I chose the VR medium and the research question “How can adults look at a child and see an enemy?” as the starting point for this artistic research project. The goal is to build on the experience I have gained of designing meaningful, emotionally charged interaction while using the most expressive and most immersive medium to date. The aim is to help the participants exploring the VR experience to understand how such a bias is created and spread, so that they might prevent the development of similar social mechanisms in the future.


Since we started in 2018, this artistic exploration has led to the development of four consecutive VR concepts.


These four concepts can be studied in more detail under the cloches on the kitchen table.


The development process has taken place over a five-year period that has also seen a rapid development and maturing of the VR medium, which in part can be recognised in the concepts.


My experience of the developments within VR and interactive experiences can be studied in the text “Interactive Experiences” in the library.


The following texts describe the evolution of my thinking while working on these concepts, with an epilogue summing up the explorative development process.