How can I create a perfromative moment about the passing of time, using light as a performer?

Kairos, also known as "the god of the right moment". Until the end of the 16th century, this mythical god of time continued to captivate the imagination of many a philosopher, theologian, physician or poet, because Kairos was the time that mattered, offered opportunities or made a breakthrough. He represented all those passionate moments of beauty, insight and determination that make life special.


Chronos stands for continuity, an old man with a long beard and an hourglass in his hand, after all, this is about time being measured. The time with which we organize the world. An hour can crawl by or rush by, accelerate or slow down, as required. But on the clock every hour will be the same as the other hour.


This year I’m searching for my own definition of Kairos. I work through playing with: the passing of time, and light and create small performances.



Collection recreation of sun light or natural reflections





Chronos and Kairos Cafe 

Collection of talks about time translated in small performances