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Alma Silva

Voyeur Dialogues

Future capitalism

I feel like the documenting of our digital selves has reached a fever pitch, and capitalism has responded by commodifying our image and selling it back to us. This commodification of the self I feel also extends to the art world.

I visited a space, “IKONO” in Madrid, opposite the contemporary art museum. It’s name translates in English to “icon”. It was one of the many ‘selfie’ museums cropping up all around the globe, frequented predominantly by women, where we become the art. The impact of this digital ego being the centrepiece of so many spaces should not be underestimated.

Stereotypes Refuse to Die Out

Unconscious Archive

These pictures represent my understanding of the struggles women face in the workplace and aim to ask the following questions:

Does my makeup mask my real feelings?
Why must I paint myself like a clown?
Does my vagina define my role?
Am I good at cleaning because I’m a woman?
Is it my role to serve?
Do I have to give up my dreams to fulfill my role as a baby maker?

I feel like every day, our society is changing and unconsciously it is shaping a different future.

It feels like we are going through a sexual revolution which means the language we’ve used to describe our gender is changing, along with the role of women.

This shared experience has pushed women together, a collaboration like this one that has brought new ideas to fruition.

Being pushed aside because of gender, I think has forced many women to be resourceful and to create novel ways to express themselves outside the borders of mainstream society.