Video excerpt from the performative installation "Heute wird Morgen Gestern sein" (today will be tomorrow’s yesterday)



1. Photo credit: Ariane Trümper

1. Joslin McKinney and Scott Palmer (2017) Scenography Expanded: An Introduction to Contemporary Performance Design (Performance and Design). Joslin McKinney, Scott Palmer, and Stephen A. Di Benedetto (eds.). Methuen Drama

2. Karen Barad (2003) Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter. in: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol 28, issue 3. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Tim Ingold (2013) Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture. London & New York: Routledge

4. Rachel Hann (2018) Beyond Scenography. London & New York: Routledge

5. Gaston Bachelard (2014) The Poetics of Space: Gaston Bachelard. London: Penguin Classics; Reprint Edition


media artist I scenographer



is a Rotterdam-based (expanded) scenographer, media artist, and researcher. Her work is situated on the intersection between spatial design, performance and media art, researching perceptive and performative processes filtered through our bodies and technologies. Ariane is the course leader of the MA programme Scenography at the University of Arts in Utrecht (HKU) and member of the research group Platform Scenography.

In her work, she is researching the experience of space, specifically of spaces created through technological developments, such as the camera. An expansion of the concept of time-space has happened with the invention of live image- and sound-reproducing technologies and infrastructures (such as cameras, audio recorders, the internet). Ariane is interested in making aware of this expansion and curious about what impact this expansion has on humanity. She understands the different concepts existing around space(-time) as narrative tools, consciously and (un-)consciously shaping our lives. They have been and are still implemented and being performed, shaping a certain ‘image’ of ourselves. They have substantial political, social and ecological impact on our world. Ariane is doing artistic research (Lectoraat Expanding Artistic Practices, HKU Utrecht) in this topic, searching for transdisciplinary connections and explorations.