AGENDA 2020/21

The initial group started in January 2020 with multi-disciplinary discussions and propositions on the social impact of space(s) in our society to be able to define certain strategies dealing with the multi-layered meanings of space in the mediatised every day and the arts.

Every member provided a bibliography, mirroring the most important media productions, tools, literature, performances (etc.) in his or her respective field.

The group has held 16 online meetings since the initial gathering. Every meeting was dedicated to a subject from current practices within the group and documented on a slack-page.

The group also had planned two mini-symposia with SIG members at ZKM, the Centre for Media Arts and Technology Karlsruhe and the Greenwich University of London, but due to Corona AND Brexit, these had to be postponed.

In March 2021 SIG started to create the RC page.

On April 7th, 2021, Gerriet K. Sharma reported on the development of the SIG at the 12th International Conference on Artistic Research in Vienna hosted by mdw.


During 2020 members created several RC pages dealing with different interdisciplinary spatial practices within the group.

One exhibition was handed in for review and is part of issue #24 of JAR.

Beyond the Visual - A research curriculum for explorations in spatiotemporal environments tries to foster interdisciplinary spatial exploration for young architects.


The main goal for 2021 is the official call within SAR asking everyone working in the field to outline and sharing their specific approaches with one or two examples from their own artistic- or practice-based research — focusing on specific spatial practices.

The Group's intention is to build a network of RC exhibitions on spatial practices within the Research Catalogue and to provide an index of the different spatial concepts at work and in use within SAR linking all kinds of space-related activities.


There were two academic seminars derived from the group last semester: "Auditive and Visual Perception of Space in Virtual Environments" at the Department of Media Theory TU Berlin and at the Department of Architecture HCU Hamburg (Günzel, Thiering, Sharma)

and a lecture on The situation of space in contemporary media art environments at new Media Seminar, Aalto University Helsinki (Miltiadis, Sharma).


In summer 2021 there has been an exhibition on an Artistic Research project with vacant buildings at Errant Sound Berlin, curated by Janine Eisenächer, supported by the SIG and already archived with a RC page.


The group is currently planning a joint book publication with keynote texts on spatial practices from the fields of media theory, linguistics, music, architecture and performance with intermediary chapters that are either being developed interdisciplinarily or will consist of interviews.

For this purpose, we want to interview mainly practitioners from the context of SAR.