Notion of the Environment between Western and Non Western in the arts: -> in the language and its communication was a traditional way -> between tradition and modernity
In the choreography, deduction of decoration, I mention that refers to "adjective" (expression) in the choreographical sentence (semantics). i.e. in the traditional Japanese Dance-Theater choreography is Interjection, which we can see in the ballet in the Western culture. It calls the expression of spirit, was a symbolic expression, it depended on the literature and mise-en-scène, i.e. abstract, impressive, expressive and so on, that was created in terms of metaphor together with the music composition.
On Formalism and Semi-formalism in which has the connection with the notion of Takemitsu's in-between Western and Non-Western from the aspect of Japanese Tradition.
What is Rhetoric? and its gap in the digital age?
What is Nonsense in terms of Wittgenstein?
in the context of art and philosophy
In the theoretical exploring, I attempt to explore from the two perspectives of knowledge, one is from my life experience which is based on my cultural contexts of Western and Non-Western languages. Another one is from the theories, in doing so, I will deal with contradiction in the research context.
Between Dehumanization and Humanization, between Anthropocene and Naturalization, between control and phenomenological being, between notion and phenomenal being, between inhabit and habit, and so on, ...
In the theses Brain-Mind: From neurons to Consciousness to Creativity by Paul Thagard, OUP, 2019, Thagard started to explore Human intelligence in chapter 1 "What Are Minds?", that is the same direction of my artistic research, 2016 I have been exploring specific, probably, I have been exploring since 1990 or before. Because of the Traditional Japanese Arts, they had described in this way of diversity.
One of important Japanese researcher is Dr. Takeshi Youro (養老孟司)
In-Between of Western and Non-Western culture
-> Transversal aesthetics
If it is possible, I would like to reach on the topics of contradicition, paradox, and so on.
In Wittgenstein, it is propositions in Latin.
-> simplex sigillum veri -> simplicity is the sign of truth
It was for "naturalization", not rationalization.
Wittgenstein's Aesthetics and Ethics:
"It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.
Ethics is transcendental.
(Ethics and aesthetics are one.)"
Wijdeveld, Paul, Ludwig Wittgenstein Architect, Cambrige, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press MIT Press, 1994 p. 183
Additionally, I explore feminist logic, i.e. Hildegard von Bingen (She studied natural medicine), and others in terms of today's queer study
Hildegard von Bingen had respected the relationship (love) with the same sex (homosexual). The woman was not the role of chaste wife under the man and not the role of the mother in the family, was a person independently and naturaly.–Liberalization from sexism, after modernism, was explored by Simone de Beauvoir, she mentioned, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.". – educationally.
A man lusts for a woman (automatically)" is animalistic and human nature.–That is wrong. In modern society, it is "superstition."
Human reason is natural aesthetically, and that is humans naturalization in the environment.
-> The issue of the art representational theory in the context of idealism must be good ethically, the question is always is for good and its morality such as taboo. Thereby, art is an ethical model, must be good. Or it is a model that can be considered critically. However, at which level? Does art have to be some kind of ideology? In today's society, we can think by each individual and we can make a decision by ourselves.
Why does art have to be a position of preaching that includes moraic duty as the common sense?