.

A Dutch and Non-Western language speaker, visual artist: Giving meaning or giving word instead of X for example is only because we need order in our thoughts and feeling, rationale and emotional to be able to put things at the right place ..we all look alike, the same like the egg but in a different series number or how we call it different DNA… We can not have definitely one meaning or word for everything but we can visualize the other without any meaning….(...)

I received, (additionally, watched twice), "I like the last post…. And I agree about….. Her radical modesty is a message, and the decision of non-verbalising her charts hints that the words often separate us from understanding and experiencing and that the real transmission – creation or healing – happens beyond words!!"

and so on.

A. PAGLIARO (1952, p. 309): "La nozione di proposizione elementare, i cui nomi sono dei nomi propri, cioe identici con l'oggetto che designano, non e di proposizione linguistica. IIlinguaggio di cui parlano i logici matematici, non e veramente i1 nostro linguaggio, cioe iI puro linguaggio fonico [... J."


Everyday Language as Nomenclature in the Tractatus

If they have a question or an argument, they can question me personally. So, this video is still in private presentation with the password, not for representation yet.



Post education theory-> It will be started that humans won't be educated to be 'human' in idealism any more in the 21st century naturally.




-> In Japanese,

"pure phonic language" called Kotodama/言霊 archaeological linguistically.


-> Research question

On visual and content as an audiovisual poem from the aspect of art theory:

How it might be possible the various way of exploring the concept with multi-media?

Is it necessary for the meaning of things or in the event to be posted? -> question for visual and audio as a composition

The problem with art education on the eastern side is the lack of media theory generally. Thereby Ethics in mdeia as well as Philosophy of the Infromation is rather oriented on idealism, in which terms of Ethics. This was socially clear in Germany after the unification. For example, the psychological consumption of Eastern Germans in the 1990s. There is a difference from those who have re-studied in Western Germany.

I understand how important these references are. And I am exploring the gap in the current 21st century.

Thus, in the artistic research, I explore as an exposition, in the subject not whole the art project and not the art production in the connection of current and/or future art projects, as well as with the artists' work of art or/and art project.

The aim of artistic research in this context is for exploring the art vividly, empirically, biologically and transdisciplinary.

The ethics of algorithms: key problems and solutions

Andreas Tsamados · Nikita Aggarwal· Josh Cowls· Jessica Morley· Huw Roberts· Mariarosaria Taddeo · Luciano Floridi

Received: 27 July 2020 / Accepted: 22 January 2021 © The Author(s) 2021


Research on the ethics of algorithms has grown substantially over the past decade. Alongside the exponential development and application of machine learning algorithms, new ethical problems and solutions relating to their ubiquitous use in soci-ety have been proposed. This article builds on a review of the ethics of algorithms published in 2016 (Mittelstadt et al. Big Data Soc 3(2), 2016). The goals are to contribute to the debate on the identification and analysis of the ethical implications of algorithms, to provide an updated analysis of epistemic and normative concerns, and to offer actionable guidance for the governance of the design, development and deployment of algorithms.


Algorithm · Artificial intelligence · Autonomy · Digital ethics · Explainability · Fairness · Machine learning · Privacy · Responsibility · Transparency · Trust


Media theory including media ethics is an important study in any art disciplines in the 21st century.

-> Post -Theodor W. Adorno's


The Video (draft) for representation: The second version in parctical exploring x 2

In the works

- Script

- Dreh/shooting

- Sound recording

- Sound composition/design

- Editing/Mixing




A draft for Olivine–a new notion in a sentence

On topographical reading in plurality

by erika matsunami


Berlin,  2022

-> Re-working the script (changing of artistic techniques)

not using the animation techniques, I work with film techniques (photographic and film montage techniques).

An experimental video between fiction and non-fiction

The reality is that the molecular biology level is invisible in real space. I work on the reality from the "invisible".

Since the Russian military invasion End of February 2022, I have been exploring for the artwork including video work theoretically. -> Theoretical exploring model x 4

I studied in Japan in the1980s including media theory philosophically, as well as in the 1990s in the (West-) Germany, Today I explore it in Philosophy of the Information.

My artistic approach in draft 02 on topological reading in plurality: Between Geometry in Tractatus by Wittgenstein and Topology in the 21st century for aesthetic and ethical.

The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus mentions the subject of aesthetics only one, almost at the end and between brackets. Proposition 6.421 says:


It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.

Ethics is transcendental.

(Aesthetics and ethics are one.)*


 *Ludwig Wittgenstein Architect, Paul Wijdeveld, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994 p. 183


Thought and Mind:


What is difference between thought and mind?

As nouns the difference between thought and mind

is that thought is form created in the mind, rather than the forms perceived through the five senses; an instance of thinking while mind is the ability for rational thought.

Are thoughts mind?
In this view, thoughts include only nonsensory mental attitudes, such as judgments, decisions, intentions and goals. These are amodal, abstract events, meaning that they are not sensory experiences and are not tied to sensory experiences. Such thoughts never figure in working memory. They never become conscious.

Formally, let X be a set and let τ be a family of subsets of X. Then τ is called a topology on X if:

  1. Both the empty set and X are elements of τ.
  2. Any union of elements of τ is an element of τ.
  3. Any intersection of finitely many elements of τ is an element of τ.

Golden ratio in Wittgenstein's


R is an interpreted language; users can access it through a command-line interpreter. If a user types 2+2 at the R command prompt and presses enter, the computer replies with 4.

R supports procedural programming with functions and, for some functions, object-oriented programming with generic functions.[28] Due to its S heritage, R has stronger object-oriented programming facilities than most statistical computing languages.[citation needed] Extending it is facilitated by its lexical scoping rules, which are derived from Scheme.[29] R uses S-expressions to represent both data and code.[citation needed] R's extensible object system includes objects for (among others): regression models, time-series and geo-spatial coordinates. Advanced users can write C, C++,[30] Java,[31] .NET[32] or Python code to manipulate R objects directly.[33]

- Object-oriented programming (OOP)


- Generic function

In computer programming, a generic function is a function defined for polymorphism.