



A word pass does not stand only for access. It also means to decline of doing something else.

So, now when 'we' have pointed out the obvious fact of user being responsible... or at least complicit... and not at all coerced into using, 'we' can officially proclaim that:

You've been succesfully trained in the protocol of entering

...and in the procedure of accepting of the protocol.

the main rule of user is: "to be the user is also, always, to be the used".

(words of Wendy Hui Kyong Chun from Control and Power: Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics; Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008.p 28 used by Precarity Lab on in Technoprecarities, Goldsmiths Press, 2020. p 34)


                                          now, let's move on.