
JULIKA GITTNER, United Kingdom

architect I landscape architect I researcher I visual artist



practices and teaches across the disciplines of art and architecture. Her sculpture, performance, sound and video works explore the social role of art and architecture and have been shown internationally.

She is a design fellow in architecture at the University of Cambridge since 2010 and is currently undertaking an AHRC-funded practice-based PhD in Fine Art and Architecture at Reading and Cardiff University that explores the use of sculpture as counter-evidence in protest.


1. Photo credit: Julika Gittner

1. Peter Blundell Jones (2005) Architecture and Participation. Peter Blundell Jones, Doina Petrescu, and Jeremy Till (eds.) London: Routledge

2. Kenny Cupers and Markus Miessen (2012) Participation and/or Criticality? Thoughts on an Architectural Practice for Urban Change. in: The MIT Direct Press: Thresholds 2012, issue 40, pp.105-112.

3. Jonas Staal (2018) Propaganda (Art) Struggle. in: e-flux Journal 2018, issue 94. Available at: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/94/219986/propaganda-art-struggle

4. Oliver Marchart (2019) Conflictual aesthetics: artistic activism and the public sphere. Berlin: Sternberg Press

5.  Larne Abse Gogarty (2017) Usefulness’ in Contemporary Art and Politics. in: Third Text vol.31 issue 1, pp. 117-132, DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2017.1364920