David Kamp | DE |
The world’s biodiversity is in constant decline. As a result of the current climate crisis, natural habitats tend to become more and more silent. One day there might be nothing but silence left. David Kamp’s multichannel spatial sound composition Mimicry simulates an artificial soundscape of hundreds of imaginary creatures; every creature's sound has been designed from scratch using musical instruments and digital sound synthesis. Combined, these individual creatures’ calls and articulations turn into massive choruses, mimicking the dense and constantly changing sonic characteristics of bio-diverse environments such as the rainforests of the world. https://www.studiokamp.com/mimicry/
David Kamp is an award-winning sound artist, composer, field recordist, and sound designer. Recent sound art commissions: Bauhaus Foundation, Smithsonian Institute, Schinkel Pavillon. Recent solo exhibition: Art Date Bergamo (IT) with Ed Atkins. Through his Berlin-based studio, David collaborates with visual artists, animators, companies, galleries, NGOs, and cultural institutions worldwide.