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Timeline Reading Instructions


Welcome to the timeline of my research project. It goes chronologically from the left to the right and is shaped as a sine wave. To fully understand the project, I recommend that you start from the top left and then read/listen/see it from the left to the right. The texts below the sine wave shaped timeline link to different reflections and various texts. The texts above the sine wave link to different musical examples, such as concerts, studio recordings, and rehearsals. But since this project is based on structure, documentation, and improvisation, I would say that my research has become fragmentary. This in the sense that I know how to work, that I have my frames, but I never know what to expect and what to discover. Due to this, you can also start anywhere in the timeline and improvise your way through. This I can recommend whenever you want to return for a second reading.


So why a sine wave? This is a process-based work where things slowly move not only forward but in many directions at the same time. More like a spiral or a sine wave than a straight line.


I see my artistic process as a movement in spirals, where I all the time repeat something – catching something reliable, at the same time as it converts and changes at each recasting of the material. Goes on and becomes something new.1 


1:Sandell, S. (2013) På insidan av tystnaden, en undersökning. Göteborgs Universitet


