here and not-yet

and what’s happening here,


in the here that carries the percolation of a moment 3 years ago in the here

the field emerging feels pulls-catapulting its own becoming into itself

attending to the appetitions activat[ing] now,


The disorientation is necessary

because [...]then you will no longer

be in one location moving forward

to another. Instead you will already

be part of the movement of things


-Moten & Harney, The Undercommons

do not underestimate

what's going on and alive

maybe not be solidified yet

Radical Pedagogy (on learning as knowledge creation)

Perhaps the radical in a radical pedagogy is not in the search for ‘what’ is radical, but the search for ‘where’ learning happens? And when?

A political statement to take and give knowledge-thinking back into the world.

attention, attention where,


attention here, Us

start with what's already here, Us

attending to the appetitions activat[ing] now,

We just couldn’t see it,  we were so busy


as it’s happening here -

what is happening as it’s happening.

what’s happening here,

with our bodies, the existing the environment, architectural forces and even the weather

and what’s happening here,

in the here that carries the percolation of a moment 3 years ago in the here

a here and now full of percolations

and here,

a here that is full of what’s yet to become

where value is still in the forming.


rather than continuously cutting learning off in the name of what we’ve decided, in advance of our coming together,

What is left unheard?

“Refuse to call the class to order,”


with our bodies, the existing environment, architectural forces and even the weather

who is doing the teaching and who is doing the learning

if we don’t pre-program  

where value is still in the forming.

if we don’t pre-program

Us, the participants-environment

in an unknown terrain that detonates an acceleration to attend to


now and NOW,

attending to the appetitions activat[ing] now,

in this ineffable undertow in experience

full of inklings which reside below the threshold of actual perception.

now and not-yet

here and not-yet encompassing what it cannot quite articulate


yet, we refuse the call to order

putting us all in-relation-with an on-going process which emerges in the doing, and merges with making.

in this ineffable undertow in experience,

with our bodies, the existing the environment, architectural forces and even the weather

now -

These live ecologies filled with immanent editing highlight ‘What else have we not yet learned to do together?

We just couldn’t see it,            there        

                     Where What is left unheard

universes of values

something gifted forward collectively where the process is durational and vibratory

now,   an actual occasion  i s   h a p p e n i n g


           5 o’clock is happening     s o m e w h e r e

now,  an occasion actualizing  s o m e w h e r e

at 5 o’clock an occasion actualizes

an occasion actualizes into a 5 o’clock

many 5 o’clock moments are together in
                            an actual occasion
now, an actual occasion is  e v e n t i n g
                                      s o m e w h e r e

a durational something                              in  between     where process is gifted forward


                                               forward where the process is

a durational field a vibratory field a vibratory encounter

                       a vibratory encounter to
 a collectivity to activate





                                   creating a vibratory field for an encounter to activate

whole-holding invitations - spirallingly so

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Entering into emergent collectivities

How to start with what's already here - Us, the participants-environment.

Welcome to a Senselab activation.


These workshops focus on improvisation to activate ecologies of attention, with our bodies, the existing environment, architectural forces and even the weather, to foreground a thinking-feeling-making event.


As a network of artists and academics, writers and makers, from a wide diversity of fields, we are working together at the crossroads of philosophy, art, and activism.The SenseLab's event-based projects are collectively self-organizing. Our aim is to experiment with creative techniques for thought in the act. The SenseLab's product is its process, which is meant to be gifted,most recently through a series of activations calledKnots of Thought and Movements of Thought that explore emergent collectivity at the threshold of becoming.


We've been questioning our tendencies to plan in advance. We've tried to move away from the pre-choreographed so we can learn to tend to what’s immanent in the process, to what’s happening as it’s happening. If we don't pre-program we are left with a kind of unknown terrain that detonates an acceleration to attend, putting us all in-relation-with an on-going process which emerges in the doing, and merges with making.


Perhaps the workshop will start to care for the accidents, the eventfullness of failures, and for what is ‘working’ in the work.


                                                                                                                                           ---------------- A close  up


How it works: The event generates knots big enough to weave in multiple emerging movements - in the act of becoming words, text, sound, and dance, and for material objects to transmute into choreographed sculptures, meals in the making, or into places to rest and spaces to inhabit.


When it works: The event generates movements thatsocialize distance, inviting durations long enough to  resound with disorganized harmonies across relational fields.

“Refuse to call the class to order,”


with our bodies, the existing the environment, architectural forces and even the weather

in this ineffable undertow in experience

full of inklings which reside below the threshold of actual perception

traces of conversations and co-compositions for thinking the eventing field 

in the act of becoming words, text, sound, and dance, and for material objects to transmute into choreographed sculptures, meals in the making, or into places to rest and spaces to inhabit

what if the work of a living issue is no longer 'about' precarity or even attuning to its qualites of experience.

what if the work is now  'after precarity', in the similar way we have activated After Lygia Clark.

what if we move towards a collective rethinking (and remaking) of what a precarity can do. compose with the aftermath of it's qualities of experience. 

maybe this is why there has been an emergent exploration around therapeutic, therapeutic objects and philosophical inquiries exploring the therapeutic? 

what is left unheard?

now and NOW,

full of inklings which reside below the threshold of actual perception.


is this the appetite for an emerging ecology?



here and not-yet

How to tend with what is already moving....




in the act of becoming words, text, sound, and dance, and for material objects to transmute into choreographed sculptures, meals in the making, or into places to rest and spaces to inhabit

again and again

feeling the ways to enter a live ecology

now, and again now,

and again now

feeling for the edges of the thickness

feeling the edges of the thickness thicken

starting with what's already here - Us, the participants-environment

To move from individual  p r e [-] c a r [e] i t y  to collective METAsTABILITY


through invitations that create rhythms to enter, to begin in the middle, rhythms to think with and through (rhythms to move with and through  (rhythms that are the act (i[n]vation, act act-ing act architecting actitechting techniques --- ?techniques for tending, for (whole)holding?

                       <<(pre-procedure for the threshold) - invent a rhythm >>

                        porosityinterchanging spectator audience listener and responder

somethere [i love this word!] where people can be part of both or more than one group                            creating an enabling ecology that can shift and transduce in, out, and between


enabling an ecology where people can be part of

both      [or]      more  

                       somethere [i love this word!] where it isn’t

one      [or]      the other,

                                             where thinking-feeling

                                                                      can shift and transduce in, out and between

(such mobility breeds multiplicity, such multiplicity activates the event)


                                                                                                                 anyone can say C U T

                        Anyone can C/LEAVE


                                                                                                            the procedure remains intact

                                                                                                            -- - - spirallingly so.


                                     there is room for pauses and multiple re emergents (spiralling multiplicities)


                                                                                               nothing is pre-choreographed   


                        Anyone can LEAVE


                             there are no pre-assigned landing sites or assumed ‘trajectories’ of movement


The invitation can again re emerge - and what appears to be an end  - pauses

into a  has just transformed into a refrain - in a rhythm of a different scale  

an alternative invitation to    e  n  d    to    


                         << endtroduce yourself  >>


                                                  endtroductions -- refrains

The minor gesture:  techniques for [w]hold[e]ing the space         


The subtle gesture foregrounds

                 how the smallest shifts can produces waves of affective tonalities


                        A [w]HOLE IS VERY DIFFICULT TO HOLD IN PLACE

The subtle gesture foregrounds

     how the smallest shifts can produces waves of affective tonalities

            holding the sp{ace} and a holding in pl{ace} are very different

                           somethere where it isn’t

one      [or]      the other,



                                enabling an ecology where thinking-feeling

                                             can shift and transduce in, out and between



a falling away somethere for emergent space in the middle  


To move from individual  p r e c a r i t y  to collective METAsTABILITY

Holding / wholing  




                     t  h  i  s     s p a c e


the world is always joining and separating so the opposite of a sphere

and so a cleaving happens altering the environment


biospshere - bioscleave


Pieces of wood connected among themselves, with the spaces between them so that when the waves crash upon them, they will remain afloat. It is only so, with this ru- dimentary structure, that those aboard the raft may float and maintain them- selves. As such, “when the questions are brought down, we do not tighten the rows, we do not bring the logs together – to constitute a fixed platform. On the contrary; we keep nothing except that which from the project connects us.” Such is the primordial importance of the bonds and the way they are connected, and of the equidistance of the logs. “It is necessary that the bonds be sufficiently loose, but they must not undo themselves.”3 I would say, while abusing the formula, that it is necessary that the bond be sufficiently loose so that it may not undo itself. The raft, as Deligny carries on, is not a barricade. However: “With what’s left of the barricades, one could build rafts...” 

. . . . . . . .towards fabulation

the descending of naval's force