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Nikki Robson

We are each a myriad of selves enclosed in individual bodies. Constantly in flux, adapting and reacting to the impressions around us, only vaguely aware of the alchemy operating within.


Much like any external creation, the creation of yourself is a process, an ever evolving thing. The version you present today mightn’t be the version you want to present a year from now. Identity transforms, its labels grow outdated, the physical body that so much of identities dictations rely on is nothing more than a host for that alchemy inside. 


The more I explore the key themes in the artwork I make the more confused I become, because pinning it all down into a couple of words or just one selected sequence of pictures seems so final. But, in actuality, these are the photos I’m taking today, the themes that matter most right now. The self and how it transpires into all we do, the process.